ChApTeR tWeNtY oNe

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    "Ooh, Tae would love this!" Jin grabs the white and gold Gucci sweater off the rack and tosses it to me. I scowl, juggling the massively growing pile of clothes in my arms.
     "Isn't this a little much? Can you even afford all this?" Sighing, I stuff all the expensive brand clothing into the shopping bag.
     He beams. "I got my yearly bonus early and want to get some things for Tae." He explains proudly. "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't spend a little on him?"
     "A realistic one? A little?! I understand wanting to buy him things but this is all going to add up to at least ten thousand dollars, Jin."
     He pauses, a moment of clarity passing over his face. Just when I think he's come to his senses, though, he shakes it off and shrugs. "It's fine. I still have fifteen thousand to save in the bank. I only get this money once a year so I want to take advantage."
     "As much as he would love all this, we both know he wouldn't be happy you wasting all your money on him."
     "I'm not! I told you—I still have plenty to put back in the bank for the future. I can add to it next year."
     "Aren't you getting anything for yourself?"
     "No need. I have everything I need already." He smiles simply.
     Rolling my eyes, I add a pink Gucci sweater to the pile. "For you, from me. Wear it wisely." I warn.
     His face lights up and he jumps into my arms, kissing my face all over. "This is why you are my bestie for life! I love you, Joonie."
     "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah." I push him off me. "Let's grab some food. I'm starving."
     We finish shopping and find a little restaurant close by to sate our hunger. Jin plays on his phone the whole time, texting his boyfriend I presume.
     I text Jungkook but he doesn't reply. I hope he's not still working late because I'm out with Jin. A frown pinches my face as worry takes hold. He would text me back, though. Work or not. 
    "What's wrong? You look like someone spit in your food." He eyes his own plate.
     I grimace at that thought. "Nothing."
    "Is something wrong with Jungkook?" He asks, biting into his sandwich.
    "I don't think so. I'm just waiting for him to text me back."
    "Well...he is the CEO of the company. He's probably busy. He'll get back to you when he can."
     I nod slowly, trying to take his words to heart. "I'm sure you're right."
     We chat idly and talk about work a bit before parting ways. I drive Jin to his car before heading back to Jungkook's home on the opposite side of the city. It's late. Nearing ten o'clock at night when I finally get back.
     Jungkook still isn't home.
     I call his phone again and again but receive nothing.
    Suddenly, my phone lights up with a text from an unknown number. I click it only to see a blurry picture that makes my blood boil. Choi, that cocky asshole, grins through the phone pinning my obviously intoxicated fiancé to the wall of some dark place.
     It looks like a club.
    Cursing, I grab my jacket and dial the number. He picks up quick.
     "Namjoon! So glad you called me so quickly. I have to say I'm impressed by how slutty your little bitch is when intoxicated. I practically have to hold him back from jumping me." He laughs. "Does he think I'm you?"
     I grind my teeth. "Touch him. Fucking try me." I threaten, my hand tightening on the wheel as I drive towards town. "Where the fuck is he?"
     " know the club near the company? We're just having a little party here. He was lonely so I decided to keep him company. He's a wildfire, isn't he? I'm not even gay but...I really want to fuck him right now." He groans. I hear Jungkook's voice mumbling something in the background but can't make it out.
     "Keep your hands off him. I'm coming."   
     "Better hurry or maybe someone else might be cumming first." He hangs up.
     Son of a bitch!
     I knew I needed to be worried. Why the hell didn't he tell me he was going out?! I wouldn't have cared but at least I would know where he is and if he's safe!
     I find the right club and charge inside, lazer focused on the area I saw in the picture. I take a gander at the private back rooms and shove the door open. Choi leans casually against the wall smoking a cigarette, a smirk playing on his mouth.
      I look around and find Jungkook passed out on the sofa. I glare at Seung Hyun. "What did you do to him? His tolerance is high. You fucking drugged him, right?"
     He shrugs nonchalantly. Enjoying all this. "Don't know what you're talking about. The drinks here are known to be much stronger than normal so...who knows."
     I grab his collar and slam him against the wall, growling in rage. "Stay away from him."
     His eyes dance with amusement and a glimmer of mischief. "If I stay away from him...then I can mess with you, right?" His hands wrap around me and squeeze my ass, shocking me. I release him and step back. He laughs. "What if I told you I'm not actually into Jungkook anymore? Maybe I'm fishing for you."    
     "Bullshit. This isn't a game. You can't get either of us."
     He whistles, lifting up his phone and playing a video he took of Jungkook. My fiancé is groaning and rolling on the sofa while Choi holds him down and kisses on his neck.
     I see red.
     He tsks. "Don't throw a fit. It didn't go farther than this."
    "Why are you showing me this then?"
    "Well...between us...we wouldn't want this video to get out, right? For everyone to see what a little whore their CEO is. What a cheater your fiancé is..." He chuckles, pleased with himself.
     I snatch the phone and delete the video.
    "I already backed it up. I'm not stupid. Do as you wish."
    I look up ready to tear his head off when he steps forward, pressing me into the wall. He takes the phone back and places it into his pocket before touching my face.
     I scowl. "Don't touch me."
    "I want to touch you. Let me fuck you and I'll go away. I'll leave Jeon alone and become a shadow in the company. I'll delete the video and everything stops." 
    "'re not even gay. Why would you want to fuck me?" I challenge, annoyed and confused.
    He shrugs. "Just to say I did. I quite enjoy challenges no matter what they are. I could have already fucked Jungkook tonight and no one would be the wiser but that's too easy. You, though..." He eyes me up and down, fire in his eyes. "You. You are a real challenge. Loyal to Jungkook and not fueled by sex like others around you. Too smart and cunning...I like it. I really fucking want you. To be the one to bring you down a few pegs." His voice lowers sensually. "I can make it good for you."
      I scoff. "Tough shit. You can't buy nor persuade me. It's not going to happen."
     He nods. "True but..." He waves the phone again. "I can always threaten you. Blackmail you through Jungkook. Destroy both your lives. Let me have you...and I'll do anything you want."     
     "Careful. You're beginning to sound desperate."
     "Maybe I am. For you."
     He shrugs. "Think what you want. I'm going to give you a week to think about this thing between us. I would choose wisely since this affects Jungkook more than you. It could ruin everything he's worked for." He pauses. "I didn't force those drinks down his throat, you know. He chose this. Chose to challenge me. Chose to betray you."
     I say nothing as he leaves, trailing his hand down my cheek before winking and disappearing out the door. Cursing, I take several deep breaths before grabbing Jungkook off the bed and hurling him over my shoulder.
     He groans but doesn't wake as I carry him to the car and drive us home. I'm pissed and hurt. Why did he do this? Why didn't he talk to me or call me or ask me to come join him? Why did he give in to Choi so fucking easily.  
     I change his clothes and tuck him into bed, knowing with certainty he won't remember anything that happened tonight.
     I would like to keep it that way but with the shit storm coming our way, I doubt I'll be able to keep him in the dark.
      I also know Choi isn't going to let this go so easily. He's got nothing else to do. Luckily for the both of us...I've always been good at playing games and challenges. I'll just have to figure out how to use my brain instead of my body to get out of this mess.

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