cHaPtEr TwEnTy SeVeN

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    Scowling, I mutter under my breath ignoring the taunting looks from across me. "Fuck off."   
    "Are you trying to get drunk? Shouldn't you be happy and celebrating? Our plan worked out better than we ever imagined and much quicker." Soha elegantly chugs her glass of wine, winking at me as she takes her turn at our card game.
     Beat again. Another win.
     Motherfucker. How is such a girl so much better than me at this? It's embarrassing!
     "I fold." Tossing my cards down, I finish off my own drink and pout. She laughs maniacally and reaches for my wallet tucked securely in my jeans. I look over at Namjoon pleadingly for help but he completely ignores us as he works on his laptop and I get molested.
      He looks up, adjusting his sexy ass glasses on his nose. "What is it?"
      I motion to the she-devil across from me. "Are you going to let her just rob me?!"
     His brow raises. "Didn't she beat your ass? I thought it was the goal of the game to take your money. You should pay up."
     I gape at him, pointing menacingly. "Are you joining on her side to humiliate me?! Do you know who I am?!" I might be slightly tipsy.
      Soha snorts, patting my head. "We know, love. You're a very mighty and powerful CEO. The absolute best! No one can do better."
      My pride is soothed and I give her a huge bunny smile. "D-Damn right!"
     She looks at me with exasperation before turning to my lover. "Joon, you should come get your boy before I change my mind and kidnap him. How can such a man be so...cute?"
      "Who's cute!" Not me. I'm a fierce warrior of a male. Sexy but not cute. No way. That ain't me, chief.
     "Who do you think?" Rolling her eyes, she counts all the money she won from me before tucking it into her bag and bidding us farewell. "Night, lovelies. See you tomorrow."
     Sighing, I flip backwards on the couch. "Joonie~~"
     Shaking his head, he closes the laptop and comes to my side, lifting me up quite effortlessly and carrying me to the bedroom upstairs. I whine the whole time about being cheated.
     "Y-you saw it, right?! She cheated!" My words are slightly slurred.
     I'm sat on the edge of the tub as he turns on the shower. "I think in this state, a squirrel could beat you at cards. Why are you drinking so much, hm?" He asks, stripping me and helping me into the shower.
     Grinning wickedly, I pull him in with me, drenching him and his clothes. He sucks in a deep breath before pinning me against the tiles and kissing me hard.
     Moaning, I rub myself against him but am sorely disappointed when he untangles himself and gets out, leaving me alone. Cold.
     "Kookie, finish up while I make the bed, okay? You need rest. You have two important meetings in the morning, remember?"
     I had, in fact, forgotten. Work...ugh.
     Responsibilities? Nope.
     Hot drunken sex with my amazingly gorgeously intelligent man? Yes please...
     Namjoon isn't having any of my shit, however, much to my irritation. When I get drunk, I get horny. He knows this. How could he deny me like this? I might die from blue balls at this point!
     I strut out of the shower, all cocky and strong muscles, making sure to showcase my best assets to him, giving him my best sexy 'come hither' stare.
     He looks back indifferently. "You'll catch a cold, baby. Let me find you some pajamas..."
     Seriously? Does he not see the perfection that is me—that all belongs to him to ravage? How can he resist?!
    I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around him. Kissing his neck, I press my full body against his, letting him feel my excitement. "Hyung."
     He turns around in my arms, smiling and kissing my lips gently before jerking a shirt over my head. I'm too stunned to resist as he pushes me down on the bed—only to pull my sleep pants on.
      Staring up at the ceiling, I try to think of anything that will get him to fuck me...or let me fuck him...I'm not picky.
     "Yeah?" He's helping to tuck me into the soft warm sheets and I yawn. Grasping his arm, I tug him down closer to me.
     "Love me."
    "I do love you, baby."
    "You know what I mean!"
    He frowns, brushing wet hair from my face. "You've been drinking for hours now. You look exhausted. Just sleep. I'm going to finish up my work then join you in bed, okay?"
     I watch in awe as he seriously abandons me, closing the door behind him as he heads back downstairs. I've forgotten how ridiculously obtuse my fiancé is. How clueless...especially with work on the brain.
     There's no way he couldn't sense what I wanted. He's smart. No, is he realty that worried about me? Even dying I would still be okay to make love to him one last time...
      Groaning, I roll over onto my stomach and bury my face in the pillows, smelling Namjoon's scent and breathing in deeply.
      My eyes get heavier and a sigh leaves my lips.
     I'm out before my next breath.

