ChApTeR fIvE

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    "You're an asshole. I'm not doing this!" I huff, standing up and straightening my black dress shirt. "Find someone else, Jeon." I stalk towards the door—every intention of walking home no matter how long it takes.
     Who the hell does the think he is! Just because we have history doesn't mean shit now. The audacity—
     "I'll fire Jin."
    I stop in my tracks, disbelief coloring my face as I turn to look back at him. "I'm sorry, what?"
      He sighs, shaking his head. "I didn't want it to be like this. I told you—no one else but you can do this. If there is nothing I can give you now then maybe your loyalty to you friend will help me. If you don't do this then I will fire your friend."
     My mouth drops open in shock. I didn't think I could dislike him more but here it is. "You're a fucking prick!"
     "Maybe but I'll do what I have to. Sit back down and let's discuss."
     Hatred is the only thing I can feel for him at this moment. I sit back down. For Jin. He doesn't deserve to get mixed up in my messed up life and he loves his job. I can't be the reason he loses it.
     He studies me. "You...really care about Jin, don't you?"
     A smirk plays along my mouth. "He's my best friend in the entire world. I'd do anything for him. I know he'd do the same for me." Like you used to.
     He stiffens a little before rolling his shoulders and relaxing once more. He pulls out a contract. "You will be my pretend boyfriend for two months. You will do everything a proper boyfriend is supposed to do. You have to make it seem real, do you understand?"
     Scoffing, I read over the contract. "As you said—I've never had any relationships so how the hell do I know what's proper or not? I'm really not the one for this job."
     He hands me a pen. "During this two months time, I will provide for you financially and you will stay with me—"
     "I'm not moving in with you!"
     He quirks a brow. "Weren't you going to move out from your current location anyway?"
     My eyes narrow. "How do you know that? And I want to live alone, not with you!"
     "It's part of the deal." He ignores my questions. "I will keep my end and not fire Jin and when the two months is up, you can move out and do whatever you want. I will promote you and make you head of the entire department for nanotechnology."
     I nearly drop my pen. What? I've coveted that position since I got this job. It would normally take someone at least ten years to get such a high position above all others. "All for being your fake boyfriend?" This doesn't make sense. Why? "You're really that desperate?"
      He smiles. "Sign it."
     I smile back. "Not until you tell me why you want me to do this." I place the pen back down and wait.
     He scowls at me. "As I said, it's about business. There is a top investor looking into our company. The only problem is he only wants to put in the funding if I agree to marry his daughter. My appa wants to agree to his wishes. I do not. I told them I already had someone. They didn't believe me so I gave them the only thing I had of any personal—pictures. Of us. I told them you were my boyfriend. They want to meet you to confirm my story. Just go with it."
     "Why do you even still have pictures of us?"
     "That's not the point. That's why it has to be you. It can't be anyone else, obviously. They'd know I'm lying."
     "Your appa knows about our past friendship." Duh.
     "Yes and we were close enough that he was inclined to believe we were more than friends. I convinced him. Two months then you can be free."
      Giving him a long suffering sigh, I sign the stupid document and toss it back at him. I get up. "There. I'm going home now."
      He gets up as well, grabbing my arm as I open the door to leave. "You have to stay here starting tonight. My father is home. He wants to speak with you. Be convincing."
      I gape at him. "Are you serious?! Right now! No. I'm exhausted and want to go home."
     He doesn't relent his grip but his expression softens. "Fine. You can go to bed now and speak with him and our investor in the morning. He will be coming over for breakfast. He also wants to meet you. He's bringing his daughter."
     My shoulders slump down in defeat. "Jungkook—"
    "Kookie." He interrupts. "Never call me anything else but Kookie. Like you used to."
     "Kookie." I test out the word very softly.
     His grip loosens his grip. "I'll show you to our room."
     It takes me a moment to realize what he said as he leads me up the stairs and down the hall. "Hold up—our room? As in—we share a room?"
      He rolls his eyes. "Yes. As my long time boyfriend you wouldn't sleep in a different room, would you? We used to share a bed all the time."
      "Yeah but that was before—we were kids. I want my own room."
     "Haven't you shared a bed with Jin?"
    "Why are you so interested in my relationship with Jin?" I retort. Avoiding the question. Of course Jin and I have shared a bed many times. Especially before Taehyung came along.
      "Treat me the way you treat him only better. A boyfriend comes above a best friend."
     "Uh, that is not correct." Is he stupid?
     He huffs, finally showing his own annoyance. He opens the door we stop in front of and urges me inside. I stare around at the overly lavish furniture and huge bed.
     "Why the hell do you need a California King bed anyway? It's just you."
     He chuckles. "Who said it's always just me?"
     I blush, catching his meaning. Great. I turn away from him in embarrassment.
     He observes me. "Don't tell me...Joonie, are you still a virgin?" He actually sounds legit shook.
     I curse in my head. "Not your business." And don't call me that tone.
     I walk over to the bed and sit down, feeling extremely uncomfortable and nervous in here, with him.
     My head is down staring a hole in the floor as he moves around so when he finally comes to sit on the bed, I look up, surprised to see him in only a pair of black silk boxers.
     "What the hell, Jungkook!"
     "What? This is how I sleep...or would you rather I sleep naked?" He teases.
     I scoff, scooting away from him. "I'd rather you go away. I don't fucking care how you sleep."
     "You've gotten cuter, Joonie. You used to be so adorably nerdy've definitely grown into your full potential."
     "I have no idea what you're talking about and don't worry about my fucking 'potential'."
     He lays back against the headboard, resting his arm behind his head. I feel his eyes on me and sense he's showing off. Why? I don't care what he looks like. It's almost like...he's trying to impress me or something. Ha. No way.
     "You're sleeping fully dressed? Get comfortable or you'll never relax."
     I scowl in the dim light, ignoring him as I lay down on top of the blankets fully dressed. I keep myself turned away from him and close my eyes.
     He moves a little closer to me, his hand pressing down on my hip. I flinch as his grip tightens. I feel his hot breath on my ear as he leans down. "If they come in here they will know I'm lying if they see you like this."
     I open my mouth to protest or bitch—whichever—but freeze up when he forces me over and begins unbuttoning my shirt.
     I shove his hands off me. "What the hell are you doing?! D-don't touch me!"
    He doesn't relent. Smirking, he somehow manages to jerk my shirt off and toss it to the floor. His eyes appraise my chest to my abs. "Wow, Joonie. You work out? I didn't take you for the physical exertion type."
     I sit up, growling and crossing my arms over my chest. "Fuck off, Jeon. What I do with my body is none of your goddamn business."
     He actually looks upset. "Actually as my boyfriend it is my business. You signed your body over to me, remember?"
     "I did no such thing! If you think me being your pretend boyfriend means anything other than fake showy affection to your appa and stupid investor then you're insane. In private—my body and thoughts are my own."
     He sighs, moving away from me. "You're really no fun. You used to be fun."
     I was never fun. I was always serious. Does he not remember that? I really don't think I can do this. It's only been an hour and I'm already regretting my decision to play his game.
     God. I'm doing this for Jin. I can do this for my friend, at least. So Jungkook is using my loyalty against me. At least I have loyalty unlike him. No, he threw that away quite easily at my expense.

Fake Love; NamKookWhere stories live. Discover now