ChApTeR sIx

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I've never been more awkward and uncomfortable in my entire life. As a kid, I'd always respected the Jeons. Jungkook's father was always a little scary but kind enough to me and my family...
Now, his gaze is full of judgment as I sit at the breakfast table, Jungkook grasping my hand so tightly I feel my wrist may shatter while I'm wearing one of his expensive shirts and my jeans from the night before.
This morning I was awakened by Mr. Jeon shaking me and demanding we get dressed and be ready for our meeting. Shame blazed my cheeks as he observed Jungkook's half naked body and my own shirtlessness.
I had the urge to scream that nothing happened—or would happen—but he left before I could utter a word. Oh man. He looked disgusted...
     So now here we are, waiting for that investor and his daughter while I'm just silently trying to disappear between the two generations of Jeons. Hint—it's not working.
     I should really start working on a molecular zap machine that can transport you anywhere at anytime...
     "So, Namjoon...I was unaware of the depth of your relationship with my son. How long has this...thing...been going on?" Mr. Jeon asks, sipping his wine and pulling me from my thoughts.
      I tense up. ""
     Jungkook clears his throat. "Appa, I told you. We've been together for years."
     The man snorts. "So you've said but I just want to validate this by his standing on it. After all," his eyes turn shrewd. "He is three years older than you which means you were a minor when things began happening, correct?"
    I pale. "W-we never did that. Nothing illegal." I make very clear. Oh shit. Jungkook is trying to get me arrested?!
     He smirks. "You know, Namjoon, I always thought you might have had a thing for my son but I never believed you'd be able to corrupt him so thoroughly."
     I drop my gaze, hating this whole situation and—Wait, What?! "I'm sorry? What do you mean?" I ask.
      "It's clear you've always wanted Jungkook. You made him very dependent on you. You two even slept on the same bed as teenagers! It was disgraceful and childish but I let it go because Jungkook was happy. Do you even know how much he cried and begged when I told him we were moving—"
     "Appa! Enough." Jungkook slams his hand down on the table. "I brought him here to you so you would stop harassing me about this marriage. I didn't bring him here to be harassed and shamed. Do you want me to make this investment or not?"
      The man sighs, shaking his head. His eyes cold on me. "You've made my son a disrespectful fool. I'm very disappointed in you." He gets up from his seat and walks out of the room.
     I sit, pondering everything I just heard. "Jungkook?"
     His breathing his hard beside me, obviously upset. "Yeah?"
     "You know I never...I never thought of you like that, right? I never had any weird thoughts about you. You were my best friend. Like a little brother to me. You know that, right?"
     He doesn't say anything so I glance over to see him staring straight ahead, a pained look in his eye while his fists are clenched on the table. "Okay." He simple says.
     I don't understand his reaction or anything that's going on. He's being weird again. Why would his appa think I wanted him? Or that we did anything weird? I didn't change Jungkook. I didn't make him anything different—especially towards me.
     Eventually he shakes off his weird mood and sighs just as Mr. Jeon comes back. "They are here. Please behave appropriately." He warns.
     I sit up straighter, running my hands down my—Jungkook's—shirt nervously. I'm not a good actor. I don't like this at all.
     Just as the older investor walks in with a beautiful young woman, my phone goes off in my pocket. Luckily I left it on vibrate but it's still quite loud. I reach for it but Jungkook grabs my wrist, stopping me.
     It vibrates again so he takes it upon himself to reach in my pocket and take it, viewing the many messages being left by Jin. I meant to call him this morning but forgot with all the drama going on.
     As he reads them, his expression darkens to a scowl and he chucks my phone under the table. I gape at him. What the hell!
     "So you are the gentleman that's denying my daughter a proper marriage, hm?"
     My head snaps up to see the man practically gawking at me. "Pardon?"
     The woman steps forward, eyeing me up and down. "Aren't you Kim Namjoon? Didn't you just go out on a date with my friend, Jisoo?"
     Jungkook's hand slips on my thigh and squeezes hard. I gulp. "It wasn't a d-date. It was a friendly dinner." I lie. Shit.
     "Yes, he told me about it and I thought it was a great idea." Jungkook smiles. "After all he just joined the company so it was good to see him getting out and making new friends." He winks. "He's a bit of a loner."
     He's not wrong and I don't dare speak up to contradict.
     "Jungkook, are you sure you won't reconsider my daughter? How do you plan to have children to take over your company?" He demands impatiently.
      Jungkook doesn't waver, his hand never leaving my thigh. "We can adopt later, if we wish. I'm not changing my mind. I apologize but I did tell you that I was already taken. I can't be bought. Your daughter is lovely and I'm sure she deserves better than this. I will not choose someone else or settle." He grabs my hand and laces our fingers together.
     I feel all eyes on me and the gesture. I flush, uncomfortable with all the attention. "We love each other." I finally decide to do my part. I glance at Jungkook and try to make it as convincing as I can. Mustering all the love and affection I had for him—before—I reach up and caress his face.
     "I love, Kookie. I always have and always will."
     His returning smile is radiant and wide. Our eyes meeting. The others around us clear their throat.
     "Alright fine but I will be waiting in the wings if something should happen..." The man warns.
     Jungkook laughs softly. "I will keep that in mind. And now—shall we talk that investment?"

