ChApTeR tHiRtY

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    "I've never been more jealous in my entire life."
    Taehyung snorts beside me, sipping his glass of wine as we watch Namjoon and Jungkook laugh and dance on the beach, drunk and heady on life and happiness.
     "What are you talking about? You're the prince of pettiness and jealousy, baby."
     I scowl, smacking him. "How dare you say this to your fiancé! Why aren't we married yet? We should have five kids right now and living a luxurious life!"
     He gives me a look. "Hyung, I'm still in college and we're both men. Which of us is supposed to pop out the kids, huh?" Silently mocking me.
     "I'll have you know I'm your fucking king and you better not forget that." Sniffing proudly and pouting. "Why'd I settle for you? I could have had a chance at that!" I motion towards the couple. "I want a rich CEO head over heels for me! Instead I got stuck with a free spirited penniless artist!"
     Taehyung just smiles, taking no offense. It makes it worse. He never gets mad at my stupid outbursts or insults. Why? Why is he like this? Why won't he let me fight with him instead of giving me everything I want. Ugh. Freak.
     "I'll have you remember that you chased after this free spirited and poor artist for almost two years. You've never cared about this before. You said you loved my eccentric personality and beautiful face."
     "Don't be so smug."
     He continues sipping his wine, unbothered. "Would you like me to leave you to find your Prince Charming?"
     I gasp. "Don't you dare fucking joke! You want to leave me? Is my money and sexy body not good enough for you?!" My anger outweighing my brains by this point. He just does this to me.
     He rolls his eyes. "There's one there. He keeps looking over here. Why don't you marry him instead of this loser artist?"
     I glance over curiously to see Namjoon's boss, Jung Hoseok, constantly glancing over our way. He's...not bad looking. He's not my Taehyungie, though.
     Sighing, I drop my head on his shoulder and huff. "I'm tired of this. Take me to bed."
     He sets down his now empty glass and massages my head. "Hyung, how are you so tired already? We've only been here for two hours. It's still light outside."
     Whining, I shimmy closer to him and lift my lips to his ear. "I said take me to bed. I didn't say I was going to sleep."
     His eyes darken as he gazes down at me. His lips graze my cheek. "Are you going to ask him to join us?" Joking.
     I smack him again. "Why would I want someone else to see what belongs to me. You body is mine to admire and mine alone."
     His eyes dance mischievously. "Oh really? I thought you could do better. He looks rich and handsome. Perhaps he could love your body better than I can."
     I glare at him. "Fuck off."
     He sits back again, laughing. "I know you'd never leave me. There's no way his dick can compare to mine. We both know that's why you love me. I can't do much in terms of money or prestige at the moment but I can make a scientist like you lose his brains to pleasure in seconds."
     My mouth twists in annoyance. Asshole. "Maybe I will ask him to join us."
    He raises his brows suggestively. "What if he wants me instead of you? I'm penniless, remember? I could use a sugar daddy to provide for my needs."
    I stiffen in offense. "Aren't I that for you?"
    "You're a loudmouth conceited drama queen."
     My mouth drops open in shock. "Excuse me, bitch!" I gear up for another battle when I feel a tap on my shoulder.
     Taking a deep breath, I turn to see Hoseok grinning down at us. "Hello. I haven't really had a chance to speak with you. I'm quite good friends with Namjoon. I heard you are also close to him?"
     My anger recedes in light of his cheerful disposition. "Uh, yes. I'm Kim Seokjin. I work in the pharmaceutical department." I shake his hand.
     "Ah. Nice to meet you." His eyes trail up to my fiancé. "And this is?"
     "Kim Taehyung. I don't work. I'm just a poor college stupid and struggling artist." His flippant and carefree words and smile grinds on my nerves.
      Little shit.
     Hoseok Laughs. "Art is beautiful. I'd love to see your work sometime."
     Tae grins. "Sure. I could make you something if you like. Something...personal."
     I blink. Are they...are these fucking pricks flirting in front of me?!
     Steam practically shoots from my ears as I stand up and excuse myself, beyond enraged.
     They can both go fuck themselves to death for all I care!
     I hope they choke on a dick!
     I escape out of the party and down towards the guesthouse set on the beach close to the newly wedded couples cottage.
     Slamming the door, I lean against it and scream, kicking and punching at nothing like a lunatic.
     I hate him!
     Arrogant gorgeous jackass!
     Why does he have to be so beautiful?
     Why does he have feed my addiction then force me to withdrawal?
     How dare he mock and play me at a delicate time like this!
