ChApTeR tWeNtY fIvE

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   Okay. Maybe the plan worked a little too good and too quickly. Maybe I was a little overdramatic about the whole situation. While it's true he really hurt me...obviously he does feel something for me or he wouldn't be like this now.
      Soha was right as well. I don't want to give this up—hell no. I want this...this with Namjoon. No, I need this with him and only him.
How could I even think to end this? I worked with hard to get him in the first place...
     Staring up at the dark ceiling, pens prick and papers painfully cut into my bare skin but I don't care. The only thing I care about is Namjoon's head between my legs right now. The only thing I feel is his hot wet mouth sucking my cock so perfectly and his long graceful fingers buried so deeply inside my ass I can practically taste them.
      Fuck. I whimper as he brushes my sweet spot. Hips twisting a bit, I clutch the edge of the desk and pant out in desperate need to cum.
     Fuck the unlocked door. Fuck the window that everyone can easily look into if they feel so inclined. Fuck work. Fuck everything—especially the man kneeling down and serving me. Literally.
     "Ahh, Joon—I'm gonna cum." Sweat forms on my temples and lower back as I thrust my hips up and feel my cock hit the back of his throat.
     He moans before grasping my thighs and jerking me closer to the edge of the desk, my ass hanging off.
     I pant, heart pounding in my ears as he releases my throbbing cock from his mouth and begins trailing his hot tongue down lower...lower....
     I moan loudly as he replaces his fingers with his tongue. I spread my legs wider for him and lose myself to the pleasure, forgetting everything else.
     It's so fucking hot. So dirty. I'm so immensely turned on by the strict control Namjoon has over the situation. How I'm naked and so wet and needy for him while he's dressed and not releasing an ounce of the animalistic brutality I know he's keeping held in check.
     I want to force it out. I want him to release it all on me, in me. I want him to slam inside me, fuck me up and turn me out so thoroughly I forget my own goddamn name or anything else I'm supposed to be caring about.
      Right now I'm not Jeon Jungkook—wealthy CEO and cold aloof playboy. No, right now I'm Kim Namjoon's bitch. His plaything. His toy to tease and play with to his heart's content. I'm just his.
     I moan again at that thought. The things this man does to's unnatural. It's shameful and yet I want it just like this. All the time. He owns me. Completely. We don't need to prove anything and yet...I like this game. This game of dominance and jealousy and possession. It's all I've wanted from him from the beginning—for him to want to possess me. For him to actually want to own me. Just like I crave to fully have him as mine.
     I willingly gave myself up to him a long time ago. Yes, I'm still hurt but that's not going to stop me from fully enjoying this moment with him right now. I'm still a man, aren't I?
"P-please...Joonie...fuck me. I can't take it. Ah, ah." My voice trails off as he bites hard on my ass cheek.
His hands slap and grope my ass a bit before spreading me wide open and rubbing his cock against my entrance. "Are you going to break it off with that woman completely? I want you done with the Choi's."
I bite my lip, ass clenching and unclenching with anticipation. I nod in a jerky movement. "I'll break it off."
Not like she will care. She will probably throw us a party.
Grunting, he huffs. "I can't stand the thought of you being with someone else." He admits, lining his hips up and very slowly teasing his tip inside me.
I suck in a deep breath, wanting him deep inside already. "I'm not with anyone else."
His eyes meet mine. "I'm sorry for hurting you. It was childish of me. I was wrong."
Smiling a bit, I reach up and touch his cheek. "You forgave my stupid past mistakes so I'll forgive you this once, too."
Laughing a bit breathlessly, he finally gives us both what we want and slides home in one smooth motion all the way to the hilt. I gasp, toes curling and eyes rolling back, as he immediately begins pounding into me in quick powerful bursts, refusing to let me adjust to the large intrusion.
Fuck, it feels so good.
Moaning, I wrap my legs around him and give him free reign over my body. It's his to do as he pleases with. Y eyes occasionally trail unfocused to the door and the many shadows passing by.
Deep down I kind of want someone to look inside and see me being fucked so good and hard by Kim Namjoon. I want them to see and get a taste of what they will never have. All mine.
I run my hands over his clothed chest, damp with perspiration and grunt. "I want to feel you."
He jerks his head a bit before kissing me long and deep, mimicking his lower body's movements. He grabs my hands when I attempt to strip him, too, holding my fingers prisoner in his grasp.
"Turn over." He commands, pulling out and helping me turn over and lean over the desk. My legs are numb and prickly as I weekly grip the desk.
He slides back in from behind all the while grabbing my discarded tie and tying my wrists behind my back. Oh fuck yes. I love when he does this.
I clench, my ass gripping his dick tightly as I tug at the binds. Tight and unbreakable.
He chuckles, gasping behind me and kissing my sweaty nape. "Your ass is swallowing me so fucking good, baby. You body was made to be owned by me." He slaps and gropes my ass roughly while thrusting in hard and deep.
I cry out, panting and barely holding on as cum builds up. So close...
Oh fuck... "More! H-harder!"
He takes a shuddering breath behind me and complies, going even harder on me. It hurts but in the best fucking way.
"Cum for me. I want it all over the desk. Come on, baby. I want you a fucking dirty mess for me." He drops his head on my shoulder, his sweat dripping down my neck. He licks at my own sweat.
I lick my lips, wanting to taste it from his tongue. I love when he lets go and gets dirty. Only for me. Only I can hear it from his proper kempt self.
He growls, gripping my hips roughly and driving into me with every ounce of strength and force inside him.
It's too much.
Gasping, I try to straighten but my legs give out and I'm just trapped under his rushing body as it fucks me just right.
A blinding light brings me back from half unconsciousness and my sex crazed mind is instantly replaced with shock as the door is thrown open to reveal a just as shocked Jung Hoseok gaping at us from the door.
Namjoon stops as well. Only our loud labored breathing can be heard in the room.
I'm humiliated and frozen in shock and fear. Oh my god. Did this really just happen?
Did we really just get caught having dirty bondage office sex by one of my subordinates and Namjoon's boss?!
A slow smirk appears on Hoseok's face replacing his own shock as he closes the door and leans back against it, covering the window. "Please. Don't stop on my account. Please continue on. Pretend I'm not here."
Namjoon's cock twitches inside me and I bite back a moan.
I'm conflicted. I don't want to stop but...but.
I glance at Namjoon who looks just as conflicted.
"I won't tell, don't worry. I'm just lacking some excitement of my own. Let me enjoy this rare treat." Hoseok smiles widely, whistling calmly and cheerfully as he takes a seat in front of —the now—locked door.
"He's already caught us...can't we just continue? I really want to get off." I whisper, almost whining from denied orgasm. My need to cum overpowering my shame.
Namjoon groans behind me. "Alright. If he wants a show, baby..." He leans down and licks my ear seductively. "Let's give him a show, hm?"
God. The things this man does to me. "Okay."

What even is this? Hehe...

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