Ch.14 Mystery Solved

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"That should do it. I can't wait. Imagine how happy that brat's going to be when he finds out he's getting such a grand party in honor of his new-found freedom." 

Having said this, Dazai takes a seat next to me. We were currently sitting at a long table filled with different types of food. We were on the second floor, inside of a abandon warehouse that was located to the side of Suribachi City.

 We were on the second floor, inside of a abandon warehouse that was located to the side of Suribachi City

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"Dazai-kun, you said you found out who's behind Arahabaki. Is that true?" a voice speaks up.

The two of us look at the other end of the table. Randou was sitting there, trying to keep warm.

"Or did you lie to torment Chuuya-kun?"

"Both, of course. I said what I did in front of him so he'd take on the bet, but it's also true that Ori-chan and I know who's behind it."

"Oh? Who is it?"

"You, Randou-san." Dazai and I answer at the same time.

Randou doesn't say anything. So Dazai starts to explain.

"You impersonated the former boss and spread rumors about Arahabaki."


"Do you have anything to say?"

"What's your reasoning?"

"You made a mistake. A very simple mistake."

"What mistake was that?"

"...The ocean."

Randou was silent, waiting for Dazai to continue. So he did.

"You said this, when you saw Arahabaki and the black flames... "Just the ocean, in the distance, basking gently in the moonlight. That alone is vivid in my memory."."

"Yes, I did say that. Because that's what I saw. So what about it?"

"Are you sure you want me to spoil it for you?"

"...Tell me."

"It happened close to the center of Suribachi City, and Suribachi City is a hemispherical basin valley that was carved out by the explosion."

Randou suddenly smiles like a mad man as he leans forward.

"I see now!"

Randou suddenly stands, resting his hands on the table.

"Exactly." Dazai begins to explains. "There's no way you would have seen the sea. If you were inside a giant depression roughly two kilometers wide, the ocean would never be within sight, no matter how tall you stood. So that begs the question: Why, the, did you say you saw the ocean? You described Arahabaki with persuasiveness that was almost truthful. So how?"

"It's because you did indeed saw the ocean." I speak up. "That's why you made a mistake. You could have only have seen the sea from Suribachi City before it was made. Before the giant explosion eight years ago, at the end of the conflict."

"...You had a bet with Chuuya-kun, didn't you, Dazai-kun? Have you won that bet, then? You'd beat him to the man behind it all."

"I had to. Something important to me was on the line."

"Oh? And what was that?"

Just then, we could hear yelling in the distance. Dazai sighs as it drew near. The three of us look towards the window. A second later, Chuuya smashes through it and hits Randou. He tackles that man to the first floor of the warehouse.

Dazai stands and takes my hand.

"Come on, Ori-chan."

"Yes, Dazai-san."

So we head to the first floor to find Chuuya having a stand off with Randou.

"Okay, stop!" Dazai calls out as we approach the two.

"Okay, stop!" Dazai calls out as we approach the two

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"You!" Chuuya growls at Dazai. "Why are you here?"

"Just so you know, I made the announcement first. I was just in the middle of explaining the method behind the crime. Ori-chan was even helping me."

"In the middle of? So you weren't done, then? Then I win. The girl's mine."

"Like hell that's happening. There's no way you won, but I'll let you explain how you deduced it. How did you deduce that Randou-san was behind it?"

"What is there to deduce? Anyone could have figured it out from what he said. Every eyewitness so far has said they saw the former boss, but this guy said he saw Arahabaki itself."

The three of us face Randou.

"There's no such thing as gods, so you decided I did it. Is that right?"

"No. The opposite." Chuuya was serious as he spoke. "It's because gods do exist. I know it."

"You know that Arahabaki exists?" Randou questioned Chuuya.


"You saw it, too, didn't you?"

"Eight years ago. There's no way you could have given such a precise account otherwise."

"Chuuya-kun. Do you know where Arahabaki is right now? Tell me."

Chuuya becomes silent as he thinks it over.

"You should tell him if you know." Dazai speaks up. "Randou-san's going to be executed for putting the Port Mafia in danger, anyway."

"Dammit." Chuuya cursed. "Why the hell does everyone want to meet that thing? It doesn't have the power to revive the dead, or something special like that. It doesn't even have a personality or a mind. It's the same as a typhoon or earthquake."

"It doesn't need a personality."

 Chuuya glare sat Randou.

"Great destruction. Scorching the earth, staining the skies, rumbling the air... An unfathomable thing from the other side. That power is enough for me. Tell me, Chuuya-kun, where is this thing beyond human comprehension, this thing that burned me alive?"

Chuuya doesn't say a word. But then, he walks right up to Randou. Taking his time as he does.

"I'll tell you if you really want to know. Arahabaki is..."

Chuuya looks right into Randou's eyes.


"What?" Dazai askes.

Randou just smiles at Chuuya's words.

"I had a feeling it was you."

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