ChApTeR tWeNtY sIx

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    I can feel Jungkook's body trembling underneath me as I continuously pin him to the desk, his bound wrists attempting to break free to no avail.
    My eyes periodically move up to meet Hosoek's as he stares at us completely transfixed and obviously aroused. He keeps shifting in his seat, fanning himself and clearing his throat.
     I reach out to grasp Jungkook's chin, forcing his head up and licking his ear seductively. My gaze focused on my boss across from us. "Got something you want to say?" I rasp, trailing my tongue down my fiancé's neck and biting down.
     He groans and tightens around me, shivering with need and shame. This is so completely wrong but at the moment I'm too into the mood to care. What I said to Jungkook was very much true. I wanted someone to walk in on us—to witness how he belongs to me.
     Sure, I didn't think it would be Hoseok but I'm not complaining. Better him than many others here at the company and I know he can keep this a secret.
     Still meeting my eyes, Hoseok slowly gets you and saunters over to us. He slides a finger down the sweat on Jungkook's bare chest as I begin to slowly thrust inside once more.
     Hoseok nearly stifles a moan, sighing. "I was right."
     "About?" I ask, quickening my pace just a bit, my hips slapping loudly against Kookie's plump ass. He whines between us, panting and spreading his legs further apart for me.
     " two are simply beautiful together. I knew you would be." He smiles widely.
     Smirking, I pull out and flip my baby onto his back on the desk, his head hanging low on the opposite side. Right in front of Hoseok's crotch.
     Something comes over me. Something dark and seedy. Filthy and dominant. I want this to go farther.
     Jungkook looks up at me as if reading my mind. His thoughts possibly reflecting my own. I nod once and he shudders, reaching out and shakily unzipping Hoseok's pants.
     The other man's eyes widen in surprise as his hard dick is pulled out and slapping against Jungkook's face.
    "Do you want him to suck you off while you watch me fuck his ass?" I ask bluntly. My voice low and sure and fully in control.
     Hoseok stares at me for a long moment not speaking. I can visibly see him behind to shake. "Y-yes."
     Jungkook moans and begins lapping at the tip of his cock, driving his tongue inside. Grasping his thighs, I slam back inside so hard the movement causes Jungkook to deep throat his cock and both men shout out.
     I don't stop. Fuck. Such a turn on. Weird. I would have thought I'd hate seeing him do this to anyone else this situation...doing it together...somehow makes it okay. It's hot.
     "Ohh fuck. Fuck! So good...Mhmm.." Hoseok grabs Jungkook's head and forces him to take his cock deep in his throat, thrusting back and forth. Taking us from both holes.
     I feel my climax mounting and, chest pounding, I cry out, filling his ass with hot sticky cum.
     Jungkook groans around Hoseok's length and releases on his stomach. I run my fingers through the mess before holding them up to Hoseok who moans and licks them clean without hesitating, spilling his own seed in Jungkook's mouth.
     Heavy panting is all that's heard in the silent room. Our hearts racing and pleasure finally sated.
     I pull out slowly and admire my handiwork on his hot little hole. Red and swollen, dripping with my seed.
     Jungkook lays shivering and recovering on the desk, legs splayed open without a care.
     Hoseok catches sight of his abused hole and moans, moving over to kneel down between his legs. I blink in surprise as he presses his face right up to his hole and begins licking my cum from his ass. Holy fucking shit! I didn't think he was kinkier and dirtier than us...he looks so pristine and pure for such a filthy shameless act.
    Tension returns to us all and I feel my erection filling once more. Gasping, I grab a hand full of Hoseok's hair and shove his head back into Jungkook's spread ass. "You fucking dirty whore. You like eating my cum out of ass, don't you? You better get every drop."
     He moans, nodding and literally sucking on his hole, lapping it all up. Jungkook's pants turn to loud moans as his hips buck and his cock fills out onto his stomach.
     I reach over and stroke it as we both watch his ass get eaten. "I...J-Joonie..." He cries out, sensitive and overwhelmed. "I need..."
     This is far out of any of our control now. Completely chaotic and delicious and downright fucking nasty.
     And I'm living for every second of it. I can tell the other two are as well. Jungkook's bound wrists wiggle underneath him as he lifts his feet onto the desk to thrust into my tight fist.
     He meets my eyes. "I want to fuck you, too. Please." He's breathless but it's filled with more than just love or lust. It's need. His need to claim me just like this too with an audience of sorts. I'll give that to him. It's fair. It's equal. Just like I want us to be.
    Lowering my head for just a moment, I nod. Shoving Hoseok out of the way with a amusing snort, I begin stripping off my somehow still perfectly pressed shirt and pants. Going slow—giving both men a little show. Their eyes show hunger and desire as they linger on my body.
     Hoseok visibly gulps. "C-can I touch you, too? Just once..."
     I look at Jungkook for his permission. He nods, smiling a bit. "Alright."
     He climbs off the floor and eagerly touches my chest, rubbing his hands down my toned pecs and abs, helping me shove down my pants until I'm naked except for my now unbuttoned shirt openly draped over my shoulders.
     They decide they want me to keep the shirt on. I can do that.
