ChApTeR NiNeTeEn

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     I hum a little tune as I wrap the harness carefully around Jungkook's body. He's tense and struggling to adjust to this sudden change in our dynamics.
     I like it. His unsureness. The surprise and need in his eyes. The unpredictability. Grinning like the Cheshire Cat, I fasten the cuffs around his wrists and ankles before attaching the chains to the bedposts,
     He tugs at them futilely.
     "There's no way out of those so don't try." I keep my tone gentle but firm.
     He shudders just the way I wanted. He wants to see me outside my proper and rigid world...I'll show him a side of me he could never dream of.
     I slip on some shorts before leaving him alone in the room—whining in protest—as I head to the kitchen. I grab a full tray of ice as well as a few other little things and a bottle of top notch wine and haul them up to the room.
      His wide eyes watch me relentlessly as I set them down. I hold up a glass and fill it with wine, taking a sip.
     "If only your subordinates could see their big, tough, CEO now, hm." I chuckle, tipping the glass over his chest and letting it drench his skin. He gasps, jerking as the cold liquid perks up his sensitive nipples.
     Swallowing hard, he nods.
     I take another long drink before grabbing him by the hair and slamming our mouths together, letting the wine pour into his mouth from my own.
     He cries out and gulps it down, legs sawing on the wet sticky mattress. I give him drinks like that for several minutes until most of the bottle is gone.
     Satisfied, I take the ice and drop one on his stomach. His muscles quiver and shake, melting it.
     I crawl on the bed and straddle his thighs, dipping my head down to lick the water off his abs. The taste of salt and wine also filling my mouth.
     "Shh. Let me play." I continuously tease his body with my tongue and the ice until almost all of it is melted into his skin. I spread his legs and admire his firm muscular ass, prying his cheeks apart and running a finger over his hole. "Tell me—has anyone touched this?"
     He shakes his head in a jerky manner, dazed and a little drunk.
     "Not even you?" I tease, circling his little rosebud and applying a little pressure.
     "'ve never...."
     "Mhm." I grab the last ice cube and press it against his entrance. He cries out and lifts his hips. "Let me help you prepare then, baby." 
     Tears spill out of his eyes. "Joonie...cold..."
       I lean down and kiss him, biting his lip roughly. "Don't worry. It'll be hot soon."
     I press the ice harder against his hole and it slips in, melting fast and covering my fingers with water. His mouth drops open in a silent cry as I reach for the lube and cover my fingers, letting them follow the ice cube and thrusting slowly, thoroughly.
     Goosebumps raise on his entire body and his thighs shake as I find that special spot inside.
     "Baby, how does it feel? Still cold? Hurt?"  
     It takes him several moments and a few feels breaths to answer. "Feels...f-feels good..."
     Nodding to myself, I begin opening him for me. His dick his a very nice generous size but mine is still a bit bigger and remember how his felt inside me...well, I should prepare him properly to reduce any pain.
     I spread his ass with my fingers for a good long time before pulling them out and licking them clean. He gasps at the sight, sweating.
     He tugs at the restraints again. I grab the little ball attached to the end of the harness and hold it up, letting him watch as I cover it in lube.
     I demand another kiss from him as I push it inside his ass, pressing it deep. "God! Nghhnnn....oh g-god...." he moans, tangling his tongue with mine in a desperate attempt to control his body's urge to cum.
      I sit up, playing with his nipples for a minute while pulling my shorts off. His whimpers and moans are loud in my ear. Music to my ears.
     "Want more?" I rasp, biting his plump nipple hard and feeling him jerk under me, hissing.  
    "What do you want?" I run my tongue down his abs to his eager cock, lapping at the precum drenching his lower belly.
      He screams and cum fills my mouth. I pull off and let it pour out of my mouth and onto his balls. Cum and saliva running down his ass. I rub it into his hole, forcing my fingers inside along with the plug nestled deep inside.
     He gasps for breath. " are you..."
     I smile widely. "Surprised? How am I doing for my first time?" Removing my fingers—this time I bring them to his mouth and watch with hooded eyes as he eagerly sucks them clean, moaning loudly at the taste of himself. Fucking hot.
     My own need to orgasm comes forefront to mind and I grasp his thighs, pushing them up and out, exposing and admiring his stretched hole struggling to take the plug. Not nearly as big as me—not that I'm bragging. Just facts.
     He's panting, unable to answer my question. I tug on the chain attached to the plug and teasingly pull it halfway out before pushing it back in again. I play with it, with him. I do it several times until he's begging.
     Removing it fully, I relent and ready myself to replace it. "How do you feel?" I ask softly, gripping my cock and rubbing it against his abused hole.
     He bites his bottom lip hard enough that blood drips down. I lean down and lick it up.
      His watery eyes meet mine. "Empty."
     I feel a pang in my chest. "Well I'll remedy that. You ready for me?" I ask, wanting desperately to fuck him senseless. Needing to feel his tight heat strangling me in the best way.
      "R-ready. Fuck me."
