Ch.12 Plushies

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I'm staring right into an arcade machine with stuff animals inside. I look at the animals inside, and one caught my attention. There was a white tiger plushie. I don't know why, but it caught my attention more than the other toys.

I pull out some money and put it in the machine. Once started, I move the claw over the toy and push the button. The claw slowly descends and grabs the toy by the arm. It latches on and brings it over to the side and drops it. I open the small door at the bottom and pull the toy out.

I hug the toy close to my chest.


Nothing. I feel nothing. I thought if I got the toy, it would make me happy. But, I get no feeling out of it. So why does this one have my attention? ...I guess I'll keep it anyway. I look back into the machine to see a black cat plushie and a brown dog plushie.


~~~~Time Skip~~~~

I return back to Dazai and Chuuya.  The two were currently playing some fighting game. I walk up to Dazai's side and watch his screen. He lands the final blow and wins.


"Remember our promise? The loser has to obey one order from the winner, like a dog."

Chuuya slams his fist onto the game.

"Now, what should I have you do?" Dazai teases.

Chuuya stands out of rage.

"I was sure I could win, too!"

"The strength of your ability is your downfall. It's so strong you never learn to be cunning to think tactically, whether it's video games or riddles."

"Riddles? I never had to do any kinds of riddles before! And I never lose!"

"Then let's have a contest to see who can catch the perpetrator first. If you win, we can call off the bet we had. But if I win, you're my dog for life." Dazai says with a smug look on his face.

Chuuya stands on the chair and stomps on the machine as he agrees.

"You're on! I'll do it!" Chuuya shouts, catching everyone else's attention. "I'm neither cunning or tactical? Why would I ever show you what I have up my sleeve?!"

"Does the fact you always have your fists closed and engage with your opponents using just your kicks have something to do with what you have up your sleeve?"

Chuuya calms down and sits as he replies.

"How I fight is none of your business."

"I see. So you're being lazy on purpose."

"So, why are you looking for the god of fire, Arahabaki?"

"What got you interested? Why are you so insistent on dying young?"



I grab Dazai's sleeve and tug on it a bit.

"Hi, Ori-chan. I didn't see you there. What do you have there?"

I give Dazai the cat plushie.

"For you."

He instantly smiles at me.

"Thank you, Ori-chan~. You can be so sweet at times."

I walk around the machine and hold the dog out to Chuuya.

"For you."

Chuuya just looks at it.

"You know those are for babies, right?"


I hug the dog plushie.

"I'll take the dog too, Ori-chan." Dazai smiles at me.

"But you don't like dogs, Dazai-san. Plus, it's for Chuuya-san..."

I look down at the plushies in my arms.

Suddenly, the dog is taken from me. I look back up at Chuuya.

"...I'll take it. Thanks."

I nod my head. Chuuya stares at me as he thinks. After a second, he faces Dazai.

"I want to add something to our little bet."

Dazai smirks at him.

"Oh? And what will that be?"

"Who ever wins...gets to keep the girl."

Dazai's smirk disappears. He was now serious.

"Why do you want my pet?"

"Exactly that reason. She's not a pet. She's a human being, a girl. A little girl, in fact. She shouldn't be in the Port Mafia."

"And the Sheep are any better?"

"We're not like you. I can teacher everything she needs to know. I'll be a way better teacher than you. I'll treat her better too."

"By saying that, you're implying I treat her badly."

"You do. You call her your pet and call her by some kind of pet name. And, you make her obey orders like one. At least with me, she'll have freedom to do whatever she wishes. Plus, if she continues to hang out with you, she'll die or get severely hurt. This won't happen if she's under my protection."

"I see, well I can't let you take her. You see, I'm going to be the first person to make her feel emotions."

"You can't make her-"

"I'm not betting Shiori."

"Why? Are you afraid you'll lose?"

"No. I know I can win against someone like you. It's just, if you were to win somehow, I would never give her up so willingly."

"You sound like a protective boyfriend."

"I just care for Ori-chan."


Chuuya wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me against him. He was smirking at Dazai as he did this. Dazai held a cold gaze.

"When all this is over, what would happen if I just took her anyway? Would the whole Port Mafia be after me?"

"No...but I will."

Dazai's chilling words made Chuuya's smirk a bit wider.

"Girl, who do you want to be with?" Chuuya asks me.

I look between the two.

"I have no opinion in this matter. I just follow Dazai-san because he found me. But, if you two are betting on me, then I'll agree to it."


"Whoever wins, gets me. I'll follow whoever owns me."

Chuuya grins while Dazai glares. The two boys were very determine to win this now.

The tension between the two is very heavy. Mori wanted me to basically be the middle ground, meaning I would have to make the two work together. But if anything, I'm splitting them up. Both of them want me...and I don't understand why.


Both boys looked at me. I was pointing towards the entrance. There was a boy and a girl wearing blue bracelets, like the one Chuuya was wearing. Chuuya's eyes widen when he saw them.


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