Ch.7 Working...Together?!

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"I'd like you to participate in a joint investigation. The rumors we've heard about the pervious boss's return and the Arahabaki that you're after are clearly connect in the same incident. I think we could achieve a mutually beneficial relationship simply by sharing information."

"And if I refuse?"

Mori pulls out a small remote and clicks a button. The room is suddenly filled with a worried boy's voice.

"Hey, Chuuya, help me! You're there, right? The Port Mafia caught us! You can do something?! Hurry up and help, like you always do-"

Mori pushes the button again, cutting off the unknown boy's voice. Chuuya grits his teeth at Mori.

"An organization bent on retaliation that controls prime property in Yokohama... But even though you're armed with guns, all the members, aside from you, are just children. Some even around the age of my little Shiori."

"Yours?" Dazai questioned.

Mori kept talking, ignoring Dazai.

"As a fellow leader, I feel for you."


Mori smiles at Dazai.

"There you have it, Dazai-kun. The wielder of the greatest violence in this room is Chuuya-kun. But, to the mafia, violence is just one tool at our disposal. The mafia's true nature is to control rational action by a plethora of means."

Dazai fully faces Mori.

"I get it. But why are you lecturing me with that lesson?"

"I wonder..." he simply replied.

There was a pause of silence in the room. I stood up and walked over to Dazai with the book in hand. I tug on his sleeve to get his attention.


I point to a word in the book. Dazai reads it and tells me.

"Dismemberment... What kind of book are you reading?"

"I don't mind exchanging information." Chuuya speaks up. "But you have to speak first. I'll decide after that."

"Very well." Mori agreed. "We're investigating the rumor that the previous boss has re-emerged. According to Dazai's intel, he's appeared three times in the past three weeks. In each case, he was sighted in Suribachi City. The fourth time, yesterday, he blew you away with black flames."

"The dead don't come back to life."

I tilt my head to the side as Chuuya said that. A thought came to mind. But I choose not to share it.

"I agree, but we can no long keep insisting so."

Mori pushes another button to start up a projector. It was projecting security footage onto the wall to the left us.

"This is footage of the Port Mafia's vault, the most difficult room to enter in our headquarters."

The same old man from before appears in the video. He faces the security camera as he speaks.

"I've come back from the deepest pits of Hell. Do you know why, Doctor?"

I look back at Mori to find him watching the video from the corner of his eyes. He wasn't showing any emotion as he did. I look back at the book, then at Dazai. I need help with another word. But Dazai was too busy watching the video. I know Mori must have seen this already, so I walk up to his desk as Chuuya and Dazai were distracted.

I place the book on his desk and point to the word. Mori looks at me and smiles.

"Auspicious." he answers in a low voice so the two can watch the footage.

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