ChApTeR sEvEn

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     Jungkook is kissing me.
    My first kiss. Gone. By someone I dislike. He tries to deepen the kiss but I push him off me, staring ahead in shock as I catch my breath.
     A throat clears from the door way. Hoseok stands looking extremely awkward as his gaze switches from me to Jungkook. " don't know what I'm suppose to be doing right this second're needed at the project plans." He stutters.
      I release a long breath of relief at having an and hastily excuse myself, leaving both men behind me.
     My mind races as I get to work teaching the other engineers how to begin our project. I can't focus correctly, though. Jungkook kissed me. He...kissed me.
Why? Why would he do that? He's never done anything like that before and no one was around to pretend...kissing was not in my least not explicitly. Does pretending to be a proper boyfriend include kissing?
To be honest, I've never been good with intimacy. As teenagers, I let Jungkook control the hugs and the sleepovers...and later Jin took over those same reigns. I don't think I've ever initiated any intimacy with anyone.
I've never been big on touching but Jungkook and Jin always have been. It shouldn't be a big deal. I'm a grown man. It's just a stupid kiss. It didn't mean anything and even if it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.


     "Hey, are you okay? You've been acting weird since we left work." Jin notes, sipping his coke.
     I fidget anxiously in my seat, playing with my food long since gone cold. "Hey, Jin...why do you think I'm not good with relationships?"
     He pauses, burger halfway to his mouth. "What? Who said you are bad with relationships? You just haven't met the right one yet. Nothing wrong with that. Look at us—we're great together." He smiles. "I was like you, you know. Before Tae came along."
     I scoff. "You two are disgustingly mushy. Watching you two gives me a sugar rush in the worst way." Wrinkling my nose.
     He blushes. "Yeah, well, I've never been like that with anyone else. I just know Tae is the right one for me. He makes me comfortable enough to be myself with him and one day you'll just know the right one for you. It's okay to wait for it." He rolls his eyes, biting into his meal. "It's not like you're old."
     I sigh. "I guess." I wonder how many relationships Jungkook has been in...he never shows interest in anyone when we were together back then. He spent all his time with me and never seemed to resent it—not that I would have stopped him regardless.
     Has he kissed a lot of people...does he think I'm a bad kisser? Why am I even worrying about something like this?!
Clearing my throat—along with my thoughts—I give up on eating. "Are you ready to go?"
"Are you coming home?"
Shit. I guess I need to tell him that I will be staying elsewhere... "Um, actually I found my own place." I try to seem optimistic but he, of course, sees right through me.
He narrows his eyes. "What the hell does that mean? I would never kick you out or force you to go. I missed you last night." He pouts, grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers together.
Sighing, I nod as his phone lights up. "You know you won't miss me. You'll be talking to Taehyung all night anyway. He comes back soon, right."
"Joon!" He groans.
"I'm not leaving permanently—not yet. I'll come over and grab some of my things, at least."
"Fine. I'll stop bitching if you tell me where the hell you're going." He stops short, eyes lighting up. "Are you moving in with someone? Is this why all the relationship questions?! Have you met someone and not told me!" He screeches, smacking my arm.
I free myself from the abuse. "N-no! I'm just staying with a friend."
"You have no other friends besides me." He retorts suspiciously.
I find that high offensive—even if it's true. "Not true! I have loads of other friends. Just because I don't share them with you doesn't mean—"
"Liar! Proof." He crosses his arms smugly. "I want proof or it isn't real."
I open my mouth to lie through my teeth when I feel a heavy arm draped over my shoulders, hot breath on my cheek.
"I'm his friend. He's staying with me for the time being. I hope you don't mind me hogging him all up." Jungkook says cheerfully, tugging me closer to him and away from Jin.
I curse internally. Is he a freaking stalker?! How did he know where I was and who I'm with? "Jungkook." I sigh.
Jin gapes at us, eyes comically wide. "Y-you never told me you were close with the CEO of our company, Joonie!"
I have nothing to say to that. No way to explain anything.
"Oh yes. Joonie and I have been close since we were kids, actually." Jungkook replies, grinning but I catch an undercurrent to it within his eyes. I frown but it's gone before I can place it.
"O-oh. Wow. Really? He never mentioned it." Jin stutters.
"It's not a big deal." I gripe.
"Right." Jungkook grips my wrist and begins walking slowly towards the door. "I hope you don't mind if I steal him. We have a lot to catch up on." He calls over his shoulder, dragging me along.
I'm too stumped to protest him leading me out of the restaurant and away from my friend until we're already getting into his car.
I blink. "What the hell was that, Kook!"
His smile is purely a scowl now. He crosses his legs over the knee and stares at me. "What part of we have a deal, don't you understand? When I say you have to be a proper boyfriend I mean be a proper boyfriend. Shouldn't your friend know we're dating?"
I scoff. "It's not real."
"He doesn't need to know that little detail. Tell him." He surprises me by reaching into my pants and grabbing my phone. "Tell him right now that I'm your boyfriend." He demands.
"Are you insane? I'm not doing that! Why is this so important to you? What's your issue with Jin?" I'm completely exasperated by his behavior.
God, it's almost like he' he's jealous or something stupid like that. Ridiculous.
He glares. "I want him to know you are mine."
"But I'm not!"
He pauses, eyes gazing strongly into mine. Arrogantly. "You will be."
My hands clench into fists. "What is that supposed to mean?"
"You're the smart one, Joonie. Why don't you tell me?"

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