Ch.27 Rats In Traps

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~~~~Shiori's P.O.V.~~~~

"Hot!! Ori-chan was right! Gramps, this is some spicy stuff. What's your secret ingredient? Lava?" Dazai complains.

Dazai and I were currently sitting at the Freedom restaurant, the place I was at yesterday, eating the owner's curry. I learned my lesson, so I didn't order any.

"That's how Odasaku always eats it." the owner smiles.

The front door opens and Odasaku himself enters. The owner noticed this and asks him a question.

"How are the children?"

"Same as always."

Listening to the exchange, Dazai puts his curry-covered spoon down and chimes in.

"Those kids are the ones whos parents died in the Dragon Head Feud two years ago? He pledges not to kill. He's uninterested in rising through the ranks. The mafioso who raises orphans, Oda Sakunosuke. What a weird fella. The Port Mafia's weirdest individual, I'd say."

Oda sits next to Dazai, who has a perplexed look on his face. He repays Dazai with a simple retort.

"That's nothing compared to you..."

Following this comment, he takes out an envelope and hands it over the table to the owner.

"Here. You can use this to take care of the kids' living expenses for now."

Looking worried, the owner responds with a question.

"Are you sure? If you need it, I can foot some of the bill..."

"I appreciate you letting me use your place. Not to mention, just being able to have this restaurant's curry whenever I want is enough for me. You even let me take care of my friend here."

Keeping a quiet tone, Odasaku answers the owner's question. He then directs his attention to Dazai, who's sitting by his side, eating curry.

"You're here today because of 'that' incident, right?"

As if having been defeated by the spiciness of the dish. Dazai replies in a feeble voice.

"Y-Yes, we are..."

Steam rises from the coffee, that the owner placed, in front of Odasaku as he listens to Dazai.

"So basically, they were a supernatural crime syndicate from outside of the country. Apparently, they were being pursued by a different supernatural organization based in the UK, the Clock Tower Squires, and were driven completely out of Europe."

"What are guys like that trying to do by coming to Japan?"

"Their destination was simply another country. I suppose you could say something else took precedence..."

"Sounds likely enough. Still, something bugs me about the whole thing."

Dazai speaks before Odasaku can finish his thought.

"How skilled their soldiers are, correct?"


Dazai speaks with a smile on his face.

"These guys are remnants of war. According to our intel, the leader commands these veterans with a powerful supernatural ability."

"An ability? Does the boss know about all of this?"

"Yes, Shiori reported the information. Then she was told to order me to devise an anti-Mimic strategy and take command of the frontlines."

He continues, the corners of his lips rising. His words filled with glee.

"I've already set a number of traps."

A moment of silence fills the air before Odasaku asks his next question.

"Basic question, but shouldn't this be taken care of by a government agency since it relates to a supernatural crime syndicate from abroad?"

"Are you referring to the Home Ministry's Supernatural Ability Special Investigation Division? For once, those guys aren't showing their faces. It's because they officially don't exist."

"What about Ango?"

"We've all but confirmed that the passcode to the armory was leaked through him."

Odasaku's expression reveals uneasiness.

"Did Ango betray the organization?"

"Everything adds up if you look at it that way..."

Dazai says this quietly. Then, his phone rings. He answers it after the third ring.

"It's me."

He listens to the voice on the other side of the phone. A little bit of time passes, then he says one word in a hushed voice.


Having hung up the phone, Dazai turns towards Odasaku with a mischievous grin on his face.

"A rat fell into one of my traps."

With those words, Dazai and I stand up. We have to leave. Odasaku watches as Dazai is the first to leave. I follow close behind. But I stop in my tracks once I was in front of the doors.

"Shiori?" Odasaku questions.

I pull something out of my pocket and walk back over. I place a black credit card on the counter.

"For the children...they took care of me when you were away. They were...nice."

Odasaku looks at the thing.

"I can't accept this."

"It's not mine. I took it off of a rich guy when Chuuya-san and I went on a mission, five months ago, for my training. I never used it. But I took it for the children. There's a lot of money on it. Use it...please?"

Odasaku just stares at the card. Then he  takes it.

"Thank you."

I nod my head and leave the restaurant. Dazai stood outside, waiting for me. I walk up to him as he smiles at me.

"Aren't you nice."

"...I wanted to help."

"I understand. I'm glad you're getting used to feeling feelings."

"...I can only feel 6% of feelings. I need my brother to fully unlock it."

"So he's the key?"

"...Yes...maybe... I think so anyway."

Dazai just faces forward.

"I can't wait to see the new you soon. But in the meantime..."

He becomes serious.

"We have work to do."

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