Ch.16 All Over

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Dazai and Chuuya...die?

"No..." I whisper.

Dazai smiles as he thinks of something. His grips his chest again and mumbles.

"I like it."

"Hey." Dazai turns to Chuuya. "Let's kill them. Together."

"What? I thought you wanted to die."

"I like working for the Port Mafia. In the outside world, death is pushed away from the everyday life. But in the Mafia's world, death is an extension of and a part of everyday life. I tend to think that's more accurate. After all, to die isn't the opposite of living. It's merely a component of the process of life. Without observing death up close, one can't capture the full picture of what it means to live."

Chuuya smirks as he speaks.

"In other words, the suicidal maniac wants to live. That's it?"

"I just come to think it's worth trying, that's all. Besides," Dazai point towards me. "I can't leave Ori-chan behind so early in her training. She would cry if we died."

"Who said anything about me dying?!"

"Dazai-san... Chuuya-san..."

They look at me with completely shocked looks.

"I don't feel anything... So why am I crying?"

A few tears made their way down my cheeks as I watch the two boys. The look of, what Randou call, "worry" filled my face. The two become serious. Both of their eyes were covered by their hair.

"You made her cry, Randou-san... I wanted to make her feel something first..."

"I guess we have to give you a painful death now."

"Oh? You two sure got serious. Is it really because the girl let a few tears out? Or is it much more then that?" Randou asks.



"Dazai-kun, you said you had something important to you on the line when you made your bet with Chuuya-kun. You two bet on Shiori-chan, didn't you? I never thought you would agree to that. She's your pet after all."

"You're wrong." he replied.

"But isn't that what you call her?"

"I was wrong."

"Finally, you get it." Chuuya sighs.

"Shiori is a human being, a little girl. She's my..."

Dazai looks at me.

"She's my friend."


"Enough of this!" the former boss swings his scythe. "It's death time for the three of you."

Dazai ducks as the blade swings over his head.

"Oh, really."

The former boss continues to swing while Dazai manages to dodge every one. The old man swings down hard, missing Dazai, again, in the process. As his scythe gets suck in the ground, Dazai made his way towards Chuuya. He reaches out, to only be foiled by Randou.

 He reaches out, to only be foiled by Randou

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