Ch.31 The Next Step

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Odasaku's eyes were open and looking right at us. Dazai pulls away from me and faces him.

"Finally awake, I see. How are you feeling?"

He ignores Odasaku's pervious comment.

"Like...I have 60 years worth of hangovers all conveniently wrapped into one." Odasaku answers Dazai as he sits up. "...Shiori and I found Ango at the location you told me about."

"Yes, Shiori told me everything. I suppose he disappeared with some short of special forces group. It seems we can distinguish what's happening into two different categories."

"Are they and Mimic two different organizations then?"

Dazai places his chin in his hand and closes his eye as he thinks.

"They are... However, we can ignore our friends in black for now. Mimic still proves to be the more dangerous of the two. Akutagawa-kun and some of our other soldiers continue to put up a fight in town, but... We don't even know what kind of supernatural ability their leader can use. We're at a clear disadvantage."

"This Akutagawa is another subordinate of yours, just like Shiori, correct? I hear his ability is very offense oriented."

"...He's a sword with no sheath."

Dazai calmly opens his eye. Composed, he carefully chooses his next words.

"I'm sure it won't be long before he's the Port Mafia's strongest supernatural ability user, but... At the moment, he needs someone to teach him how to put that blade of his away."

From the look on Odasaku's face, astonishment must have filled his heart. Besides me, this is the first time Dazai ever spoke so openly and highly of another subordinate of his. I understand why Odasaku seems a bit shocked.

"...Back to the topic at hand. This morning, there was a Gathering of the Five Underbosses. It was decided that we'd use all of the Port Mafia's strength to intercept Mimic. And just a few moments ago, Akutagawa-kun and the rest of my subordinates were ambushed. They should be in the middle of battel at the art museu-"

Odasaku reaches for the gun beside his bed before Dazai could finish speaking.

"Odasaku? Don't tell me you're planning on going."

I could hear the disbelief in the tone of his voice.

"You said we're using all of the Port Mafia's strength didn't you?"

"I just assumed that a man who doesn't partake in killing would have no interest in battle."

Dazai answers with a smile on his face. Odasaku holds his coat in his free hand. On his way out of the hospital room, he replies.

"I don't."

"Why go then?"

Before he leaves, Odasaku stops in front of the door. He responds, still facing away from us.

"I've been doing a lot of taking in my life... If your subordinates are struggling and are in need of help, then I must give."

His words linger as he opens the door and leaves the room. Dazai smiles to himself.

"You can pretty much forget about all those debts. Those people who you took from... They don't even remember what they gave you in the first place."


He looks at me.

"Odasaku will be fine. But if you still must worry, you may go with him."


I place a kiss on Dazai's cheek. He was taken back by my actions.


"Thank you, Dazai-san."



"...You missed."

He grabs my chin with his fingers and moves in close. He stops short however. His eye was looking at something on my face. Is there something on my face?

~~~~Dazai's P.O.V.~~~~

Her lips... I want to feel them against mine so bad. Man, I'm the one who's supposed to fill her up with emotions, not the other way around. I just want to make her mine right here. Man, I knew I liked her. But I didn't know just how hard I've fallen. What started out simply wanting to make her feel something turned out me feeling something for her. I mean, she's amazing in every way.

I think back on the night Shiori made us food at the bar. If she didn't have this line of work...she would make a great wife...for me. Imagine that, a Port Mafia executive marrying his assistant. I guess she still can be a wife in the future.

"Dazai-san?" her gentle voice fills my ears.

I snap out of my thoughts. What am I doing? What am I thinking?!

"Sorry. It's nothing."

I pull away from her and let go.

"You should catch up with Odasaku. Go on now."

"...Yes, Dazai-san."

I watch her get up and leave the room.

Phew, that was close. I look back at the bed Odasaku was resting in. I need to focus on Mimic. But I can't. I look towards the seat next to me. Shiori...fine then. I made up my mind.

When this battle is over, I'm going to tell Shiori how I feel. I just hope with her new found feelings, that she'll feel the same.

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