     I'm disoriented when I wake. I come into awareness in a weird way. Something seems strange...
    Blinking, I realize I'm sitting on top of something—or someone, rather. Focusing, I take in the position of my body for a long minute and feel myself flush from head to toe.
     Namjoon looks up at me with amusement and exasperation. "Are you finally awake? You assaulted me in your sleep. I came to bed and you immediately attacked me!" He sounds annoyed but he's smiling. His big hands are groping my ass—the ass impaled on his cock. I'm sitting on top of him, fully seated. My body is sweaty, too...what happened?! I remember nothing.  
     "A-attacked you?"
     He nods matter of factly. "You just decided to rape me in your sleep." He snorts. "I didn't realize you were that pent up. Didn't we just make love the other day?"
     I whine, trying not to move. Every time I shift, he gets deeper inside me. "You know how I get when I drink! This isn't my fault." I blame, scowling more in embarrassment then anger. "This is your fault for denying my advances earlier! My subconscious couldn't take the rejection!" I examine out.
      He looks shocked. "What advances?!"
     Gaping down at him, I replay every seductive thing I did to try to get him in bed. "Are you fucking with me? You know what I'm talking about."
     Arching a brow, he thrusts up and I moan, grasping his shoulders as he starts again. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not complaining, though. It was quite insightful to see you wanting sleep sex. I just didn't want to take advantage."
      "Take advantage! You have freedom to ravish me anytime you want! Take advantage of that." I warn enthusiastically as our bodies begin joining in that perfectly addictive synchronized rhythm. "Please take advantage of me more."
     His eyes darken as he tugs me down into his chest and we kiss nice and slow. I'm fully awake now.
     Our breath mingles together in the dark as we both climb to reach that climax, jumping off that cliff together.
    Gasping, I roll off him, finally sated. He pulls me into his arms and kisses my head. "Are you still tired?"
     "Mhm." Yawning.
     "His chuckle is soft and tickles my cheek. "I hope your meetings go well. I won't be able to go home with you tomorrow evening. I have a presentation for some management investors for our new project. It seems promising."  
     "That's what you've been working so diligently on lately?"
     "Mhm hm. I'm almost where I want to be, Kookie. A goal I've been striving to achieve is finally within my grasp." He smiles excitedly and it makes me happy in response.
     "I'm happy for you. I know you'll do amazing. You're so smart and talented."
     "So are you. I know your meetings will work out well in your favor. They always do."
     I shrug. "I'm just good at negotiating. I can talk anyone up but that's different than being a genius like you."
     "That's not true."
     "Anyway." I decide to change the subject. "I was wanting to ask Seokjin and Taehyung to join us on a little vacation getaway before our wedding. What do you think?"
      "Really? I think they'd love that. I haven't got to spend much time with them, either, lately. Been too busy."
      "Well...lets make the plans and date tomorrow then."
     "Alright, I'll let them know." He hesitates. "You know...I've been thinking."
     I glance up at him, my fingers lacing with his and holding. "About?"
     He looks at me almost...nervously. "What if we just do it on this vacation?"
     "Do what?"
     "Get married. Just you and me and Jin and Tae. We can make it small and intimate. An island wedding on the beach and honeymoon..."
     "...or not. I mean, if you don't want that—"
     I shut him up with an over-enthusiastic kiss, panting in excitement and anticipation. "I would love that. Please, let's do that. I want to marry you as soon as possible. Are you sure you won't regret it, though?"
      His gaze is gentle as he looks down at me. "I won't regret it. I love you. I honestly prefer a small gathering anyway. You know that."
     My smile widens until my cheeks hurt. "I'm so excited."
     Finally. We'll be getting married.

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