Ch.20 Drinking Buddies

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~~~~Three Years Later~~~~

"Please, Ori-chan~!"

"No. I shouldn't be here. I have work to do." I simply reply in my monotone voice.

"Oh~, are you feeling, mad?" my mentor smirks.

I shake my head.

"I feel nothing."

Dazai sighs as he leans forward, over the bar, and collapse on the counter.

"I'll make you feel something one of these days."

I just stare at him, from my place at the bar. I sat in the stool to the left of Dazai. To his right, was a cat sitting on the stool beside him. He lifts his head up and looks at me.

"Want a drink?"

"No. Gettinge drunk won't make me feel anything. I've already tried. Besides, law says I'm too young."

"Since when do we follow the law?"


"Exactly my point. Another drink, bartender."

The bartender nods and gets my drink ready.

The two of us are currently waiting at Lupin's bar. We're waiting for Dazai's friends. They always drink at this bar.

"Ori-chan, please~." he tries again.

"Hey, you two. Fighting again?"

The two of us look up and over to our right. A tall man with blue eyes came walking towards us. He had dark red hair, which was slightly parted so that a small area of his forehead was visible, and light stubble on his chin. His attire consisted of a taupe brown collared shirt, which he wore loosely, under a long-sleeved beige brown coat with brown buttons on the cuffs. His pants were pale dark green, while his shoes were brown.

Dazai sits up and smiles as I just stare at the man. The cat gets up and stretches before hopping down and moving to another stool to sit on.

"Fighting? Ori-chan and I never fight. She's just being hardheaded."

"Oh? That doesn't sound like her."

The man takes off his coat and sits himself at the bar. He sat to the right of Dazai.

"Because it's not. I feel nothing."

"I'm trying to get Ori-chan to cook for me. But she won't do it." Dazai complains.

"I have work to do. I shouldn't be here."

"I think you're forgetting who's your boss."

"No. You're my boss. But Boss is the boss of you."

Dazai looks at me.

"I didn't mean for you to actually answer."

"Oh. I see."

Dazai looks towards the man all happy.

"Anyway, you'll never guess what happened today, Odasaku! There was a shootout."

"Is that so...?"

"It was in the warehouse district with a group of cheerful young men who had a mounted machine gun!"

Dazai playfully makes pistols with his fingers and takes aim. Oda just watches. This man is Sakunosuke Oda. He's a low ranked man in the Port Mafia. He mainly just does errands or small jobs here and there.

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