     Without any more preamble, I thrust deep and hard. We both shout out, loud panting drowning out all other sounds in the room. His muscles bunch and tense, wanting to be released from his confines as I grip his thighs and get to work wrecking his little ass.
     Growls and moans leave my parted lips as I take him, never having imaged it would feel this good. 
     His entire body slides up and down frantically under me as I spare no strength in fucking him thoroughly. A shudder runs through him and he clenches tighter around me until it almost hurts.
      " good...fuck, you're tight." I groan.
      He licks his dry lips. "H-harder. Don't hold back." He whimpers, wrapping his thighs around my hips despite the restraints on his ankles.
     Growling, I grab the buttplug on the bed and shove it into his mouth, choking him as I slam my hips even harder against his ass, the slapping sound of my hips bouncing into his ass loud in our ears.
       He bites the plug hard, teeth tearing down on the slippery material and leaving indents, clawing at the bedposts. I can feel him weakening and grin despite my own growing exhaustion. "Look at you, baby obedient for daddy. Tell me, do you like the way I fuck you? Do you like to feel me tearing your little ass apart. Owning it and making it mine? Is this rogue enough for you?" I gasp, leaving bruises on his hips.
      His eyes roll back as his body bucks under me and cum erupts out of his cock. His moans but it's muffled from the plug in his mouth.
     I rip it from his mouth and invade it with my tongue, tasting blood. My hips stutter against his ass, blood pulsing and rushing in my ears. I'm out of control. Everything is out of control.
      I can't stop. Sweat beads and pours down my face and neck as I explore his mouth, spit running down his chin. I watch intently as his dazed and sated eyes flutter shut before shooting open over and over. Struggling to remain conscious as I fuck him past the feeling of euphoria and into utter tormented bliss.
     My own head swims and black spots penetrate my vision as I struggle to breathe. My body working of its own volition to taste the sweet release on the cusp of exploding,
      My nails dig into his outer thighs as I shout into his mouth, gasping for air as cum fills his tight inner walls.
      His toes curl and he shutters hard underneath me as I pump and pump, giving him all of me and everything.
      It lasts an eternity. It lasts only seconds. I don't fucking know how long I remain frozen inside him, making sure every last drop is expelled into his body.
     I open my eyes—not even remembering when I closed them—to see him staring at me with a weird expression.
     I come back down to myself and replay everything I just did. Shit. Was it too much? I clear my throat. "You okay? Did I hurt you?"
     He blinks. Lips opening and closing but nothing coming out. With reluctance, I withdrawal from him and groan at the sight before me. Cum and body fluids leak from his stretched and clearly overworked hole, some still oozing and connected to the head of my cock.
      The sight nearly makes me cum again. I shudder in a breath and force my eyes back to his face. Going over his body, I notice the marks and many bruises I've left without even realizing it.
      He swallows a few times. "That was...I mean...w-wow..." He coughs a little. "I never imagined..." he continues to struggle with words.
     Biting my lip in concern, I get to work releasing him from his binds and rubbing the sensation back into his wrists and ankles, all chafed and bruised.
      I help him sit up and give him some water. "I'm sorry. I thought that's what you wanted—"
      He glares at me, cutting me off. "What are you apologizing for?! Fuck, that was the best sex I've ever had in my life! Far surprised my expectations." He smirks. "Can you be like this all the time? I can't believe arrogant and bookish Kim Namjoon is this fucking wild in bed! I'm shocked."
     I blush which is fucking ridiculous after everything we just did. "Well...How I act in everyday life has no semblance in my nightly behaviors." I gripe.
      Grinning shyly, he nods. "Thanks. You know, for taking my virginity."
     "You weren't a virgin."
     "You know what I mean." He groans, stretching his exhausted body out on the bed. "I feel gross and sticky." He whines.
      Nodding, I climb out of bed—nearly collapsing from my sore muscles—and bring back a wet soapy cloth to clean us off.
     Afterwards, we snuggle in the bed and it's peaceful. We're both tired.
     "I think...every time I get too overstressed I need you to do me like this." He whispers, interrupting the quiet stillness in the room.
      Snorting, I pull him deeper into my arms. "You want to be the baby boy, huh?"
     "Well...I can be sometimes...but you know I'm your daddy, too." He winks, pecking my lips.
      "Can't be both. I think it's more than clear I'm the daddy in this relationship."
      "Fuck that! I haven't had the opportunity to properly show my skills! I will next time and you'll be amazed."
     "I'm sure."
     "I'm serious! I'll fuck you unconscious—just wait!"
     I hold back a laugh. "Well then I'll fuck you into a coma."
     "No—that's cheating...ah! Don't bite me!"
     "I think you like being my baby boy. Tonight proves it, yeah."
     "I want to do this to you, too!"
     "I will. I'll fucking tie you down. You'll see."
     "Looking forward to it, baby boy." 
     "Yes, daddy—" He covers his mouth, gasping.
     "Shuuuuttt upppp! You didn't hear that!"

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