ChApTeR sIxTeEn

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    Oh fuck. Oh fuck, this is real? Am I dreaming? I have to be right? My heart pounds in my throat as I hungrily devour my hyung's soft sweet mouth.  
     Not gonna lie, his dominating me almost made me cum but...but as much as I want that...I want something else more. I've dreamed about claiming him as mine for as long as I can remember.
I want him. I want him to give himself to me. Let me take control...this time at least. "I want you." Rasping, I bite his lip hard and he moans.
     I hastily get off his lap and haul him up, dragging him to my desk and carelessly throwing everything to the floor. I can't wait. I've wanted this for so long and finally I'm getting it. Something I never thought I'd be able  to attain.
      He gasps as I shove him down and begin unbuttoning his work shirt, baring his amazingly strong chest to the chilly air of my office. Just for me.
      He pants, eyes wide, as I drop to my knees to slowly unzip his pants, jerking them free of his hips and dragging them along with his boxers down and off. I stare with obsessive fixation at his strong long legs and thighs, spreading them apart and baring everything to me.
     His breath catches. "Jungkook. The door..."
     I smirk, leaning up over him and caressing his body, spread out on my desk like a full course meal. All mine. Everything I've always wanted. My hyung. Being mine.
No matter how many people I've fucked they could never compare to this moment. My fantasies come to life.
     "Shh. As long as we aren't too loud no one will disturb us." I'm giddy. Almost high on the endorphins of this moment. I grab his hips and force his legs to wrap around me. The barest hint of nervousness creeping into his eyes. I kiss him again.
     I find his hands and lace our fingers together, stretching our arms over his head and holding him captive under me. "Are you sure this is okay?" I want this so fucking much but I won't force him. I won't hurt him. Ever.
     Swallowing hard, he nods slightly. "It's fine. I trust you, Kookie."
     The nickname draws a smile to my face. Resting my forehead against his, my eyes remain trapped—lost—in his gaze. "I want to fuck you, hyung. I want to dominate you. I want to fill you with my cock until you can't breathe and make you beg and scream for release. I want your cum to cover my desk and remind me of this moment. I want to wreck your body and bring it to heaven at the same time. I want you to want this, too. To want me. To let me..." I almost choke up hit stop myself. My body shakes with anticipation. "I need you. I always have. I need you to need me just as much...please..."
      He gulps, expression changing from surprise to somber. He forces one of his hands free from mine to caress my cheek. "Jungkook...."
     I bury my face in his neck. "Tell me I can have what I want. Tell me I can take it." Desperation fills my voice but I'm too gone to care. He has to know how I feel by now. He has to. He's too smart to deny it anymore.
     After a brief moment of silence he leans up and kisses my cheek. His lips slowly trailing to my ear. "Take what you need from me, Jungkook. I'm yours, okay? Do what you need to..."
    Groaning, I lean up on my arms and take his mouth, cutting off his words. He wraps his arm around my neck and rolls his hips against mine. Gasping, I lick his saliva from my lips and desperately try to open my pants.
He leans up and takes over, nimble fingers working the snap open and tugging them down while I work my shirt open. I want skin on skin. I want to feel every inch of him on me.
He trails his hand over my naked chest while my eyes devour his own naked body. Frowning, I remove the shirt still hanging off his arms. Better.
He waits in silence but I try to calm myself, taking a few deep breaths. I don't want this over in a minute or two. I want this to last as long as I can.
"Do you have any—"
"Raw." I spit out, surprising myself. "I want to take you raw, Joonie." My voice is soft as he looks conflicted. "I'm clean. I promise. I don't have the tests on me but I can show them to you later. I've always used protection." I pause, taking his face in my hands. "You're a virgin, right? I'd never do anything to harm you. I love you." I put as much sincerity in my words as I can. It's true.
He studies me for a long moment before nodding. "Okay. You do have lube, though, right? I may be a virgin but I'm not stupid. We can't not use anything."
I hesitate. Shit. I'm wholly unprepared for this to happen here—or anywhere really.
I think for a moment before nodding. "Lay back. Spread your legs."
He hesitates so I push him down and do it myself. "I'll prepare you, don't worry."
His body is shaking a bit as I trail my mouth up his inner thigh to his crease. I spread his cheeks with my hands before swiping my tongue over his hole.
He jerks, cursing. "What—"
I lick him again, rougher this time. I spit on his hole before swirling my tongue around his entrance and very gently pushing a bit, wanting inside.
He groans, resisting the invasion but I persist. His pants become louder, harsher as I carefully force my tongue inside him.
"Oh fuck! Kook...."
Moaning, I take the time to eat him out properly, learning all his sweet spots. He shudders and undulates above me on the desk, his hands clenching the sides so hard his veins pop out.
I've never ate ass before. I've done many sexual things but not this. Fuck, why do I love this so much?