    Grinning, I unbind Jungkook's wrists and he rubs the pain out of them, grimacing a bit.
    With a bout of revenge, he pushes me  face down on the desk and slaps my ass hard making me grunt and bite my tongue. I taste blood. He uses the same tie to secure my wrists behind me back and lifts my shirt up to bind my arms for added measure.
     I chuckle rather darkly. "Is that really necessary, baby?"
     "Shut up." He slaps my ass again, teasingly spreading me open to the cold air. I shiver, my sweat long since dried and cold on my skin.
     I turn my head, watching as Jungkook glances at Hoseok. "Prepare him for me?"
      Hoseok nods, breath catching as he meets my anticipative gaze. His hands groping and massaging my ass before exposing my flexing hole and timidly licking it.
     I moan, shuddering as Jungkook rounds the desk and rubs his cock all over my lips. I open wide and take him fully into my mouth, his balls hitting my chin as I choke on his salty taste.
     My legs weaken and tremble as I struggle to hold myself up to the onslaught coming from both sides. Hoseok loudly slurps and sucks on my hole, adding two then three fingers deep inside and spreading me open for my fiancé.
     I feel Jungkook swell in my mouth as he pulls away. Gripping my chin tightly, he raises my head and forcibly takes my mouth, his tongue invading and swallowing my moans and cries of pleasure as my spot is abused over and over again.
     Cum bursts from my cock as I try to catch my breath from the unexpected orgasm.
     Hoseok stands back up, groping my ass once more before stepping back. "You fucking taste as good as you look." He admits, wiping his mouth and leaning down to kiss me. I allow it, tasting a bit of myself on his tongue.
      Jungkook takes his place behind me and thrusts in without preamble to t hilt. Taking me aggressively. My body slams against the desk roughly and painfully as Hoseok strokes himself in front of me. His hot breath heavy on my skin as he watches with rapt attention.
      Our moans are loud. The desk squeaks and squeals against the floor as I'm fucked much harder than ever before. Revenge fuck. I love it. God, when did I become such a person as this?
      "You feel so good, baby. I love you so much." Jungkook pants from behind, slamming into me even deeper than I thought possible.
     I gasp, cumming again for the third time today. My ass tightens around him and he fills me up with his own luscious fluids.
     Hoseok moans and presses his cock to my lips, cumming all over my face with heavy breaths.
     The tension leaves the room and peace is left behind. Exhaustion. Groaning, I allow Jungkook to unbind me and help me sit down. He plops down on my lap and cuddles into my chest.
      I kiss his wet salty hair. "I love you."
     "I know. I love you, too."
     I glance up at Hoseok who now seems embarrassed and timid again. He scratches his nose and fixes his pants. "Um...thanks for that, I guess."
     Jungkook huffs out a tired laugh. "You're lucky I like you, Hobi. I'll give you a raise if you never bring this up again—ever." He warns.
     The sunny man smiles cheekily and gives a salute. "Yes, sir." He clears his throat. "As long as you don't ever bring up my dirty little kinks as well." Winking, he walks casually towards the door, refreshed. "I do have a pure image to uphold myself, you know."
      I snort. "I can never look at you the same way again." Feigning disappointment.
      His eyes widen. "You think I can look at you normally again?! Lovely abs for days..." He sighs in longing, eyeing my glistening chest. "I really do love beautiful things." Shaking his head, he walks out, checking to make sure the coast is clear. "I'll make sure no one comes to disturb you so you can clean up. Enjoy your evening!"
      Jungkook yawns, stretching in my lap. "You know...I really do like that guy. Always have. I'm glad I hired him." He sounds satisfied and well sated.
     "Yeah. He's a good guy." I gently lift his chin up and kiss his lips softly. Just a sweet peck. "But don't like him too much. I'd hate to kill him over you."
     His eyes darken and he licks his lips. "Would you? Kill someone over me?" He sounds amused but there's a hint of real honest curiously and maybe self consciousness in it.
     I nod solemnly. "I've made up my mind, Kookie. I won't let anything come between us again. I'm ready to fully take responsibility for this relationship."
     "You...really didn't sleep with Choi?"
     "I didn't."
     He smiles a little. "I was going insane thinking about it." Pouting a little.
    I kiss his pout again. "Well, I almost committed a homicide in the office when I saw that bitch glued to your arm." I growl.
     He looks at me with surprise. "Soha is a nice girl. She was just trying to help me make you jealous." 
     I pause. "Well it worked too fucking much. Let's not play these games anymore, okay? I don't think I can take it."
     "Yeah, me neither." He admits.
     Once more we're dropped into companionable silence. I hold him to my chest for a long while, almost drifting off too sleep. I've been losing too much sleep lately...
     "I'm cold and sticky. Can we please go home and shower?"
     My eyes snap open. I almost forgot where we were. "Oh, yeah. Let's go."
     Getting dressed, I refuse to release his hand the entire way home, proudly displaying our relationship to everyone we pass in the office making Jungkook blush and stammer and avoid eye contact.
     Hoseok winks at me from his office waving us off and I smile back. That cheeky guy. Always so helpful.

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