Ch.2 The Gift

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I look down a bit to see a gun in the boy's right hand. At his feet were two dead bodies. It was the doctor and his wife.

"Sir, there's a child!"

All guns immediately point towards me. I just stood there, staring at their bodies. The boy faces me, with the same blank expression I had. He walks up to me, and puts his gun to the center of my forehead.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Shiori. I'm ten years old and I'm abandoned. I can't read and I feel nothing."


We stare each other down.

"Sir, the intel never said that our target had a child. We have to get rid of her before see can tell the police."

"You feel nothing?" the boy asks me, ignoring his lackeys.

I nod my head. We kept looking each other in the eye.

"Sir! We have to-"

"She's coming with us."

"What?! B-But-"

The kid aims his gun at his lackey and shoots his right shoulder. The lackey gripped his shoulder as he groans in pain. I watch as the blood runs down his arm.

"If you question me again, I aim for your heart."

His voice was cold and dangerous. I bet nobody questions him.

"Get this place cleaned up. After that, we're leaving."

"Yes, sir!"

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

"Does this hurt?"


I'm currently laying on the bed, with the kid pinning me down to it. He was gripping my wrists, hard. He let's go and sits up, leaving a red imprint on my wrists. We're in the bedroom so we could talk alone.

"So you do feel pain."

"I do. I can't feel emotions."

"I see..."

I sit up and look at the boy.

"Why did you kill the doctor and his wife?"

"Because they were my targets."


"I can't tell you."

"Okay... But why?"

"That's for me to know."


"...Are you sad? They took care of you after all."


"Are you happy?"

"No. I don't think you understand me. I don't feel-"

"I do, it's just I want to learn about you. You seem interesting."

"After they clean up, where are we going?"

"To the Port Mafia's headquarters."

"You're with the Port Mafia?"

"Yes. I want you to join us."

I tilt my head to the right.


"Because you interest me."

"I do?"

"Yes. I want to make you feel emotions."

"So I'm a toy?"

"No, you'll be my pet."


"A pet needs a collar."


The boy stands and walks to the dresser. Sitting on top of it was a wooden box. He opens it to reveal a bunch of jewelry. He looks back at me.

"Pick a collar."

I get up and walk over to him. There was a lot of shiny necklaces in there.

"Which one do you like?"


"Okay then, which one stands out the most to you?"

I look in the box and noticed a moon-shaped locket. I pull that one out.

"I'll put it on."

The boy takes the necklace and goes behind me. He places it around my neck. Once done, he turns me around.


He then hooks his finger onto the chain and pulls me close. He towered over me as our bodies pressed together. His face was very close to mine.

"You belong to me. I'm your owner."

"I understand. What's your name?"


I pull away and hold my hand out to him.

"Hello, Dazai-san."

He looks at my hand and back at me. He takes it in his own.

"Hello, Ori-chan."


"Your pet name."


"Do you feel bothered yet?"


"I guess my plan failed then. You're not really my pet. But you're still coming with me."


I reach behind my head, and was about to take off the necklace when...

"That's a gift."

"A gift?" I question him.

"I'm giving that to you."

"Oh, okay. Why?"

"Because the day I make you feel emotion, I want to take a picture. You can place the picture in this locket. Then that way, you can remember the day you felt something."

"I see..."

Dazai nods and places a hand on my head. A faint smile appears on his lips.

"I think we're gonna be great friends."

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