Ch.6 Join Us?

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Everyone looked right at me. Chuuya simply glares at me.

"I'm not fighting a baby like yourself."

"My ability will kill you." I inform him.

"So you have an ability too?"

"Yes. Would you like to see it?"

Chuuya smirks at me.

"I bet it's nothing special. You're just a little girl after all."

"My name is Shiori. I'm 11 years old and adopted by the Port Mafia. I'm learning how to read and I feel nothing. I have no emotion."

Chuuya's smirk falters.

"No emotion?"

Something's not right.

I suddenly face Dazai and tackle him out of the way as the ground beneath us begins to blow up

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I suddenly face Dazai and tackle him out of the way as the ground beneath us begins to blow up. The two of us land into some rubble as the wind blow harshly against us. Dazai held me close as he looks forward. There, standing in the middle of the crater was another old man with long hair. His power was great.

"The previous boss..."

I look at Dazai as he watched the man.

So that's him. The one Mori killed.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

As fast as the old man appeared, he vanished without a trace. After...that...happened, we captured Chuuya and went back to headquaters. It's currently the next day.

"Your bandages are dirty."

I remove Dazai's bloody bandages from around his head. I clean up the blood and dressed him with clean bandages.

"Thank you, Ori-chan."

"...Boss showed me how to do this a few months ago. He taught me some medical ways to treat people. He said it would be useful for you if I learned how to take care of you."

"Oh, did he now?"

I look at Dazai's arm. It was in a cast.

"Don't worry. I got this from our little fight with that brat yesterday. I'll be fine."


I put the medical supplies back in their respected places. Once done, Dazai and I leave the infirmity and head to the boss's office.

Dazai opens the doors and we walk through. Inside was Mori, sitting at his desk, with Chuuya restrained in a chair by a man with long black hair. He also dressed like he was in the middle of a winter storm. He was using his ability to restrained Chuuya. Chuuya had glowing, yellow boxes around his hands and feet.

"Ah, Dazai-kun. Shiori-chan. I've been waiting for you two." Mori smiles at us.

We simply walk up to Mori's desk, passing Chuuya as we did. When he was able to see our faces, he glares at us.

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