Ch.11 The Interview

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Everyone looks towards Dazai and I. I was now currently standing next to him.

"Let my pet handle this."

"What?! She's just a little girl! What can she do?" Chuuya snaps.

"Well, watch and see. Some people in the Port Mafia fear her with good reason."

Dazai looks at me.




"Yes, Dazai-san."

I started glowing as violet rings appear around all the G.S.S. solders. I stop my ability and a second later, all of them were screaming.

"What the hell?!" Chuuya looks around shocked.

A minute later, they were shooting at each other. Bullets races passed us as the soldiers start dying. One bullet grazes Dazai's left cheek, but it didn't affect him. It only takes about three minutes until the gun fire ceased and all the men were dead.

I look back at Dazai.

"Task completed."

"Good job."

I watch the blood run down from his wound.

...It might come in handy one day.

Surprising him, I lick his wound clean.


"Wound cleaned."

"You make her do that?" Chuuya questioned.

"No. I-"

Dazai stops talking when he looks at the ground in front of him. He picks up a soldier's gun.

"Whatever. I don't want to know about...that."

I look and find one soldier slowly bleeding out. He was still alive.

"Dazai-san. Chuuya-san."

The two look at the soldier and walk up behind me.

"Well, it's over now." Chuuya begins to talks. "Tell me the reason for the attack."


"What do you know about Arahabaki?"

Again, the soldier was silent.

"I guess we'll have to wait for our team's investigation report."

Chuuya begins walks to the manor, but Dazai did move.

"How unfortunate for you. Does it hurt?"

Chuuya stops in his tracks and turns his head towards Dazai. Dazai was crouched down next to the dying man.

"It's too late to save you. Still, you won't be dead for another five minutes or so. That's five minutes of hellish suffering. I know I wouldn't be able to stand it. Especially since Shiori's ability is still in affect. Dying by her ability is definitely something I wouldn't want."

Dazai lifts the gun to show the man.

"Do you want me to end your suffering with this gun?"

Dazai is being cold by asking that. He knows that, even after death, my ability keeps going. But Mori and him are the only ones who know that.

"If you want to say yes, you should do it while you can still talk."

The man was trying to breathe as he answered.

"Shoot me...please. I...don't want to...keep seeing this...nightmare..."

Dazai slowly stands.

"All right."

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