Ch.17 Erase

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I look at Dazai's smile and nod. We face Chuuya, who was standing in front of the dying Randou. He speaks up as we walk over.

"What are you, Dazai? A sh*tty magician?"

"Listen, Chuuya, do you really think I'd be wearing a cast for no reason? Shiori understood that faster than you and I didn't even tell her."

"She's been with you longer, you idiot."

The two face Randou as I lick my hand clean.

"You're going to tell us everything, aren't you, Randou-san?"

"...That day, eight years ago, my spy partner and I infiltrated this nation."


"We were here to take the high-energy being the military was supposedly hiding in a secret facility. But the moment I took the being, my partner betrayed me and our nation. He and I fought over the being and, in the end, we were discovered and confronted by the Japanese military."

Once finish cleaning, I sit next to the dying man and listen to his words. He continues as I wait for him to die.

"In order to escape, I unleashed you, Chuuya-kun, the being I'd stolen, and tried to take control. In that instant you blew up the facility along with all its records, and I lost my memories."

I see. So that's what happened.

"My name isn't Randou. Someone of this nation simply misread the hat that I wore, and gave the name to me."

"What happened to your partner?" Dazai questioned.

"I killed him with my own hands... Chuuya-kun. I suspect you aren't Arahabaki itself, but a human being chosen as a vessel to keep Arahabaki under control. But you are strong, not as the Aragami but as a human being."

"Well, thanks." Chuuya replies as he faces away.

"Whatever may live inside you, you are already you. Is that not enough?"


"All people, all creatures, live without knowing what they really are."


"It's odd." Randou softly smiles. "I'm not the least bit cold anymore."

He dies with a smile on his face.

"...I guess we're done here." Chuuya speaks up.


I simply look at Dazai.

"It's your turn to tell the truth."

"...About what?"

"...Your true ability. You were able to use my ability for few seconds."

I just stare at Dazai. I remember his words as I do.

"Make sure you keep your ability a secret, young one. It could cause a lot of trouble to the world if anyone found out and used you."

"Hey, you good?" Chuuya asks.

I snap out of it.

"...I can not speak of it. I was ordered not to."

"Ordered? You listen to me, and me only."

"...I'm sorry."

A white light starts emitting from my body as I walk up to the two.

"This is a secret that no one else should know."

"Hey-" Chuuya tries to speak.

"Change... In Search Of Lost Time."


I grab both Chuuya's and Dazai's arms before Dazai could used his ability. They freeze and stare into the distance as the ability works on them.

"I'm rewinding your memories, you will not remember me using my true ability. You will also forget about seeing me cry. I didn't feel anything when I did. So it doesn't count as emotion to me."

I stop glowing and take a step back as I let them go. I speak to myself as they stare with blank looks.

"I'm sorry, Captain. I know you told me to use it for emergencies.'s best if outsiders didn't know about my ability. Or how it truly works. I will forever only use your little brother's ability, Darkness Within. ...Rest in piece, big brother, Sora."

After about ten seconds, Dazai and Chuuya snap out of it.

"What happened?" Chuuya asked.

"We just killed Randou-san. Jeez, can't you try to keep up." Dazai sighed.

"Shut up! This investigation is over! We don't ever have to see each other again."

Chuuya begins to walk away.

"You still lost the bet!" Dazai called out.

"Don't care anymore! I'll be back one day to take the girl!"

"Try it, if you dare." Dazai replies in a cold tone.

"Whatever... See ya, Shiori."

"Goodbye, Chuuya-san."

And with that, he was gone.

Dazai and I face Randou's corpse.

"Great. Leave us with his mess."

Dazai takes out his phone.

"I'll call Mori-san and report to him. Maybe he can send us some cleaners."


Dazai stares at me for a bit.



"...Never mind."

And with that, he dials Mori's number as he walks out of the warehouse.

"...Sorry, Dazai-san."

I look back at the corpse.

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