Ch.30 Waiting

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I watched as Odasaku's body laid still in the medical bed. He hasn't made any sign of movement since he touched the ball. I just stared from my place next to his bed. Dazai said he would wake up soon, but it doesn't look like it.

"Still waiting, I see."

I look towards the door to find Dazai entering the room. He pulls up a chair next to me and sits.

"...Did you sleep late night?"

I shake my head. Dazai just closes his eyes as he thinks.

"I see... You shouldn't have to worry. Something like this won't kill him."

"...I should of saw that coming. I'm supposed to be your copy. You would of seen that a mile away. I had a feeling and I didn't act on it. It's my fault that he's like-"

"No one's blaming you." Dazai interrupts me.

I look at him. He had a serious expression as he looks back at me with his eye.

"We didn't know Ango was friend or foe at the time. The way you acted was correct. Odasaku is going to be fine. I'm just glad you stayed with him and didn't pursue the enemy. If you did, there's no doubt that you would of been killed. I couldn't handle that if you were."


"Even I didn't predict that would happen."

My emotionless eyes stare at him.

"You're lying. Your skill is much superior to mine. I'm your copy. If my skill isn't the save level as yours, I can't be your assistant."

"That's right, you're my copy. Not the actual thing. Meaning, you're going to make mistakes."

"But I have no room for error. That's the Port Mafia way."



He hooks his figure around the chain of my locket and pulls me close. His face was right up to mine.

"Who's your boss?"


"Who's opinion matters the most?"


"That's right. And I think you did everything right. This isn't your fault. Okay?"


He lets go and I pull away.

"Man... I never thought I would have to cheer you up."

"Cheer me up?"

"That feeling you're having now, it's called guilt. You feel guilty for not helping our friend here."

"...Emotions get in the way."

"True. And yet, we all have them. No matter what. We can train to feel nothing, or be born feeling nothing. But sooner or later, we feel something. No one can ever escape what they feel."

"Is it good if I become emotional?"

"Depends. You can't be over emotional and you have to continue this line of work without getting sick or scared."


I open my locket and look at the picture of Dazai, Odasaku and I.

"I have you two. So you don't have to worry about that."

I look back at my boss to find him smiling at me.

"You're something else, you know that?"

"I am?"

He placed a hand on my head.

"You are. But don't worry, it's a good thing."


"...Tell me something. Where do you see yourself in the future?"

"How far in the future?"

"Let's say...four years from now."

"Right by your side. I'll be where ever you are."

"...You don't know how happy I am to hear that."

"Why did you ask?"

"...I don't know why, but I feel like I'm going to lose everything in the near future."


I don't know why, but I hug Dazai. He was taken back a bit. But a soft smile appears as he hugs me back.

"I'll always stay by your side. No matter what. You're my boss. My mentor. My...friend."

"You're mine too."

We stay like this for a bit.



I look up at him.

"...I love you."

Now he's completely shocked.


"Did I say something wrong?"

"N-No, it's just..."

"People say they love the people they care for most. So I love you and Odasaku-san. Oh, I love Chuuya-san too."

"Oh, you mean as friends."


"...We're going to work on your meanings. There's two ways to interpret that saying."

"...Oh, I understand. Sorry."

"It's fine."

"You two are truly perfect for each other."

We look towards the owner of that voice.

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