ChApTeR sEvEnTeEn

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I hide the limping as much as I can as I exit the elevator and head back to work. Sweat and dried cum cover my body making it sticky and I wince as every movement brings full attention to it.
Luckily the marks are covered by my clothes. Hoseok watches me come back and smiles idly, leaning casually against the doorframe to my office as I hesitantly sit down—cursing under my breath at the sharp pain.
His bright sharp eyes take notice. "You talk with Jungkook?"
My face reddens a bit. "Yup. I'm not leaving, don't worry."
He grins, swaggering into the office and closing my door firmly, taking a seat across from me. I narrow my eyes as he leans forward and cups his chin under his hands, observing me with an amused knowing smirk.
He shakes his head, pressing his lips together in a teasing manner.
My eyes narrow further. "Spit it out."
No longer able to contain his obvious glee, he bursts out laughing. "I see you got the D. I'm curious—how is Jungkook? I've heard he's a God among men in this aspect. Is it true?"
Embarrassment burns my face as well as annoyance. Is it that obvious we fucked? "Why do you care so much, huh? You want to fuck him?"
He nods, smile wide. "I've though about it. Never went through with it, though. He seemed too...scary to me. Like a beast. I'm too delicate for that, myself." He sits back and crosses his knee. "Can't you tell?"
"Pansexual. I like pretty things and you can't deny the boss is pretty. Fierce but pretty." His shrewd eyes run over my form. "You're pretty, too. I can see what Jungkook likes about you."
I grunt, pointing at him in warning. "Stop it, perv."
Throwing his arms up in surrender, he shakes his head. "Kidding. I'm not into threesomes anyway and office romances rarely turn out well. I'm happy just being your annoyingly happy boss." Winking, he stands and straightens his shirt. "Seriously, are you alright, though? You look like you're in pain."
Taking a deep breath, I nod. "I'm fine. Thank you for your concern."
He hesitates at the door. "You can go on home if you'd like. We're far ahead of schedule, anyway, thanks to you."
"I'll stay and finish up. I just thought up a new blueprint for another project I want to start when this one is over." I smile.
"Wow. Your brain is insane, you know? I'm truly honored to meet such a man in this life." He shakes his head, walking down the hall.
When he's gone, I slump back in my seat and try to get my train of thoughts back in order. Work mode instead of Hoe mode. Just thinking about what took place earlier and what's to come later...


When I leave the office, everyone else is long gone. It's very late. Once I'd gotten back to working on our project I'd completely lost track of time. Shit.
I'd walked up to Jungkook's office but he was already gone as well. Double shit. When I arrive back at the house, I notice all the lights off already then remember his parents left on a trip for the week.
Their maids are already gone as well. It's eerily quiet. I wonder if Jungkook is mad or disappointed in me. Opening the bedroom door, I expect him to be up and angrily waiting for an explanation but what I get is completely unexpected.
Jungkook is already asleep. His tall lithe form is resting under the sheets. My side of the bed is still tucked back waiting for me. I stop short at the door and just stare at him.
He really is rather...breathtaking. His pale skin smooth and flawless. His dark hair curling around his neck and bangs covering his forehead in a messy cute way.
I'm taken back years. Back to when we were teens and he used to sleep with me in bed. Now I realize maybe those sleepovers had completely different meanings to him than they did to me. Did he ever watch me sleep? Did he ever lay beside me and just pray for me to touch him or look at him or kiss him?
Slowly—silently—I creep over to his side and sit down, staring down at him. He looks younger. Innocent. Vulnerable.
I brush the hair off his face, lost in thought.
"You're back." He whispers, voice hoarse from sleep.
I glance down, surprised to see his eyes open. "Yeah. Sorry I'm so late."
Yawning, he shakes his head and sits up. "It's fine. I know how important work is to you."
I notice the dark circles under his eyes. "You work just as much as I do." Reminding him. "I think your job is much more stressful than mine. Besides, I like my job. I know you hate yours."
He pauses. "Why do you say that?"
A little smile crosses my face. "We both know you do. You've always hated being compared to your father. You hate business and being in charge of things." I remind him knowingly.
He looks away, hands clenching the sheets tightly. "Well, What do you think I want to do then?" His voice holds a bit of challenge.
"You want to dance. You've always wanted to be a dancer. In high school you'd always brag about learning new moves between football lessons."
" remember that?"
"Yes. You were really good."
"Well, it doesn't matter. That kind of thing would be impossible for me. I'm the fucking CEO of Jeon Enterprises. I have responsibility over thousands of other people's lives."
"And you hate that."
He huffs. "Why are we even talking about this? What would it change?"
"You're tired. Really tired. You need a break."
He looks at me, really looks at me. Eyes wandering over my face as if searching for something. I don't know what he finds. "A person in my position gets no time to rest. You of all people should understand that."
I nod. "Which is why I think we should take a vacation."
He snorts. "You? Vacation?! Your projects aren't even done and you want to leave on a vacation? Who are you and what have you done with Kim Namjoon?" A teasing smile graces his mouth.
I straighten up and pat his head. "I'm still one in the same. Actually, my project will be finished by the end of this week then we can go somewhere. Take the weekend off." I suggest. "Maybe Jin and Taehyung could go, too."
His eyes light up a bit at that. "I really like them."
"Me, too. What do you think?"
Biting his lip, he hesitantly nods. "As long as the rest of the week goes smoothly and I can finish up most of my work then...I say let's go."
"Alright. It's a date." Winking, I caress his cheek before getting up. "I'm going to shower then come to bed."
His teeth continue to nibble his bottom lip. "Then...what?"
I pause, glancing back at him. "Then...lets see."

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