Growling, I reach up and stroke his rigid cock, feeling him clench around my tongue as I thrust it in and out. It's not enough.
Gasping, I pull away and wipe my mouth. His face is flushed and sweaty, chest heaving. Wide lust-filled eyes watch me hazily from my desk.
I stroke him languidly, enjoying being the one to give him pleasure like this. The first and last. All from me. I drop my head on his chest and drag my face over his sweat, licking and nipping at his nipples.
"I want it." I twist my hand at his tip and he arches up, gasping as cum spurts out all over my hand. Grinning in awe, I rub his cum between my fingers before bringing my hand down to his hole and circling it, teasing it before pressing a wet finger inside him.
"Kookie!" He chokes, biting his lip hard.
"Does it hurt? How does it feel?" I watch him, riveted.
I swallow hard. Chest pounding. I add another finger, trying hard to be patient. "Almost ready for me, hyung. You want this, too, right? Want me inside?" I hate how childish I sound but he just brings it out of me.
I'm stronger than him. Bigger in every way but height. And yet...he has this way of making me feel so fucking small. So insignificant and needy for his attention. His affection. It's unhealthy, I know that.
"D-Do it...take me." He pants.
Is this real? How can this be real? I'm dead, right? He'd never let this happen, right? How...
"I love you, Kim Namjoon. Thank you for accepting me." I move back between his legs and pull my fingers free. He winces a bit but nods, taking a deep breath.
Grabbing his hips, I wet my cock with his cum before aligning myself and slowly sinking into his tight body. The thick ring of muscle still resistant as I bite my lip and force myself all the way inside.
He hisses, arching up and gasping in pain. I pause, letting him adjust to me. I've only ever fucked one other guy. It was in high school. I imagined him as Namjoon but now having the real was seriously lacking.
"Ahnnn..." Gritting his teeth, he leans up on his elbows to watch me withdraw and slowly push back inside, now much easier than before. "F-fuck."
"Let me just..." I change angles, searching for his prostate. I thrust deeper, finding the spot, and feel sweet satisfaction as he gasps, bucking his hips up.
"Found it." I thrust again, a little faster, a little harder and he moans. Clenching his eyes shut as I begin to fuck him harder, deeper, his body jerks frantically on the desk as I take him exactly where I want him. On cloud nine. Knowing only I can bring him this pleasure. Only I know what he likes and needs. How to work and tweak his body accordingly.
"H-hyung...c-cum" I gasp, stroking my cock frantically against his inner walls. They clench around me, milking me, sucking me deeper inside...
"Jungkook!" He wraps his thighs around me as I take his cock and stroke it in time with my thrusts, wanting him to cum again.
"Do it. Cum, now." I can't wait much longer. I need to release. I need him to first, though.
He opens his mouth in a silent scream and tenses up, cum erupting from his cock and covering his chest and stomach. I twist the head and force every last drop of cum from his body as I keep pace, his ass swallowing me up nicely.
"Fuuuucccckkk!" I gasp, body spasming as my own release hits hard, cum filling him to the brim and spilling out around me.
He moans and clenches tighter around me.
Our gasps and pants are the only sound in the hot musky room as we both catch our bearings. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. Hyung!"
I collapse on top of him and take his mouth, kissing him hungrily, sloppily. I'm dizzy and lightheaded from how strong my orgasm was. I've never felt this good cumming during sex before. Holy shit.
A smile slides across my face as I glance up at his face from his chest. He's still struggling to catch his breath. "So hyung...How was your first time? Good, right?"
He licks his dry lips, panting. "Y-Yeah...good..."
I hold him tightly in my arms, basking in this moment. I'm still inside him and have no plans of leaving anytime soon.
There's a knock at the door. We both jolt up and I'm disappointed as I slip out of his body. Wincing, he grabs for his clothes and begins dressing.
Sighing, I do the same. "Don't come in! What is it?"
"Sir, you're next appointment is here."
I glance at Namjoon who looks embarrassed as he buttons his shirt. I eye his body. I didn't leave enough marks on him...
"Tell them to wait. I'm busy right now."
"Go ahead. I'm leaving. I have work to do." He tries to escape past me but I stop him, grabbing his arm and pulling him back.
"Really? I want to spend more time with you." And cuddle. Seriously want to cuddle.
He pauses, thinking. "Let's finish our work here. I'll be waiting for you at home, Alright?" A little smirk plays around his mouth as he turns towards me and tilts my chin up. "I'll be waiting for my turn, Kookie-Ah. Prepare yourself. I'm not done having my firsts today." He winks, stepping back and walking towards the door.
I gulp in anticipation. Firsts...I've never let a guy fuck me before. This will be my first time, too. At least in this regard.
Excitement fills me. Bring it on, hyung. I want everything you have to give.
I'm yours. Fully. It's only fair.
Can't wait.

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