ChApTeR tHiRtY oNe

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    As much as I'd love to spend eternity on our island honeymoon, after only a week we've returned to our normal lives. We bought a condo apartment together and moved out of Jungkook's parents' house.
     His dad still makes me nervous despite seeming to accept me. Unfortunately I've had to quit my research and engineering career and switch over to co-CEO. Supposedly his Appa wanted to help Jungkook shoulder the company burden but I secretly think my job is more like babysitter.
     It's a job I can accept graciously, however, since he's so damn cute. I like being by his side all day despite his many complaints. Running a company really isn't for him. I always knew that.
     With that thought in mind, I spend an early afternoon with his—my new—father before making some big business ventures and purchased.
     After much coaxing, my plans were reluctantly accepted. Now only to give the news to my exhausted husband.
     "Kook?" I look around the apartment, the lights off and everything quiet. I'm tired but it's all worth it.
    I find him past out in the bed. His suit still on and disheveled. His hair a long tasseled mess over his forehead. He looks stunning. Younger. Most of all he looks drained.
     I run my fingers through his hair gently before smiling and carefully stripping him of his uncomfortable suit. He doesn't wake at all as I wipe him down a bit and tuck him under the sheets, kissing his head. My plans can wait until tomorrow.
      I decide to call and chat with Jin.
     "So how'd he take it?" He blurts were soon as he picks up.
     "He's asleep. I'll talk to him in the morning." Sighing, I loosen my tie and stretch my tired muscles.
     "Are you sure you can handle this on your own? It's a big deal, you know. I know you're a workaholic but this is a bit much, right?"
     "It's really not a problem for me. I'm a little sad I won't have time to work on and finish my projects but I'll still ultimately be over all departments and making final decisions. It's not like I'm giving up my dreams completely. Not like Jungkook has. He's never had a choice. At least I can say I chose this."
      He sighs. "I guess. You really think he'll be okay with all this without talking to him first?"
     I hesitate. "I didn't want to give him a reason to turn it down. He's selfless like that. If he thinks it will disappoint his family then he won't do it. Now that everything is already taken care of and approved, he has no reason to object—"
     "Object to what?"
     I turn to see a sleepy and dazed looking Jungkook stumbling his way to the sink for a glass of water, yawning and just looking miserable.
     "Hey, I'll call you later."
     "Bye! Good luck."
     "You okay?" I ask, walking over and wrapping my arms around his waist.
      Nodding, he groans and drops his head onto my shoulder. "M'fine. What were you talking about with Jin?"
     I smile faintly, leading him back to the bed. He looks at me curiously and with an obvious hint of suspicion and I undress and climb into bed beside him, pulling him into my arms.
     "I've done some things." Very vague.
     He raises a brow. "Some things? You mean with the company?"
     "Yes and not. It's...everything really has been for you." I hesitate, staring into his confused eyes.
    "You're tired."
    He laughs. "Yeah. I'm always tired, though. Nothing new. I hate this job but someone has to do it."
     What a perfect lead. "So let me do it. All of it." 
    He frowns. "What?"
    "I've been talking to your father. I've decided on some things and your father as agreed to my terms."
     He stiffens in my arms. "Why aren't you just getting to the point. So what...your kicking me out of the business because I'm tired? I can still do a good job—"
     I cut him off with a kiss. "Don't misunderstand, baby." I reach into my discarded suit jacket and hand him a packet. He eyes it suspiciously before opening it. I watch his eyes go wide.
     "W-What...what is this exactly?"
     "It's a tuition contract." Obviously. I know he knows this. He's an expert with contracts after all.
     "For?" He gulps.
     Smiling, I hold his hand and squeeze. "I talked to your dad and promised him I would handle all the company business and aspects. I've assured him you really don't need to be apart of it. I know your heart isn't in it and he does, too. With me taking control, you have some leeway now."
     "Are you trying to tell me..."
     "I, Uh, might have sent a few videos of you dancing and practicing in your free time to the school. They accepted it. You're all signed up and ready to go. You can finally do what you really love and are passionate about." My voice is soft.
     He blinks, not meeting my eyes. "I can't do that to you. It's not fair."
     I wave it off. "What are you talking about? I was made to be in this line of work. It's not too much for me and I love the company. I'm much more invested in it than you are and this way we both can be happy."
     His frown deepens, licking his lips. "Running the company makes you happy?"
     I click my tongue. "Mhm, that's so-so. What makes me happy is seeing you happy and full of passion. I love watching you dance. Always have. I want to see what you can do with the proper tools and training."
      "I don't...I don't know what to say."
      "Say yes. It's all taken care of. You just have to attend the classes and performances. Everything is ready for you to take that leap."
     His hugs me hard. "Why are you so perfect? So good to me?"
     "What do you mean? I'm just bring a good husband. What's that saying—happy wife, happy life?" I tease.
     Scowling, he smacks me. "Uh, I'm not the wife."
     Snorting, I shrug. "The sentiment is the same, right? I just want you to be happy. It's killing seeing you so run down and drained. You've been turning into a zombie. Already I can see the light returning to your eyes with excitement."
      "You really don't mind doing all the company stuff?"
     "Not at all. It all comes pretty easily to me, anyway. I have help, too. I've recruited Hoseok to be my second in command." Grinning.
     He laughs. "Holy shit. I bet he's dying."
     "Not yet but he will be. He thought he had to work a lot before..."
     "I meant being under you everyday instead of over you." His eyes widen as he realizes what he just said. "I mean work wise! You know, manager the boss..."
     I snicker. "I got it, babe. I'm sure it'll take some getting used to but he was never really a boss to me to bring with. More like a friend from the start. He's smart and savvy with a little conniving side. I'm sure he'll be fine in his new role."
     He's quiet for a long time, just staring down at the student pamphlets and information packet. "Is this really okay for me to do? From CEO to dance student?"
     "It's perfect for you. Let me handle the boring stuff just promise me one thing." I whisper, kissing his head.
     "I want you to dance for me every night."
     He laughs. "What kind of dance are you implying, Mr. Jeon?"
     I raise my brows suggestively. "Well...I'm pretty sure I saw some interesting dance courses in this packet. Sometime to do with strength training and a pole...."

The End

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