     My mind keeps wandering back to this morning while at work. I can't focus. I don't think I can keep up these charades for two whole months. Why two months anyway? Ugh.
     The door to my office opens and Jin pokes his head in. Shit! I forgot about calling him again.
     He rushes to my side and hugs me. "Where the hell have you been?! I've been worried sick." He smacks me.
     "Ow! I'm sorry. I was...busy. My phone has been dead and I forgot to call." I wince at his glare. Jin can be scary when he wants to be. I know he just cares, though.
     "God, don't ever do that again! Not only was I missing Tae but I didn't have my favorite cuddly bear, either!" He pouts.
     I blush at the name. So embarrassing. "I'm sorry, okay? I'll make it up to you."
     He grins, hugging me tighter and resting his chin on my chest. "Promise?"
    "I promise." Smiling in exasperation.
    I flinch at the sudden sound of my door being slammed against the wall. Jin pulls away from me to see a seething Jungkook.
     I swallow hard, anxious for some reason. What's his problem? He knows Jin is my best friend.
     "Oh, hi, Mr. Jeon!" Jin—having no sense of the tension—holds his hand out.
     Jungkook just looks at it before forcing a smile and taking the hand. "Hello, Jin, is it? Welcome to our team."
     "I'm really happy to be here! I was just telling Namjoon—"
    "Could you give Namjoon and I a moment, please?" Jungkook grits out, rudely cutting him off. "I believe Jisoo needs your assistance.
     "Oh? O-okay. Sure." He looks back at me. "Lunch later?"
    I nod, my eyes trailing after him before settling on Jungkook as he shuts the door behind Jin and leans against it. "What's your problem?"
     "My problem? Are you trying to ruin my reputation?! You are mine, remember? How come I find you with your hands all over someone else then?" He demands.
     I gape at him. "What?! We aren't really dating and I told you—he's just a friend."
     Stalking forward, he stops right in front of me, grasping the collar of my shirt. His eyes are alight with fire. "No one touches you—friend or not. Is that clear? We have a deal."
     I narrow my eyes, jerking free. "You don't own me, Kook. I can touch who I want. I told you—I'll pretend in front of your father and that investor but in private my life is my own."
     He laughs. "Do you not understand the situation? That girl is close to Jisoo which means she's most likely close with others in this company. They will be watching us. You have to do your part. No one but me touches you." He repeats through his teeth.
    "You're being crazy and paranoid! I'm not doing this! I'm not giving up my time with Jin just because you're crazy!"
     Growling, he slams me against the wall, his face an inch from mine.
    I gasp and wince in pain at the unexpected action. "J-Jungkook..."
    "Do I need to have Jin removed from this company to make you understand, huh?"
    I stiffen. "Stop threatening me with him."
    He trails a finger down my cheek. "Then prove to me that you understand your position in this company right now. That you do—in fact—answer to me." He commands.
     I stare at him in confusion. I don't get what he wants from me. "How the hell am I supposed to do that? I already signed your stupid contract."
     His hand drops down to my waist as he steps even closer. Our bodies pressed tightly together. I open my mouth to protest his proximity—
     My office door opens.
    Jungkook's lips slam down on mine.

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