ChApTeR eLeVeN

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      My head is pounding as light pierces through the thick curtains to blind me awake. Groaning, I pull a pillow over my head and try to go back to sleep.
     Laughter penetrates through the thick fog of hangover and I squint, trying to pinpoint the sound. I shove the pillow over and rub my face, sitting up. I'm shirtless for some reason but everything else is in place.
      Yawning, I get up and use the bathroom before walking out of the empty room, surprised to find Jungkook, Jin, and Taehyung sitting at the dining table eating breakfast, laughing and talking.
     I see how it is...
     Clearing my throat, I make myself known. Jungkook looks up at me with a warm smile and devilish eyes. "Morning. I thought after how much you drank you'd like to sleep in a bit. I already contacted work for you and Jin letting them know I had you two busy." He winks.
     Jin smiles, sipping his juice. "This breakfast is fantastic, Kookie."
Kookie. The hell...when did they get so close...
     Jungkook beams. "Thanks. Something simple I learned from Joonie's eomma years ago."
     My brow furrows as I eye the plates. Taking my seat beside Jungkook, I debate whether I can stomach food—
     "Here. For you." Jungkook hops up and runs to the kitchen, returning with a glass of juice and two pills. He kisses my cheek making me blush. "I'm sure your stomach is a mess. Those will help."
      Gratefully, I take the pills and try to settle my stomach and head with the juice.
"You seriously got drunk last night." Jin notes, smirking. "I thought you didn't like drinking?"
I avoid his stupid knowing grin. "I don't. This is exactly why I hate drinking." Groaning, I rub my temples. "Never doing it again."
"Well it's good that you have Kookie to take care of you." He coos.
I flush, glaring at him. "Why are you calling him that?"
They all laugh. Jungkook shakes his head and smiles. "I told them since we are all friends now they could call me that..." He raises a brow. "Unless you only want to call me that nickname? I'm fine with that."
Tae and Jin both coo and gush at his words while I curse internally. "I don't care what they call you."
"It's okay, we get it. We won't call him that if it upsets you, Joonie." Jin says gently, still trying to stifle his laughter.
Growling, I get up and stalk off in embarrassment, ignoring the trailing laughter behind me. Assholes. Ugh. Why are they making a joke of me?!
I stomp up the stairs to the bedroom and flop down on the bed like a raggedy Anne doll, burying my face in the pillows. Breathing in, they smell like Jungkook.
"Hey, you okay? I'm sorry about all that back there. I wasn't trying to embarrass you—"
I roll over and peak up to see Jungkook standing beside the bed. A few memories of last night begin to filter back in and I blush, covering my head back up. What the hell is wrong with me?
"It's fine. I'm glad you guys are getting along. I just don't feel well."
He sits down. "Why didn't you tell me you don't like to drink?"
"What's it matter to you? You didn't force me to drink. I did that all on my own."
He hesitates. "Maybe but I feel like I had a lot to do with you feeling the need to drink. Is this too stressful for you? Me forcing you to..."
I sigh, sitting up. "I'm fine. We signed a contract and I intend to follow it through. Simple as that. I can do my job."
He frowns, studying me. " I really just a job for you? This is all just considered work...You're so impersonal..."
I look away, licking my lips and trying not to remember how he tasted last night. "...yeah. This is just part of my job." I regret it as soon as it leaves my mouth.
He flinches and gets up, straightening his suit. "Right. A job. What else could this be, huh?" Shaking his head, he rubs his nape. "I have to get to work. Jin and Taehyung have already left. You can stay here if you want. I already let Hoseok know you'd be absent today."
I'm a coward. I can't meet his eyes. "Okay. Thanks."
Nodding curtly, he leaves me alone with my fucked up thoughts. Shit. How cruel could I really be? I'm oblivious but it's coming to me slowly. He obviously feels this is more than a job. He's made it more than clear he wants our close friendship back but...but I don't know. I don't know why I'm being this way.
Maybe it's everything that happened last night. I felt something. Something I never imagined I'd feel for Jeon Jungkook—the boy I'd considered a younger brother and confidant for so long then scared me.
I can't develop feeling for him. Once this contract is over...does that leave me getting abandoned and left behind once more? I can't handle that twice. Not with him. Once he's done using me...will we go back to nothing? I'm conflicted.


I decide to man up and go to work. Hoseok is extremely chipper as he guides me to my desk.
"You look tired. Sure you don't want to just rest up? Mr. Jeon gave you the day off."
I sigh. "Aren't you my boss and not him?"
He shrugs nonchalantly. "He's my boss. I do what he says. That is how you make it in this company you know..." he teases.
I tense up, remembering the fact he saw Jungkook kissing me that day...
"Do you think I'm only here because of—"
His eyes widen comically and he shakes his head cutting me off. "No! Of course not. I know your genius and talents have nothing to do with sleeping with the boss." He coughs.
I gape at him. "Sleeping with the boss?!" Oh god, is that all I am around here? All I'm know for now...fucking hell. Goddamn you, Jungkook.
"I didn't mean it like that!" He gasps, waving his hands. He bows a little. "I'm an idiot that needs to keep his mouth shut." He sighs. "No worries. I know you aren't like that. You're extremely hard working and I'm happy to have you on my team, Namjoon. I don't think of you like that and no one else does, either."
I nod but not in any way relaxed. I'm going to have to start pulling all nighters to prove myself here it seems. I refuse to be know around here as just a useless person that made his way up by fucking the boss.
I'm not that person. And I never will be.
I force a smile. "Hoseok, would you like to grab lunch today? I think I'll work overtime to get extra work done."
"S-sure. You don't have to, though."
"I want to. If I work hard we can have this project up and ready by the end of this month." I explain.
"Wow, you think so? This is a huge project. If we manage to get it finished that fast then you'll definitely be up for a serious promotion!" He claps me on the shoulder, his sunny smile blinding.
I smile back, more comfortably. Yeah, this is why I'm here. I don't need Jungkook to get me places in life. I can do it all on my own. I've worked hard all my life and I refuse to start slacking now.
"Okay, lets get this done."

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