    Suddenly, the door is forced open by a great force and I yell out, barely saved from falling by strong hands that spin me around and securely pin me to the door.
     Taehyung's lips crush into mine so hard I taste blood. Moaning, I jump up, locking my thighs around his hips as we tear at each other's clothes.
     I break away, gasping. "Fuck you. How dare you be mean to me, huh?" Forcing his face back to immediately kiss me again. Greedy.
     He groans, biting and nipping at my face and neck, frantically rushing through the house. We don't make it to the bedroom. We both trip on the stairs but our lust and adrenaline is too high to feel any pain.
     He jerks off my shorts and spreads my legs, immediately taking my cock deep into his mouth. My mouth opens in a silent scream of pleasure as I grip his hair and thrust up into his hot mouth.
     He swallows me down as I force my tip into his throat, spilling myself.
     Groaning, he pushes off and kneels above me, caressing my face gently for just a second before grabbing the back of my head and slamming his dick into my throat.
     I gag, choking and sucking as I give him the same pleasure he just gave to me. Flipping me around, my mouth never looses connection to his delicious cock as he spreads me open and begins eating my hole.
     I cry out, clenching my eyes shut as he plays with my most sensitive spot. Shuddering, I ride on his mouth as he ejaculates onto my tongue. Moaning, I enjoy the taste of him before scooting down and aligning my wet and properly stretched ass over his unwavering manhood. A formidable force ready to rip me apart. I take it with practiced ease and confidence.
     I want more. Not enough.
     He gasps as I sink down to the hilt and immediately begin working my hips, never slowing down. It's a frenzy of passion and anger and indignation. As if he could ever have this with anyone else. No one can give him the pleasure and love that I can. My body alone. Myself alone.
     I slam my hands down on his sweaty chest as I fuck him. "You fucking look at someone other than me? You dare to even think of leaving me behind?"
      Panting, he grasps my ass and forces me even harder up and down on his cock. Licking his lips, he smirks breathlessly underneath me. "F-fuck hyung...I was only playing. I only want you."
     "Damn fucking straight. I'm your God and never forget that." Grinding and rolling my hips, I take him deep.
     He shudders, abruptly using his brute strength to stand and hold me against the wall, never slipping out. I clench around him and he groans.
     "And what about you? You aren't innocent. Am I not your fiancé? How dare you even think of trying to find better than me. You know you can't live without this thick dick. Your ass And dirty mouth is addicted to me like a drug." Hissing, he kisses me while brutally thrusting into my ass.
     I cry out, gripping his neck as cum erupts between us. He fucks me harder, wiping at my cum glueing our stomach's together and forces it into my mouth.
     Moaning in pleasure, I suck them clean, wanting more. The dirtier the better.  
     It's only like this with him.
     To the outside world, I'm cold and arrogant and purely clean. I want him to fuck me up and mess me up and make me a dirty, nasty slut. Only him.
     "Fucking slut. I think you like your own cum better than mine." Laughing, he pulls out and drops me onto my knees. It hurts. My knees throb as the wood of the stairs creak under our weight. He grasps my jaw open and forces his cock into my mouth.
     It's dirty. Fucking disgusting.
     "How do you like the taste of my cock in your ass? Delicious, right? Fucking milk me properly and I'll reward you, hyung." I gag on it as he fills my mouth with cum soon after. I don't stop. I keep sucking and licking and taking it until my jaw aches.
     I worship his filthy cock, reluctant to let it slip from my lips. He chuckles darkly at me. "Look at you. My lovely white prince is a fucking mess." He drags me up and holds me in front of the mirror feet away.
      I look at myself with heavy swollen eyes. Lips red plump and wet with cum and spit. It runs down my chin and sticks to my chest. My throat hurts.
     I fucking love every second of it. I'm completely blissed out as he carries me to the bed and slides back inside me, much more gently this time.
     He fucks me slow. Making love to me. I shudder and cling to him as he takes me. Whispering equally sweet and filthy things in my ear. I demand his kisses and affection with silent need.
     He gets me. Just gets me.
     When it's over and we're both fully sated, he holds me close, pampering me. "Are you really upset about their marriage?"
     Sighing, I relax against his chest. "I'm happy for them. I guess I just feel like I'm losing Namjoon. He's my best friend. I love him. You know I don't like sharing."
     His warm beautiful eyes gaze at me. "I'll be your best friend. You lover. Your confidant. Your husband. You can have all he has with me."
     I smile. "I'm sorry I called you a penniless loser."
     He grins. "I know you are but I meant every word I said about you, baby."

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