ChApTeR fIfTeEn

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    "Is it true?"
I glance up from my blueprints to see Hoseok casually leaning by my office door, eyes wandering everywhere but at me directly.
I pause. "Is what true?" Quirking an eyebrow.
"You and Jeon? Getting married? I thought you kept denying your relationship?"
I sit up straighter in my chair, slightly taken aback. I can't tell by his tone how he means it. " just happened."
Licking his lips, he nods. Wringing his hands, he sighs. "Does this mean you are quitting the team?"
"What? No! Of course not. I love working here. I'll continue with our projects." I reassure, smiling.
"Oh? Didn't you know? No one intimately involved or married to a Jeon is allowed to work in the same company? Have they made an exception for you?"
I frown. "No one has mentioned it. Jungkook understands how important my work is to me. I don't think he'd make me quit or he would have mentioned it by now."
He scratches his neck. "Hm, maybe. It's just...I just got a stack of new applicants for this department this morning. I figured it was for your replacement." He walks closer and perches on the edge of my desk. "I really don't want to lose you. You're brilliant, Namjoon."
I'm completely stumped by this information. "These came from Jungkook himself?"
"His secretary. He's really busy, you know?"
Clenching my fist, I stand and put up my blueprints, trying not to overreact. Surely there is a reasonable explanation for the new applicants. "I'm going to have a talk with him now. No way am I giving up my spot here."
He looks relieved. "I certainly hope not. The place around here has been better with you around. You're a great leader."
I clap his shoulder. "Thanks. I'm going to head out. I'll talk to you later."
"Will do!"

I ignore Jungkook's secretary as I knock on the door. Flustered, she stalks after me.
"Excuse me! You can't just barge in to Mr. Jeon's office! Who do you think you are—"
I glare down at her. "I'm his fiancé. I can and will."
She shuts up fast, now gaping at me. "Y-you are his fiancé?"
I don't know whether to be amused or insulted by the way she says that. "Yes, I am. Kim Namjoon." I flash my company ID badge and she pales.
Shakily, she takes several steps back from me. Mortification wells up in her eyes as she bows haltingly. "I a-apologize but he's in a very important meeting right now. Mr. Choi is—"
"Choi?" I cut her off. "Why is he here?"
She looks uncomfortable. "Umm...I'm not at liberty to discuss that with you. You'll have to speak with Jungkook when his meeting is finished."
Grinding my teeth, I tersely take a seat and cross my arms, waiting for him to finish his meeting. I'm not happy. Not happy at all.
It's nearly 30 minutes later when the door opens to reveal the bastard. I scowl as he smirks at me, walking past with a little salute of his fingers. Jackass.
Without prompting, I walk right into the office to see Jungkook sitting at his desk, head in his hands. "What the fuck is that asshole doing here? I thought the Choi's were cutting ties with the company?" I'm distracted from my original mission.
His head snaps up at my voice. Licking his lips, he sighs. "Nothing for you to worry about. It's all business. Apparently my father worked out another deal with them. Seung-hyun will be starting here and working alongside me for the benefit of his family."
"Are you kidding me? Does your father have any faith in you? This is ridiculous!"
"I agree but there's nothing I can do."
Huffing, I plop down in a chair across from him.
He watches me for a long moment, expression conflicted. "Are you here just because of that? How did you hear about him?"
     Oh, right. "No, I just heard he was here from your secretary. What the hell is this shit about new applicants trying to take over my position on my projects?! I put my blood and sweat into them. I'm not quitting the company." I warn.
He hesitates. "Joon..."
"I'm not. I've worked too fucking hard here. No one said anything about me losing my position by accepting that stupid marriage proposal from your father."
He winces. "It's not that. It's just..many people won't want you working under me. They are already worried about favoritism."
I gape at him. "Are you serious? Who complained?"
"A few...look, I know how hard you work and I'd never do anything to jeopardize your work but people may begin to resent you if you stay."
"So you—what? Want me to resign on my own? To please everyone else?" I can't believe this shit.
"No." He shakes his head. "On the contrary I want you to continue working. You're doing great things for the company and don't need my help. I'm just saying it won't be easy and you might begin to make enemies."
I consider. "I'm staying on. I don't care what anyone else thinks. Our relationship has nothing to do with it."
He stands and walks around his desk, sitting on the edge right in front of me. "I agree, Joonie. I just know you aren't good with conflict."
I scoff. "Oh really? How would you know? Maybe in high school but I'm not the same. I'm more than willing to fight for the things I want now." My gaze stays fixed on his.
He gazes back, intense. "Really now?" His knee knocks into my thigh. "Are you? Willing to...fight for what you want?" Is it me or does his voice sound a little more breathy? A little excited? Husky...
Licking my lips, I scoot forward and grab his strong thighs, jerking him down onto my lap—relishing the shocked look on his face and the gasp leaving his lips.
"Mhm. I am." I teasingly run a finger over his bottom lip, observing every inch of his face. His flushed cheeks, large dilated eyes...the gulping breaths...
"I don't like Choi being around you, you know." I reach around and grab his ass, pulling him even closer.
His eyes widen. "It's not like that..."
"Isn't it?" Sighing, I lean back taking him with me. His hands grasp onto my shoulders. His eyes anxiously moving to the door. It's closed but not locked.
"You're cute." I say, almost surprised by the admission and myself, honestly. "You've always been cute."
He blinks down at me. "What?"
"How did I never notice it before? I always saw so many girls after you in school maybe even boys, too. I refused to see it myself, though. Too stubborn maybe?" I shake my head, trailing my finger down his jaw.
He swallows hard. "Joonie—"
I grip his hips and buck up, biting my lip at the moan that leaves his mouth.
He tightens his grip on me, surprised. Confused. "W-Why are you being like this?" He gasps.
I raise a brow. "You don't like it?"
He pants, unmoving. "I didn't say that."
I admire his suit, casually running a hand over it, unbutton the top three and exposing his neck and half his chest. Chiseled muscle. Pale smooth skin. Glistening with sweat.
Lust fills me. I've never really considered a situation like this with Jungkook but now that we're here? I'm okay with it. "You want to bottom or top, Kookie?" I lean to and lick his throat, sucking lightly.
He groans, rolling his hips over me. "W-What?"
"Do you want me to fuck you, Kookie? Want hyung to fill you up and claim your sweet hungry body?"
He stares down at me in shock, sweat trailing down his brow.
I tug him closer and take his lips, slipping my tongue inside, tasting. Just a tease. "Or have you dreamed of owning me? Forcing me down and overpowering your hyung? What do you want?"
It takes several moments for him to calm down and his expression to clear up a bit. "Are you serious right now?" Breathless.
"Mhm hm. I'll do whatever you want me to do. How do you want me, Jungkook?"
"You don't care?"
I shrug. "I think either way would feel amazing and it's you so..." I'm almost too nonchalant but it's true. It's Jungkook. I'm going to be with him, either way. It doesn't matter how we do it.
He shudders above me, eyes darkening with lust. He slams his lips back down on mine, growling almost, losing control. I moan into his mouth, allowing him to lead this time.
"H-how do you want it, baby?"

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