Ch.33 Odasaku's Copy

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"What did you do?!" Odasaku demanded to know.

"I saw a future where you decided to dodge to the right. I simply adjusted my aim to match up with that future. However, you predicted that and changed which the direction you'd move in response. I saw that as well. Your ability to see any dangers you may encounter in the next several seconds... It's something that I, too, possess."

"You have the same ability as Odasaku-san?" I questioned Gide.

He simply smirks.

"The power to predict the future is almighty. You and only you can put me to rest and stop this battle." Gide speaks directly to Odasaku, ignoring me. "If you truly are of the Port Mafia, then nothing should satisfy you more than taking down the leader of your enemies!"

"...No thanks."

Odasaku lowers his gun. I simply follow his lead.

"I'm only here to save a comrade."

His explanation did not please Gide.

"Excuse me? Are you not a member of the mafia?"

"We come in all different shapes and sizes."

"To kill people is a gun's purpose! And this is a battlefield!"

"I've no interest in fighting."

Odasaku's words leave Mimic's leader speechless.

"My interests the act of living..."

"The value of life can never excee that of death!" Gide shouts.

I look at my friend through the corner of my eye. I can tell he's having his visions. He looked pissed once concluding he can't rely on any of his visions.

Odasaku dives towards the ground in front of him to reduce the area of his body that could be hit. Gide takes four shots at him, but none hit their target. Having avoided the shots, Odasaku takes aim at Gide.

"Yes! That's it!" Gide smiles like a mad man.

His smile quickly fades however.


I'm guessing his ability gave him a window into the future. The following moment, he jumps back to avoid bullets aimed at his feet.

"...You...don't intend on taking this battle seriously, do you?"

"I have a reason to refrain from killing... I must ask that you seek a different person."

"I'll do it." I speak up, gun ready.

Gide glares at me before refacing Odasaku.

"Why?! My subordinates and I have been wandering this world like ghosts, looking for a place worthy of our deaths... You are our only hope. Please, you must fight. It you don't-"

"The reason I can't entertain your request is because I have a dream."

Gide's woeful cries are cut short by a calm and quiet Odasaku.

"When I'm finally no longer a part of the Port Mafia and free to do as I please... I want to sit at a desk in a room that overlooks the sea... And I want to become a writer, I'll dispose of the guns and arm myself with just a pen and some paper... Someone once said, "To write a novel is to write what it means to be human." Human life cannot be composed by one who ends said lives. Therefore, I will not steal a life of another."

So that's why he doesn't kill. I could never have a dream like that. I'm cursed with a horrible ability and the only thing I know is how is to kill. Gide looked a bit taken back by Odasaku's explanation.

"...That's the reason you won't take part in our battle?" His voice is soft and hoarse. "That's your answer?!"

Gide's question is dripping with agony, but Odasaku simply closes his eyes and responds.

"It is..."

Gide's eyes widen. His expression is instantly overcome by fury. With swift movements, Gide aims his gun at the unconscious Akutagawa. I quickly stand between his line of fire as he starts taking his shots.

The barrel flashes. Four shots was the result. But, I don't take any of the hits.

Without a second's hesitation, Odasaku jumps in front of me to protect us. He's sent flying backwards by the force of the bullets.

"Odasaku!" I shout.

"Stop!" Odasaku yells at Gide.

"Bulletproof vest, huh? You're alive, but I know you feel great pain... Something we lost the ability to do a long time ago."

Dropping to his knees, Odasaku clutches his chest in anguish, Gide slowly walks towards him. I quickly stand in front of him protectively. My aim didn't move from Gide's body.

"We're already long gone from this world... Nothing more than soulless bodies being manipulated by the spirits from beyond."

"You're not dead yet! I don't know what you've been through in the past, but you can still take time in the present to think about how you'll spend your final moments."

Gide presses the barrel of his pistol to my forehead.

"Why is this so hard for you to understand?! It an only be you!"

He forces the words out. Irritated at being unable to convey his wish, he closes his eyes.

"You won't kill me. That is because you don't understand my desire. Perhaps if I shoot the girl, you'll change your mind."

"...Shiori, stand behind me." Odasaku calmly orders.



"I can't."

"...You really only listen to Dazai, huh?"

"I'm replaceable if I die. But, I know Dazai-san would be crushed if you died. You're his friend after all."

"I'm your friend too. You shouldn't forget that. You're just as important as I am. No one could replace you. Dazai knows that better than anyone of us."


Gide lowers his gun, turns on his heels, and slowly walks away.


"I won't kill you." He looks at Odasaku. "You're the only one who can lead us to the battlefield where we shall be cleansed. I'll give you a hand another way. I will help you understand who we truly are."

A white truck, driven by Mimic soldiers, appear before Gide.

"That's what it'll take for you to finally get it. You will realize one of us...must die. Hope you're looking forward to it."

He gets in and the truck speeds away.

I face Odasaku and help him stand. Once I make sure he'll be fine, I carry Akutagawa on my back. But, Odasaku quickly stops me.

"I'll carry him."

"...No. I want to. I...feel bad for fighting with him all the time. We might fight a lot, but I never mean what I say. I don't want to fight him. He's like...a big brother to me."

"...Okay. But if you need a break, let me know. The headquarters is quite a walk a ways."

"Yes, Odasaku-san."

So the three of us start heading back.

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