ChApTeR tWeNtY

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"You seem overly pleased with yourself today. Fun night?"
I glance up from my paperwork, the smile slipping from my face and turning into a grimace as Choi's son, Seung hyun, leans casually against the doorframe to my office, smirking at me.
"Not your business. What can I do for you?" Please go away.
"Are you really marrying that fucking nerd from the engineering department?" He asks, plopping down across from me and making himself comfortable. "He doesn't suit you."
He pulls out a cigarette and puffs on it like he owns the goddamn world. Entitled flashes through my mind.
"No smoking in the building, Mr. Choi. I'm very busy. Can you please get on with it."
Licking his lips, he puts out the cigarette. Eyes lighting up, he leans forward, studying me. "You got bruises under your collar. I didn't take him for the sadist-dominant type....or you the submissive bitch."
Anger courses through me and I can no longer hold my amicable expression. I glare at him. "I really could care less what you think about my private affairs. I only need to know what business you have with me here. What do you want?"
Nodding, he sits back comfortably, looking as if he's planning to stay awhile. "I'm here to observe you. To get the hang of company life."
"Haven't you worked in your father's company?"
"My name is on it but that's it. My father doesn't trust me to take control." His smirk turns dark and amused. "Hence why I'm here now."
"You're father sent you to fuck up our company in petty revenge?" I scoff, unable to believe that.
He shrugs. "Perhaps. Maybe he's hoping I'll learn something useful from you but I doubt it. I don't hold his same beliefs."
"And why is that?" Sardonically.
His lip quirk. "You're too busy fucking that loser to actually do work. I bet you two have already fucked in the office, right?" He snorts, eyes trailing over my desk. "Right on the desk."
My eyes narrow. "Get. Out."
He laughs, immensely pleased with himself. "I think I like you, Jeon. At first, I was reluctant to accept this sham marriage for power, thinking it only a big joke but...I think I want to pursue it. It will certainly keep me entertained."
"Not going to happen. Namjoon and I are already planning the wedding. It's set for next month. You're simply wasting your time."
He scoots forward faster than I can blink and grabs my hand, his rough fingers trailing over my empty ring finger. "I do believe I have a month, right? Even if I can't marry you...I can certainly cause some problems, hm?"
I jerk my hand out of his. "Why are you doing this? I don't know you and you don't know me. What do you really gain out of this little game?"
"My life is rather boring of late. I'm not gay. I've only ever fucked women. Never even looked at another man before but my selfish father wanted to throw me to the wolves for power and maybe this is more revenge for him." He eyes me carefully. "I guess I'm just a little curious as well. I think fucking someone as pretty as you would be enough to placate my pride of degradation. I can fuck with you and maintain my manly image."
"Being gay doesn't make you less manly. Only bigoted and deep closeted assholes think like that." I give him a pointed look.
He smiles. "This is going to be fun."
I clench my fists, ready to retort some less than professional words when my assistant knocks on the door.
"Mr. Jeon, Kim Namjoon is here to see you."
Gritting my teeth, I glance at her. "Thanks, Lisa. Send him in." I turn my glare to the jackass in front of me. "Leave. I have actual business to attend to."
He scoffs. "What business? Prostitution? You really shouldn't use your father's company for such devious little deals."
"Fuck off." My Patience is gone.
Chuckling, he salutes me sarcastically before getting up. Namjoon stares at him hard as they meet at the door. Seung hyun grins at him, closing the door behind him.
I take a few deep breaths to calm myself. Namjoon stands in front of me, looking conflicted. "What is it?"
"Did he do something?" Anger flashes in his eyes, surprising me.
"Besides annoying me? No."
Nodding, he drops a folder on my desk and flips it open. "I wanted to run my blueprints by you before I submit them. They should be perfect but you have to approve them."
I huff. "And to think I thought you came here for another reason..."
He raises a brow, a small smirk hiding before his professional appearance. "How's your ass? Still sore?"
Grinning, his dimples pop out, mesmerizing me as he leans forward, his face inches from mine. His lips tease mine a bit, barely touching before he pulls away. "We should focus on work here, Kookie."
I want to pout but refuse to undignify myself like that. I'm a fucking CEO damn it! "Spoilsport."
He taps the paper. "Please approve this, Mr. Jeon! I will repay you later in any way you request!" He calls out.
Speculating, I stamp an approval on the blueprints—trusting him explicably. "Go finish your work but you better leave during regular hours. I want you home by seven." I demand.
He hesitates, picking the folder back up. "Actually, Jin wants to go shopping and have dinner. I'll be late coming back tonight."
"What about Taehyung?"
"He's on another trip overseas. He'll be gone two weeks this time." He explains.
"Ah. Okay. Well...don't be gone too long, okay?" I refuse to show my jealousy. I know nothing is going on with him and Jin. I like Jin. I don't want to feel like I'm being left behind. I trust him. He's made it clear he's about me now...finally.
I can just distract myself and maybe make my own plans. Get out of this stupid office and hang out with other business associate wouldn't hurt me to stop being so antisocial.
Since Namjoon has reappeared in my life, I've stopped paying attention to anyone else and now thinking about it...I feel bad. I need to see my own friends and invite them to the wedding anyway.


      I close up the office just after six, already called and made plans to join my friends at a popular VIP club downtown.
     I make a quick trip home to change out of my stuffy suit into more appropriate club clothes before heading that way.
     I find my two friends already drinking happily when I arrive. They both greet me cheerfully as I sit down.
    "Kook!" My friend Taemin smiles, already half drunk.
    "Where'd you go, man? You've abandoned us!" Yoongi gripes, pinching my cheek. I smack his hand away, rubbing my cheek.
     "Busy. Some of us have real jobs." I tease.
     They both scoff. Lee Taemin is a dance instructor. We met when I transferred schools in high school. He's an amazing dancer but never wanted to do it himself, just teach.
      Min Yoongi is a music producer. He's working on building his own record label company but right now just doing side gigs. Both are extremely talented but I still love to tease them.
      Yoongi sniffs, downing his drink. "Fuck you. We can't all have daddy's money, huh."
     Scowling, I give him the finger. We all laugh. Ah...I really needed this.
      We talk and laugh and catch up. I let them know about Namjoon and the wedding and both are expectedly shocked but supportive. I really love my friends. Amid a few jokes and teasing.
      Eventually, they wander onto the dance floor to find partners to spice up the night. I remain sipping my drink, watching all around me.
     The chair next to me moves and I glance over only to hold back a growl of irritation. "You stalking me now?"
     A glass slides towards me. "Drink with me. You look lonely." Seung hyun smirks, challenge obvious in his eyes.
     I take the glass and, remaining eye contact, down the drink in one go. Fucker.
     He smiles, downing his own drink and leaning back comfortably in the booth. "Let's enjoy the night, yeah. Get to know each other."
     "I don't need nor want to know you."
     "Why are you so rude? I'm being nice. Your own fiancé ditched you tonight for someone else, right? Let me be his replacement for now." He shrugs. "It's just drinking, right?"
     I stare at him, nervousness filling me at the look in his eyes. He's planning something and I'm sure it's not in my favor.
     He slides another full glass my way. "For you...if you dare."   
     A fire lights up inside me. I can't help it. I can never back down from a challenge. It's a fault of mine.

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