ChApTeR fOuRtEeN

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Perhaps I just made the worst mistake of my young career in the family company but I can't seem to truly regret it as Namjoon's strong warm hand holds steadily to my own.
Neither of us have looked or spoken to the other on the drive back to my house. I know my father has already been informed of the news. I also know he's going to blame Namjoon. It's not his fault. It's mine. I'm weak. Weak when it comes to him.
I never would have wanted that marriage but eventually would have taken it if not for finding the man beside me again. I don't regret that, either. I just hope he feels the same way after tonight.
That meeting wasn't like him. He was harsh and aggressive in his stance. Weird considering he's made it his mission to inform me just how little he wants to do with me. I don't get it.
There's no way he could actually be Don't even hope.
Sighing, I wet my lips and remember the kisses received. Why did he kiss me? He himself said he didn't know but I feel like maybe he's feeling more than he's letting on. Understandable but I just wish he'd talk to me.
"Are you okay?" His low voice breaks the silence.
I almost flinch. "Mhm."
"Listen, Kookie—"
"It's okay." I interrupt in a quiet voice, still unable to look over at him. "You don't have to explain yourself. I just hope you don't regret your decision to help me in the long run."
He hesitates. "I don't."
Finally, I meet his gaze. "Are you sure?"
"...yes. That wasn't right. I'm not the kind of friend that can leave another in need. That guy gave off some serious bad vibes. I don't regret my decision."
I nod. I felt it, too, but still would have looked past it if I had to. Had I been alone without him by my side.
The mansion looms ominously over us as the driver pulls the car around and with great reluctance, we get out. I can almost feel the anger radiating from my father from outside. Like a black cloud hovering in wait. Shit.
Stealing myself, I push inside, dragging Namjoon along with me. Luckily he keeps silent and just follows along.
     As expected, father stands by the window waiting. He doesn't turn to look at me. "Appa."
      He doesn't so much as react. "I didn't think you had it in you to actually go against my wishes like this, Jungkook." He pauses, almost thoughtful as he turns to finally face us. Pondering. His sharp eyes narrow in on Namjoon who stands tall and firm beside me. He slips his hand in mine, squeezing.
      I take it. "Appa, it's not—"
     "You've surprised me. I'm impressed, really. You've been trying to stall this deal for a long time and now you've finally gotten what you wanted. The company clearly means nothing to you compared to your..." He sneers at Namjoon. "partner. Perhaps you don't have what it takes to make this a life long commitment."
      "Are you telling me you would have given up Eomma for the company!" I defend. "Is the company more important to you than her or me, even?"
      He tilts his head thoughtfully. "That's different."
      "No, it's not. I love just like you love. Just because it's not a woman doesn't mean it's not as important."
      Nodding his head, he studied Namjoon once more. "Do you agree, Kim?"
      Namjoon's eyes widen, surprised at being addressed. "Y-Yes, I do, sir. Love is love."
      "Very well. Since you two have worked so hard over this issue then perhaps I will submit to your wishes. So an issue like this never occurs again, I think the best solution is to go ahead and make it official, don't you think?" He smirks.
      I hesitate. He's testing us. I know it. I glance at Namjoon who also looks startled.
     "Official, sir?"
     "Yes, marriage. You two will get married. I will have it arranged within the week. No more investors will harass the Jeon family about such deals and I will fully intrust the company into my son's hands. You're a smart man, Namjoon. I'm sure you understand the implications and burdens that come with becoming a Jeon in such a way." He chuckles lightly.
     I grind my teeth. Holding my breath...
     A soft reply comes from my side. I frown, not hearing it. My father frowns as well.
     "What was that?" He asks, pensive.
     Namjoon clears his throat. "I said okay. I will marry Jungkook."
     Shock courses through me and I snap my head around to stare at him. Is he crazy? He doesn't want this. Why is he doing this? He couldn't wait to get out of our contract but now...if he does this then it changes everything. He can't get out of this. Not with a Jeon. We have a reputation. Divorce is not a possibility. Ever. This is a permanent decision. Documents will be made and...and...
      "Very well. I'll have the preparations started." My father's cold amused eyes land on me. "Now I have a meeting this afternoon for damage control, thanks to this little fiasco. I expect you at the office at five am, Jungkook. Am I clear?"
      A lump in my throat, I nod numbly, unable to speak.
     He leaves soon after.
     I still can't speak up as Namjoon releases my hand and sits down on the couch, putting his head in his hands.
      "Why did you do that? This isn't a simple deal with me, Joon. This is real and serious. Do you get that?"
     He peaks up at me through his hands, looking tired. "I get it."
     Slowly, I approach him and take a seat beside him. "I thought you wanted out? Your contract would be over soon—"
     "Jungkook." He cuts me off, voice deep and calm. Firm yet gentle.
     I swallow hard. "Y-Yeah?"
     "It's me or Choi, right? No other option. If I turned this down...he would force you to accept that bastard, correct?"
      I hesitate. "Yes. Either that or remove me from the company if not disown me."
      He nods thoughtfully. "Then I don't regret it. If it's me or are better off with me."
     I stare at him for a long time. "But this is all just f-fake..."
     He tilts his head to the side to look at me properly. "It's not all fake, Jungkook. I care about you. I love you. That's not fake."
      "Won't this take away your chances of finding a real relationship in the future?" The words feel sour in my mouth.
     He chuckles, sitting back and staring straight ahead. "What real relationship?'re the realest relationship I've ever had. It doesn't have to be completely fake, you know?"
      I don't know what to say to that. "You're really going to marry me? After all the fight you've been putting up..."
      He smiles a little. "That's because I didn't really have a choice. I chose this and therefore I can accept the consequences."
     So I'm a consequence? Great.
     "I'm not forcing you to do this."
     "Never said you were."
     "I don't think I can..."
      He sits up abruptly and before I can finish, he jerks me closer and kisses me. Really kisses me. My eyes close as his tongue teases my lips open. I willingly open myself up to it and groan, a shudder running through my body.
     He pulls back just as quickly as he came. "Stop thinking so much. It's okay."
     I scoff. "Ironic coming from you, Mr. Genius."
     He winks, smiling wide. Dimples temporarily stunning me into silence. "Let's just go with it. I've already accepted so you should, too."
      "Where is the real Kim Namjoon and what have you done with him?" I stammer.
      "I just decided if this is real now then I might as well go all out and try. I've never gotten the chance to court anyone before. I want to do it with you."
      I blush and hate myself for it. "Crazy."
     He winks again. "Crazy for you, Jeon."
     "...just stop, you freak. I'm uncomfortable."
     "You like it."
     "Fuck off, Joon!"
     His eyes turn dark and foreboding. Without warning, he moves. Falling on top of me and pinning my wrists above my head. My eyes widen so much I'm afraid they'll fall out of my head.
     "Let's try that again, Kookie. Shouldn't you be more welcoming to your future husband, hm?" His voice darkens, deepens.
      I gulp. My body turned on beyond measure at the look in his eye. Focused completely on me. "Is this a joke?"
     Grinning, he moves back to his original place. "I'm good, right?"
     I don't move, choosing to remain lying down. I can still feel the weight of him on top of me. "Y-Yeah. You're good."
      Shit. I'm obviously not, though.

Fake Love; NamKookWhere stories live. Discover now