Ch.5 A Wondering Sheep

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Dazai and I arrive at the Yokohama foreign settlement. There was once a giant explosion here. A crater was formed as a result. The people began building a new city inside of it. That's this place: Suribachi City.

Dazai and I explore as an old man followed us

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Dazai and I explore as an old man followed us. I believe his name was Hirotsu or something close to that. We stop walking once we were in the clearing. Dazai was reading his book called "The Complete Guide To Suicide" as he speaks.

"So they drink metal plating to kill themselves overseas, huh? But, there's those who have their organs melted while they're still alive. Gross. Glad I didn't try it. Hey, did you know about that? ...Um..."

"It's Jirotsu." I informed Dazai as he tried to figure out the old man's name.

"It's Hirotsu." the old man corrects me.

We watched as Hirotsu stops on the stairs behind us.

"I'll try to remember that." Dazai replies as he looks back at his book.

Hirotsu watches us as he thinks to himself.

"Hey, Ori-chan. Look at this!"

Dazai shows me his book as he becomes a bit excited. I tilt my head as I read the words out loud.

"Suicide by gun to...the back of the head."

"Yep. If you put it in the right position, the person wont be able to feel a thing."

"But wouldn't you need someone to help you? Unless you have a mirror, it might be difficult to find the spot."

"...True. I didn't think about that. Say, want to help me?"

"Is that an order?"


I take my gun and aim it at the back of Dazai's head.

"Now pull the-"

"Dazai-san. Shiori-san." Hirotsu calmly interrupts.

We face the old man.

"Yes?" Dazai asks.

"This area is in a state of conflict. You two should be careful."

Dazai simply closes his book and I pull my gun away.

"Conflict?" he asks.

"The Port Mafia currently has three enemy organizations." Hirotsu begins to explain. "One is Takasekai. Another is G.S.S. And lastly, a complementary army comprised entirely of juveniles, the Sheep..."

A phone starts ringing. Dazai pulls his out.

"It's Mori-san."

Having said this, he answers the phone call.

"Hello? ...Yeah. I learned a few things. Long story short...I found the previous boss."

An evil smile forms on Dazai's lips as Hirotsu and I look at him.

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