ChApTeR oNe

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Four Years Later

"Congratulations, Mr. Kim. You've worked extreme hard to graduate early with honors."
I shake the hand of the headmaster of my college. My smile bright and wide for the cameras flashing around me. After I lost my Jungkook, I forgot all about everyone else and focused on finishing my schooling to better my life.
I moved to Seoul like planned but never sought Jungkook out again. We never crossed paths and I eventually gained another friend in my field, Seokjin. Leaving the past behind.
Both of us scientists, we hit it off fast and shared a dorm. He's two years older than me but we ended up graduating at the same time.
As soon as my diploma hit my hand I was rushed with job offers. Jin and I already had it all planned out, though. We'd both work for Jeon Enterprises. The top leader in scientific research. We were accepted immediately.
I finish chatting with the headmaster before seeking out Jin. I find him sitting with his boyfriend, Taehyung.
They both smile and hug me. Kim Taehyung is just starting out in college majoring in art. He's cute but a bit moody for my taste. Jin was in love at first sight, though. I don't judge. They've been together for over a year now.
"Ready to celebrate?" I ask, excited to be moving on to the next stage in my life. They nod and we head out to our shared apartment to change for the graduation party going on in our honor.
We take Jin's shiny Lexus. He's got money. Not Richie rich money but very well off. He often takes care of me when I get behind. He's laid back like that. He also loves when I talk about random things that interest me and never tells me to shut up like some people.
I just get so excited about new knowledge and always want to share it. Not everyone wants to hear it, though. It's one of the reasons we get along so well. He accepts me as I am just as I do for him. It's great.
"Tae, when are you moving in?" I tease as he follows after his boyfriend like a lost puppy. He's here everyday and I know they both want to. They just don't want to put me out.
"I'm fine. I can just stay over all the time." He justifies.
Shaking my head, I remove my cap and gown. "I told you if you two want to live together privately I'd move out. With our new job I'll be able to save money fast."
"I'm not kicking you out. We're fine." He argues. For the hundredth time. What they don't know is I'm already looking for my own apartment. I want to be out by next month.
Why next month? I know a little secret. Taehyung wants to propose to Jin. I also know he's holding back until they can have their own place. I'm definitely not holding them back. I love them both too much.
"When do we first start again?" Jin sighs, rubbing his face. Graduation went a little late.
"Well, I'm starting tomorrow morning but you start Friday." I remind him. We aren't going to be working in the same departments. He'll be working on producing pharmaceuticals while I'll be working with nanotechnology. I'm glad I majored in science with a minor in engineering.
He nods. "Right. Thanks, Joonie."
I flinch at the name. He never calls me that and it reminds me of...uh, no. I'm not going there. That's all the past. They don't even know about that stupid nickname.
Taehyung notices the silence and jumps up. "Well, let's party!"


I straighten my tie as I follow my new boss around the lab the next morning. It's extremely modern and pretty cool, actually. I have my own station to build whatever I want basically. A lot of space. They give me vague ideas of what they want to create and I use my mind and knowledge to turn it to fruition.
"We're very excited to have you here, Mr. Kim. You were top of your class and in your field that's very impressive to graduate early with honors." He continues.
I smile, blushing. "I just love what I do. I'm happy to be here and get started."
"I'm sure you'll fit in perfectly." He motions towards an office. "This is my office and down the hall is the employee cafeteria. Bathrooms downstairs. You'll work from six am to six pm. I'm always in my office if you need me." He pauses, smiling. "Oh, and I'm Jung Hoseok, by the way."
I shake his hand. "Mr. Jung."
He waves me off. "Please. Call me Hoseok. I'm not that formal. Everyone around here just calls me Hoseok." He winks.
I nod. "Okay."
He turns to walk into his office but stops mid-stride, spinning back around. "Oh yeah, before you leave today, the CEO wants to meet you. Top floor. It shouldn't take long but..." he pauses, looking a little uncomfortable. "He's a bit...harsh. Honestly an asshole in my opinion. Just listen to what he says and go on."
I take his advice and file it for later memory. "Right. See you at lunch?"
His smile returns and he nods. "Yup. See you later."
I make my way to my station and smile, rubbing my hands together. I'm excited to get to work creating technology contributing to the future of humanity. It's a dream come true, really.

The day flies by and before I know it, I've worked through lunch and dinner. Yawning, I gather my things and make my way to the elevator.
I'm almost to the bus when I realize I forgot to meet with the CEO. Shit! My eyes widen and I run back to the tall building. I check my watch. It's only ten after, at least.
I wait impatiently as the elevator takes me up to the top floor. It feels colder when the doors open. Goosebumps rise on my arm as I walk towards the main office. I spot the secretary.
She's pretty and young. I read her name tag. Lisa. "Can I help you, sir?" She smiles sweetly. I find myself smiling back.
"Uh, yes. I'm here to meet with the CEO. My boss told me he's expecting me."
She looks at her computer. "Mr. Kim, yes?"
"Mr. Jeon will see you now. He's just out of a meeting."
For some reason that name sends a shiver down my spine. Why does it bother me, I have no idea. This is Jeon Enterprises anyway.
I nod, swallowing hard. "Okay. Thank you."
She stands up and walks over to the huge main door, knocking loudly and poking her head in the door. "Sir, your new hire is here."
Taking a deep nervous breath, I stride into the room and smile widely.
Unfortunately, my smile slips from my face as the man spins his chair from the window to face me. My hands shake as memories assault me. Good and bad.
Jeon Jungkook looks back at me from behind his large shiny desk.
Why is my life like this?

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