Ch.26 Progress

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~~~~Third Person P.O.V.~~~~

Oda sits on the bed that Shiori had just left.

"Why didn't you tell her to rest? She listens to you."

"...You didn't notice?"

"Notice what?"

"Her eyes. She had her first feeling."

"But she looks the same as always."

"She was upset when she thought I was mad at her. She wants to make it right."

"Why didn't you tell her that you weren't?"

"I want her to experience the feeling she feels."

"You should have let her experience a happier feeling."

"Since when was anyone in the Port Mafia happy?"

"...You still should tell her your not mad."

"I will when she chooses to come back?"

"Where is she going anyway?"

"Don't know. But it won't be long. Give it five minutes."

"Five minutes?"


~~~~Five Minutes Later/Shiori's P.O.V.~~~~

I walk back into the room to find Dazai and Oda sitting. I walk up to Dazai and show him the note I got. Dazai just looks at it.

"What is this?" he asks.

"A letter. It's the reason I'm not eating. I received it three months ago."

Dazai takes the letter and starts to read it. After reading it, he sends a glare my way.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?! If the Boss or anyone found out, this could make you look like a traitor for not warning our organization! They would have killed you!"

I lower my head as I speak.

"The letter says not to tell anyone. I thought I could just kill these people on my own, before they attacked the organization. But they came a month earlier then expected."

"What does it say?" Oda asks Dazai.

Dazai sighs and looks back at it.

"It says that Mimic will attack the organization in four months, and Shiori must not get involved. They said if she said anything to anyone, they would poison her food, kill me, and kill her brother."

"Her brother?"

"I don't understand it myself. I didn't think I had a brother."

"I can see why you stop eating. But why send you this letter three months in advance just to tell you to not get involved? I wonder what makes them scare of you." Dazai thinks to himself.

Dazai stands, towering over me. I close my eyes and prepare for pain...but it never came. Dazai places a hand on my head with a smile on face.

"I'm sorry I had to pretend to be angry with you. It was the only way for you to tell me the truth, and feel emotions."

The feeling of...guilt, I think, vanishes. I instantly go back to normal. Dazai frowns a bit when he sees this.

"At least you felt it for a moment. This is progress."

"So, you have a brother? That explains where your other half is." Oda speaks.

"I don't know if I have a brother. I've been gathering information the pass three months. There was no evidence...until I found some two weeks ago..."

"So, you might have a brother, huh?"

"I...want to find him."

Dazai smiles at me.

"Okay. After we take down Mimic, we'll look for your brother."

"You'll help me?"

"Of course, this is the first thing you ever wanted. I'd be honored to give it to you."

"I'll help as well." Oda adds.

I start feeling something again. Dazai instantly smiles bigger when he looks at me.

"'re smiling..."

I realize I was and go back to my blank face.

"Wait. Can you do it again?" Dazai asks.


He takes his phone out and pulls me against him.

"Come here, Odasaku."

Oda joins us.

"Okay, smile."

Dazai takes a picture of the three found us smiling. We all seperate after we were done.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"Remember what I said? When we first met, and I gave you that locket?"

I think back on it.

"I said the day you feel emotions, I would take a picture to put in your necklace. Well, today was that day." Dazai smiles.

Oda smiles to himself.

"You two are something else."

"I'll print the picture out tomorrow." Dazai informs me.

"Okay...thank you, Dazai-san."

"Now you should rest." he orders.

"Okay...but can I still help?" I asked as I lay back down.

"Do you want to?"

"Yes. I want to help you and, Odasaku-san." I correct myself.

Dazai rubs my head.

"You can help Odasaku and I tomorrow. Just rest for now. And don't worry about any poison. I'll keep a look out."


Oda walks to the door. But he turns around to look at us. Dazai was sitting in a chair, next to my bed. I already have fallen asleep.

~~~~Third Person P.O.V.~~~~

"You going to stay with her?"

"Yes. She missed me this past week. And truth be told, I missed her too."

"...Are you sure your not in love?"

Dazai lightly chuckles.

"...Who knows anymore..."

"...You're totally in love."

Oda smiles as he leaves the room. Dazai just watched Shiori as she sleeps. His smile never left his face as he mutters to himself.

"...Maybe I am."

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