ChApTeR tWeNtY nInE

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My heart pounds in my chest and my words get all jumbled up. I can't keep my eyes from him.
     My husband.
     The one person I've obsessed over since childhood. How did I get so lucky in my life?
    I don't understand why he's so self conscious, though. He truly is the most gorgeous and wonderful man I've ever seen and that's saying something—I mean, our friends Jin and Taehyung are not ugly. They all look like supermodels and he fits in well with them.
     I hate to admit I still get a little jealous seeing them together even though I know it's not like that at all and never will be. I guess it just brings me back to the fact we started out just best friends like that and now...yeah, not possible for them. I would never allow it. He's mine and I'm never letting go!
      "You're smiling like an idiot."
     My eyes switch over to Hoseok who casually sips his wine. "It's my wedding. I'm allowed to smile. It would be weirder if I didn't, right?"
      His lips twitch. "Did you receive the tickets I sent you?"
      "Yeah. Are you sure you don't mind us using your vacation cottage for our honeymoon? You know we could easily just get our own place somewhere else—"
     He waves me off. "Nonsense. It's already booked and perfect. You would have to pay a fortune to get somewhere on such short notice at this time of year. Accept it and enjoy it as my wedding gift."
     I clasp his shoulder. "You're a really good friend. I'm glad you've been there for Namjoon, too. Thanks."
    "He's a great guy. I wanted to be friends with him.  I didn't do it for you."
     "I know but I still appreciate it."
     His grin is mischeiouve and knowing. "If you're so thankful then please feel free to send me the sex tapes of your honeymoon. I would enjoy those immensely."
     "Maybe...if my husband is alright with that." Teasing. I doubt that will happen.
     He sighs happily. "Maybe I can guilt him into it. He's so gullible."
     Laughing, I walk away and do my rounds with the rest of our guests. It's almost an hour before I find Namjoon again. He's tucked into a corner hiding from the cameras and people trying to congratulate him.
     Sneakily, I grasp his hand and jerk him out of the room and away from all the prying eyes. Just us. His eyes widen. "Kookie?"
     "Mhm." I close the distance excitedly and kiss him. His arms close around me and returns my love with fervor.
     "I'm so ready to get out of here." He groans. "I can't handle another photo op."
     Grinning like mad, I pull out my phone and snap a pic of us together. He smiles and snatched it from my hand, snapping a few pics of me up close.
     "Oh look, my new phone background."
     "Enough. I agree. Let's head out. They don't really need us to enjoy the reception. Let's go. Everything is already packed and loaded."
     "Is it really okay to just leave?"
     "Yup. I already texted my parents and Jin and Taehyung. Let's go."
     He drops his head down on my shoulder. "Finally."

Hoseok's little island cottage vacation package is suspiciously turning out a little too perfect for two people. He was going alone so...did he buy this just to give to us or does he have a secret lover somewhere?
I'm curious as we drop our bags in the spacious and neutrally designed bedroom. A huge glass window covers from floor to ceiling on one side to show off the beach only feet away. The sand coming right up to the door.
Namjoon sighs in relief as he drops down on the bed and loosens his shirt. Grinning, I plop myself down on his lap and help remove the offending article of clothing. He happily obliges, letting me strip him and cover his chest with kisses.
"This place is nice."
"I know, right? Too perfect almost."
His eyes wander out to the beach. "Want to go swimming and enjoy the sunset before we..."
"Yeah. Let's go." Standing up, I take his hand and together we change into beach towels and walk the beach. I eye his half naked body the entire time, enjoying the more luscious scenery.
     Who needs a sunset when you can enjoy a full moon...
Cracking myself up, my husband eyes me suspiciously but I just continue to walk alongside him.
"We're married." He suddenly says aloud.
"Yup." My gaze bores into his. "We're married. You can't get rid of me if you tried. I'll stalk you for all eternity."
He scoffs. "As if you weren't doing that before anyway?"
"Ooh. Touché." Slightly embarrassed but still owning it. "It worked, though. I got you in the end."
     Snickering, he grips my hand and tugs me close, imprisoning me inside his arms. I bask in the warmth, feeling our bare chests beating heavily against each other with every breath.
    "I'm really happy right now." His voice is soft. Awed almost.
     I peak up at him feeling touched. "Me, too. I've never been more happy in my life."
"Yeah?" I'm completely absorbed in his eyes, barely conscious of anything else, really.
"...why are we so cheesy?"
I blink. Coming back to reality. Grinning, I hit his chest and laugh. Stepping back, I snatch his towel with a challenging smirk and take off, waving his only defense of the elements in my hands.
"Get back here!" He wails, chasing after me butt naked on the beach. The breath leaves my lungs as I'm tackled to the ground and forced to eat sand.
Totally worth it.
His smooth muscular body clings today mine as he hastily removes my own towel and begins devouring my mouth, hands roaming all over.
I want it. Want him. In me. Me in him. I don't fucking care so long as we are joined in the next seconds...
My wishes are granted as he just as impatiently spreads me, slicks me up and slides home deep. Exactly where he belongs. He's practically a pro now. Haha.
"Baby..." His moan is muffled against my tongue.
" good...I l-love you..." I'm practically a whimpering mess under him as he fucks me ruthlessly on the beach right where anyone can see us. I don't care. Let them watch my husband work.
Fingers tangle in his hair as my body tenses up, ready to explode. He growls, thrusting frantically inside me as his hot fluids fill me up.
Moaning, I ride out the waves of ecstasy, pulling him down on top of me and enjoying his weight holding me down. It's comforting.
"We're fucked up, don't you think?"
"Maybe just a little." I tease, poking his side. "Come on, who doesn't have a little voyeuristic kink inside them?"
Rolling his eyes, he stands up and wraps his towel firmly around his hips while I ogle him happily. Helping me up, he tosses me my own towel and I cover up, licking my lips at the wet sensation of his cum dripping down my thighs. He notices and looks away, gulping.
"Let's clean up then grab some dinner, yeah?"
"Sounds good." I lean over to nibble on his ear. "I'm starving...but not for food. After dinner I want to eat you."
His eyes are fierce as he shudders, kissing me passionately. "Lets go and I'll let you do anything you want."
"That's right. Very good husband." I tease.

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