ChApTeR tHrEe

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    My mouth drops open. "Jungkook."
    He smiles. It's not the smile I remember from childhood but the cold smile he gave me the last time I saw him. Cynical. Mean. Cruel. "Kim Namjoon. Long time no see. You've...changed, huh."
     I frown, glancing down at myself. Yeah, of course I've changed. Over the years I lost my glasses, dyed my hair lighter, and gained some muscle. I'm not super model worthy but I'm far from the ugly nerdy guy I used to be. I've just grown up into myself. Gained confidence.
     I clear my throat. "Its an honor to work here. I hadn't realized you owned this company." I refuse to let him bring up our past. I burned that bridge a long time ago. He's nothing to me now but a stranger. A rich and powerful stranger that happens to be my bosses boss. But whatever.
     He studies my stern unwavering expression with amusement. "My father took it over years ago. The reason for our move, actually. He handed it over to me last year."
      I don't know why he's telling me any of this. Not like I care. Clearing my throat, I walk forward and take a seat. "You wanted to see me, sir?" Not willing to play whatever game of catch up he's getting at. Business only.
      He laughs, steepling his fingers under his chin. "You truly have changed, Joonie."
     I narrow my eyes, not amused. "My name is Namjoon, sir. If you don't need anything then I'd like to get home."
     "To a girlfriend?" His eyebrow quirks. "...or a boyfriend perhaps?"
     I curse the night I ever told him I might be bisexual. It was on one of our many sleepovers before he left. I told him about the fact that I had a little crush on one of our male classmates. He, of course, never judged me. Now, though, I feel he's throwing such sensitive details in my face.
"Roommate—not that that's any of your business. If you don't need me then I'll be going." I get up to leave, stalking to the door, beyond angry I'm letting him get to me. I'm better than this.
My hand pauses on the door and I curse myself for still caring. Why? "What?"
"I've missed you."
Scoffing, I spin on my heel and glare at him. "Fuck off, Jeon. Leave me the hell alone unless it involves business or my projects." I walk out, not bothering waiting for a reply. That selfish asshole thinks he can treat me like shit that way then just wiggle his way back into my life like the past never happened?! Like he never dropped me from his life like our friendship meant nothing?
Well, I'm not playing his game. I've realized in all my time away from him, I've grown stronger without him. I don't need him in my life. I have Jin and Taehyung. That's all I need.
Fuck you, Jeon Jungkook.


"Hey, you okay? You've been more quiet than usual lately." Jin asks while stuffing his face with chips.
It's been a month since I've seen Jungkook. Since I started working for Jeon Enterprises. I haven't seen him again, thankfully, but I've honestly considered finding work elsewhere. I don't need the past distracting me. I don't need him in my head all the time.
"M'fine. Just tired." It's not really a lie. I've been working far more hours than I really need to. "How's Tae? I haven't seen him around much lately." I sigh, wanting to change the subject.
"He's on an art excursion. His class apparently travels a lot to visit different art museums around the country. He'll be back next week sometime." I can tell he's upset about it.
Without thinking, I scoot closer and wrap my arm around his shoulders. "I'm sorry. Feeling lonely?"
His eyes light up and he slowly lays down on the couch, stretching out and resting his head in my lap. We've always done this since being roommates. Starting out, we were both single and just wanted the close company and affection.
It's never been sexual and it's not now. He is madly in love with his boyfriend and I've never seen Jin in that way. Sure, he's extremely handsome and self assured. He's also sweet, a good cook, and great friend but I could never ever think of touching him in that way.
I've never touched anyone in that way, actually. Never been interested. Maybe that's weird for a guy in his early to mid twenties to be a virgin but I've honestly never cared. It's always been work most important to me.
I've never even had a girlfriend or boyfriend. Any relationship really. My life is too hectic as it is. I don't think I could ever give someone that much attention over my research. I have enough trouble just trying to love myself let alone someone else.
"Hey, Joon?"
"Mhm." I begin running my fingers through his hair, my eyes focusing on the movie we're currently watching. Or pretending to watch in my case. My mind had just been running nonstop.
"Why haven't you dated anyone?"
God, is he a mindreader now? I shrug. "I guess I haven't found interest in anyone yet." I guess that's mostly true.
He rolls onto his back, looking up at me from my lap. "You know, you could get anyone. You're really attractive. You're kind and pretty much a genius. I've never understood why you've stayed single." He admits.
I sigh. I think about it—really think about my hang ups with dating. There's never been anyone in my life besides...him...that had made me even consider putting them above my work. No one else I've ever imagined putting their life before my own after...him.
"It's just not for me." I force out a breathy laugh. "Why all the concern with my love life, all of a sudden?"
He smiles. "I don't know. I guess I just love you and want you to have what Taehyung and I have. Is that crazy? You're my best friend, Joon. You deserve to be happy, too."
"I am happy." I immediately defend. "Work makes me happy. Coming home to hang out with you makes me happy. I don't need anything else. Honest." I reassure.
He pouts but gives up. "Fine." Rolling off me, he sits up and takes a sip of his drink. "Anyway...I've been talking to someone I think you might like—"
"Oh no. I'm not doing blind dates! I've told you about that before."
"Please? Just consider it, at least. She's really nice. You'd hit it off really fast."
I give him a look.
"She's just like me but a girl. Her name is Jisoo and I swear she's my long lost twin! She works in pharmaceuticals like me. She's really pretty and smart and—"
"If I consider going out on one date will you shut up?" Groaning. "I'm not making any promises for another, though. I don't have time for dating in my life."
His smile widens and he claps his hands together excitedly. "Yay! You'll love her. I know you will."
Doubtful. Highly doubtful.

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