cHaPtEr ThIrTeEn

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As shock settles in between Jungkook and I, I find myself glaring at the stupid addition to our dinner meeting. Squeezing Kookie's hand in support, I clear my throat.
"Don't you think that's rather rude and inappropriate of you, Mr. Choi? We've made it very clear that we aren't separating for your ridiculous schemes and even plan to still continue work with building the companies. My partner has been gracious about keeping this strictly business and yet you pull this stunt?" I can't stop my words from flowing.
In the corner of my eye, I see Kookie fighting a smile at me in relief.
Mr. Choi has the audacity to laugh lightly. "Yes but everything can be bought for the right price. It only makes sense in my investment if I can keep full trust in the shareholder. I hadn't realized at the time Mr. Jeon's preferences but now that I do—well..." He shrugs.
I scoff. "No."
He pauses. "Excuse me? No to...what, exactly?"
I look at Jungkook who has yet to speak. He looks uncomfortable so I continue to take the lead. "I said no to this arrangement."
Choi looks at Jungkook. "And what about you, Jeon?" He wrinkles his nose. "Are you honestly telling me that you will continue letting your...partner, speak for you? This is a very important deal. Are you really going to walk away and make your company vulnerable over a replaceable man?"
I stiffen, ready to throw hands, but Jungkook sighs and places a hand on my shoulder.
"I'd like a moment alone with my boyfriend, please."
The man nods and the three stand. "We'll be back in ten minutes. Please have your decision ready by then." He pauses, glancing between us. "...and, Mr. Jeon, I would truly think hard about what you would be willing to give up for this relationship. I'm offering a generous amount of money to keep the company running smoothly. Your father would approve of this."
As soon as the door closes, I turn to him. "Are you okay? Why didn't you speak up?" A little miffed.
He sighs, avoiding my eyes. "You don't want this, right? Namjoon...if I turn my back on this father might disown me. It's a big deal to walk away. You just don't understand. I don't want to make this choice then lose you, too. We aren't even really dating. Or friends. I can't regret this."
Okay that stings but it's true. "Is that what this is about? If we have to continue this longer..."
He shakes his head. He finally looks up to meet my eyes. "You don't want to be with me, correct?"
I hesitate. "What do you mean exactly?"
     He grinds his teeth in frustration. "We both know you know exactly what I mean, Joon."
     I pause. My mind racing and heart pounding. Put on the spot. I think about the look in that asshole's eyes as he ogled his potential husband. "Please, Kookie." I cup his face firmly and stare into his eyes. "For me. As your best friend I'm asking you not to make this deal. I m-may not be able to give you what you want or anything close to what they are offering but I'm begging you."
     His face pinches into a frown as he gazes back at me. "Why do you care so much about me and my deals now, huh? I thought you didn't even want to be my friend let alone ask this of me..."
     I shush him by pressing my lips to his, shocking us both. My eyes burn and my lips tingle. "Don't do this, Jungkook. Listen to me. I don't feel good about this." I urge.
     He blinks. "O-Okay."
    Releasing him, I sit back and nod, licking my lips and tasting him still. My cheeks redden as what I just did hits me. Glancing at him, I notice him also looking away.
     It's silent until the others come back inside. My eyes narrow at the tall arrogant prick as he smirks down at me, his gaze trailing lazily over Jungkook as if he owns him already.
    Clenching my jaw, I grasp Jungkook's hand and squeeze. I really don't like the look of this guy.
     "Well? Have you reconsidered my generous offer?" Mr. Choi asks with a smile. "My son would make an excellent partner."
      I highly doubt that. Clearing my throat, I glare at the old man. "The answer is still no. Jungkook and I will not be accepting this deal."
     The man looks at Jungkook. "Are you sure? Last chance."
     Kookie nods after glancing at me. "As I've told you many times before—I have a partner and no business deal is worth losing the one I love. We both knew I would never accept such a backhanded offer. I have also realized the implications of losing your investments and I'm ready to accept the consequences." He nods. "But I maintain my original position on this matter."
      I watch as the son hides a smile. Mr. Choi sighs and shakes his head. "Well this is disappointing but I suppose I respect the fact you do not change your mind so rashly. Perhaps we can work together in the future. For now, though, I believe I will take my business elsewhere."   
      "I respect that. Good evening." Jungkook stands and reluctantly shakes the man's hand before they leave.
     Afterward, he slumps back down in the seat—no longer looking like the poised and put together CEO but my old friend. The younger boy that needed and depended on me.
"Kookie." My voice is gentle.
He looks at me, eyes wide and worried. "I don't know if—"
Leaning forward, I kiss his plump lips again. "This isn't a mistake. Trust me." I hesitate, clasping his hand tightly in mine. "I'm sorry I've been an ass lately. I've been annoyingly stubborn and obsessed with work—avoiding you— but I just want to protect you. I get a really bad feeling about that guy."
His eyes bore into mine. "W-Why did you kiss me? You didn't have to..."
I flush, embarrassed. Shit. "Honestly? I don't know. It just...felt right. Guess I got into the acting." I lie.
Snorting, he stands and straightens his suit. "Well, I guess I'll have to go home and deal with my father sooner or later."
I join him, taking his hand. "You mean 'we' right?" I smile.
He looks pleasantly surprised. Squeezing my hand. "Yeah. I mean 'we'."

So so sorry I've been MIA lately. Life and shit. I'm trying to put more updates out soon!

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