cHaPtEr TwEnTy EiGhT

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"You aren't stressing, are you? You totally look like you are most definitely stressing." Jin assesses me with a teasing light in his eye.  
     I roll my eyes and ignore him as I continue to hold back the mini freak out meltdown I'm in the process of having.
It's been two months since the whole marriage conversation with Jungkook. I meant every word—truly, I did and still do. It's just...
Now it's real. Really real.
My whole family knows. His family knows. Our friends—past and present—know we're together and getting married. Our company and employees all know as well as our business acquaintances...
Yes, you heard me right. Our company and business acquaintances. Jungkook's father surprised the fuck out of everyone after our official 'fuck you' coming out wedding planning and prepared elopement when he stepped up and added me to his Will and his company name.
He immediately upgraded me from nameless engineer to acting CEO alongside my future husband.
His explanation was plain and simple—he now has two sons and they both need to step up and actively participate in growing the family business and influence.
I always thought he hated me but now that I've been spending more and more time around him and the family...I think he likes me more than his own son. I don't say that proudly to brag, either. Jungkook keeps pouting about it and calling it a betrayal but honestly it just makes me embarrassed and uncomfortable.
Whatever. He also banned us from eloping. Making us vow—contracted—that we'd only marry with everyone important in both our worlds present. Our families and friends have been going crazy with excitement and humor.
Shock from our old classmates came pouring in as well. Most suspected I was gay but not Jungkook. The ones that used to bully me and worship Jungkook just about killed over. Funny. If I weren't so anti social and awkward I'd milk that for all it's worth. Sadly, I'm me and I let the opportunity slip away in silence.
Now it's the day. The Day. The wedding.
I'm panicking. It's real. It's too real. How did I end up here, again? Looking back...I feel like it's all been a blur. I've been standing strong and steady holding Jungkook's hand and being his rock through everything so far...but now the hard outer shell I've created is cracking and leave it to my best friend to be here to gloat and make jokes. Gorgeous asshole.
"I'm not. I'm just trying to hold back my excitement." My teeth are gritted and I clench the sink so hard my fingers go numb.
"Hey." He pulls me around and cups my face, staring into my eyes. "It's okay. You're allowed to be freaked out and panic. You're allowed to worry about the future and where it's all going from here...but you absolutely are not allowed to bolt and run for it...or fuck up your fantastic hair! If you run your fingers through it one more time I'm going to end you, so help me!" His voice and eyes turn cold as he grumbles about wasted hair products.
I wince as he spins me back towards the mirror and begins fixing the mess I've created once more atop my head.
"I love him." Stating the obvious makes me feel better for some dumb reason.
"Yep. You love him and he loves you and he's waiting for your stupid ass to get it together and claim him in front of a million people!"
I feel sick.
It's not the marriage getting to me. It's the crowd. I'm pretty sure everyone in our country is here in attendance. It's not like I'm fucking president or anything. Why? I can't handle the pressure...
The door opens and I glance up into the mirror to see Hoseok grinning widely as he steps forward. "Damn. You look hot. Jungkook won't be able to resist you tonight." He winks.
I flush and look away in embarrassment. Trying not to remember that one weird office experience with him...
He chuckles darkly as if reading my mind. Leading down, he clasps my shoulders tightly, his hot breath hitting my ear. "Just wait until you see your man. You might just die right on the spot."
I groan. "You two are making it worse."
Laughing conspiratorially, they both clap evilly. "Well...I'll give you something to ease your mind a bit. Just before you go and commit yourself for eternity."
I frown at them as they rush towards the door. "I don't need any drugs—"
My words are cut off as they exit and a startled but confident Jungkook is shoved inside my room. The door closed and locked behind him. My jaw drops and all the air leaves my lungs as I take him in.

 My jaw drops and all the air leaves my lungs as I take him in

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He strides to me and takes my hands, kissing my lips. "You doing okay? Not having any regrets, are you?" He actually looks worried and a little nervous.
Shaking my head fiercely, I hug him tightly in my arms. "J-just a little hot." I admit, tugging at the neck of my stuffy suit.
He stands back to admire me. Or mock me. Ugh. I glance in the mirror and observe myself anxiously. Does he really want to marry me?

 Does he really want to marry me?

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      His eyes widen. "Sorry for what?"
      I force my eyes from my annoying reflection. "Sorry I don't measure up to you." I motion towards his perfection. Everyone really will die when they see him. And wonder why he's with me...
     He laughs and it almost sounds hysterical. "What? Are you fucking with me? Kim Namjoon-Ah! You are crazy if you think anyone will be looking at me with you standing in the room. You're so fucking sexy." He growls in my ear.
     I swallow hard. I'm really really...hard. Fuck. This is our wedding. We can't be doing this right now.
     I make the fatal mistake of looking up into his hungry eyes and all logical sense flies out the window.
     Before I can even begin to wonder how it happened—Jungkook is pressed hard against the mirror and his legs are wrapped around my waist as my hands grope his ass, our lips and tongue wrestle in a desperate attempt to eat each other alive...
     I taste him, drinking him in and moan. He's a gasping mess in my arms, both of us sweating and tugging at our suits.
     Pressing my head to his, I struggle to regain control. "We have to wait."
     He looks like he wants to protest but in the end nods in agreement. He gets off me and steps away, running his fingers through his hair. "Yeah. Yeah, I almost lost it there." His eyes run all over me from head to toe several times. "It's really not fair, though."
     Grinning and regaining my confidence, I peck his lips, caressing his hair. "I love you, Jeon Jungkook."
    He snuggles into my arms tightly, resting his head on my chest. "Are you really okay accepting the Jeon name? I don't care to become a Kim."
     He's cute. "Nah, it's fine. It's better for me to take your last name since your family is way more prominent than mine and plus I doubt your father will accept you taking mine."
     "You mean our father, right?" He smiles widely, looking very bunnyish.
     "One in the same." So weird.
     Taking a deep breath, he stands straight and glances at the door. "Ready to get married to your fake lover?"
     I stare after him full of affection and love so strong my heart hurts. "If this love is fake then please continue pretending for the end of time." I sigh.
     He winks. "Not a chance. I can't act very well."
     I step forward and accept his hand, squeezing hard. "Yeah, me either. Both of us suck at acting."
     "I know something else we both suck at..." His voice is suggestive and so is his teasing smirk.
     "Behave please."
     "Fine but I can't promise I won't be naughty tonight..."
     I force back a groan as he opens the door and leaves me for his place at the alter.
     Fuck. I think I can hold back until tonight. Maybe.
     His warm hands and ecstatic smile keeps me from caring about all the eyes on us as we keep our gazes only on each other. No one else matters but this, us.
     I'm so fucking glad Jungkook forced himself back into my life. I'm so glad I didn't back away and run like I wanted to. I'm so fucking glad I took him as a fake lover.
     Let's always keep playing this lovely game of love until the end...
     I love you, my husband and forever partner, Jeon Jungkook.

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