Bonus Chapter: Parents

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“...And that takes care of that.”

“Shut up! I did all the work! All you did was just stood there and watch!” Chuuya shouts in annoyance.

It’s around 10pm and the three of us were currently overseas on a mission Mori gave us. We were standing in the rubble that used to be the enemy’s base. There were bodies scattered all around us. Dazai looks over at all the destruction Chuuya caused.

“Maybe next time you’ll think before stealing weapons from the Port Mafia.”

“Next time? I think I obliterated their little organization out of existence.”

“Ah, yes. You did go overboard, little doggie.”

“Shut up! I’m not your dog! That bet was two years ago.”

“The bet was that you’d be my dog for life. If you haven’t understood by now, a life means every day until you die.”

“I know what it means, dumba*s!”

The cold night air starts to pick up. I hug myself to keep warm. Chuuya notices this right away.

“Let’s go back to the hotel. She’s freezing.”

Dazai looks at me. He takes his black coat off his shoulders and put it around mine.

“There you go, Ori-chan. All better?”



Dazai takes my hand and starts leading the way back to the hotel, leaving Chuuya behind.

“Come on, Chuuya~. You’re wasting time~.”

“I’m wasting time? I’m the one who suggested-”

“Say bye to Chuuya, Ori-chan.”

“Bye, Chuuya-san.” I wave.

“H-Hey! Wait for me!”

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

The three of us were back at the fancy hotel that a friend of the mafia’s owned. They were letting us stay there for free. Down part of it…

“I call bed~.”

“Like hell you do, you slept on it last night!”

We had to share one room because the rest of the hotel was full. This place is very popular.

Dazai flops onto the bed as soon as he walks into the room.

“Get off that bed! You can’t go to sleep yet! You still have to report to Boss.”

“Ori-chan can do that for me.”

“Okay, Dazai-”

“No! You should do your own work! Don’t make a little girl do it.”

“Little girl? Ori-chan is thirteen years old.”

“Doesn’t matter, get to work!”

Dazai lets out a big sigh before he takes out his phone and starts dials Mori. After a few seconds, he speaks.

“Good evening, Mori-san. Actually, I should say good morning since it’s only evening here… Everything went well, the enemy won’t be giving us trouble anymore… Chuuya destroyed their organization. We finished early, we’ll be able to come back tomorrow… Yes… I understand… Of course. Bye.”

Dazai hangs up.

“There. Are you happy now, mother?”

“Mother?! I guess you really want me to kill you, bastard!”

I watch the two as I sit at the desk, located at the side of the room.

“Chuuya, honey, we shouldn’t fight in front of our daughter now.”

“Don’t you ever call me that again! Shiori is fine with it.”

“You know, some kids would act out because of their parents fighting.”

“Dammit, Dazai! I’m not her dad!”

“Of course not… I’m her father, you’re her mother.”

“That’s it-”

“No more fighting.” I quietly spoke.

The two stop and look at me.

“Okay…” Chuuya replies.

“...Anything for you, Ori-chan.” Dazai smiles.

“...I’m tried.”

“You can lay with me, Ori-chan.”

“Like hell I’ll let you. You’ll probably get too comfortable with her.”

“How dare you, I’ve never made a move on our daughter.”



I stand up and lay next to Dazai.

“Move over.”


Dazai grins at Chuuya as he made more room for me. I move closer to Dazai until I was pressed against him. I patted the side next to me.

“Chuuya-san can lay here.”

Dazai frowns.

“No. I’m not lying in the same bed with that suicidal freak.”

“I don’t want him here either, Ori-chan.”

“...But, Chuuya-san shouldn’t sleep on the floor again. You shouldn’t sleep on the floor either, Dazai-san.”

Dazai sighs after a few seconds of thinking.

“Get in, Chuuya.”

“Hell no-”

“Do it for Ori-chan.”

Chuuya looks at me and sighs.


He climbs in after turning the lights off. I was comfortably between the two. Both teens kick off their shoes and take their coats off.

“I hate this.”


“If you touch me while I’m sleeping, I’ll kill you.”

“Trust me, I’m only into women.”

“Goodnight, Dazai-san, Chuuya-san.”

“Goodnight…” Chuuya replies while turning away from us.

“Goodnight, Ori-chan.”

Dazai copies Chuuya and does the same.

I lay there, staring at the ceiling. There was a mirror above the bed. I didn’t notice it before. I look at my reflection as it looks back at me. Even though they’re faced away, I could see the sides of both their faces. They must have been tired, both of them were already fast asleep.

“...Goodnight, mommy, daddy.”

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