Ch.29 The Truth

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"Hey, Odasaku... We've got a lead. Can you go to the location I'm about to send you?"

Dazai was currently on the phone with Odasaku. He called him the moment we got a lead.

"...Yep... Nope. We determined where it is from the broad-leaved tree foliage stuck to the bottom of their shoes. Leaves, basically... Okay. I'll send you the location."

Dazai hangs up the phone and sends a text to Odasaku.



"Go ahead of us to this location. I have a bad feeling. Be Odasaku's backup."

"Yes, Dazai-san."

So Dazai shows me the coordinates and I leave.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

The hideout Dazai spoke of was an out-of-use weather station. I was currently sitting in a tall tree, observing the outside area. There wasn't any movement. But I caught something moving  from corner of my eye. I look down towards the west to see Odasaku. I found him. I make my way over.


I appear right next to him.

"Shiori? Why are you here?"

"Dazai-san sent me to go ahead while they clean up the bodies."


"I'll explain later."

"Okay. Let's go then."


So we enter the building together. After quickly checking around the weather station, we head up the stairs. Oda looks a bit anxious as he looked toward the top of the stairwell. Looking to reach the last floor, he picks up the pace. I instantly follow his lead. We reach the top floor to find...

"Odasaku?! Shiori?! I can't leave with you two!"

Awaiting our arrival was Ango, tied to a chair.

"What are you doing here?! This is one of the enemy's old bases, you know!"

Ignoring Ango's words, Odasaku rushes over and goes behind him to start untying the rope. I stood in the doorway as I watched. Something seemed off.

"I had a feeling that you were looking for someone to save you." Odasaku speaks.

"I don't want anyone's help!"

"Oh? Let me try and guess one of the reasons you're in such a predicament."

Wasting no time, Odasaku continues undoing the rope as he speaks.

"...Mimic figured out that you're a double agent."


At a loss for words, Ango says nothing.

"Everyone in the Port Mafia thinks you're a double agent for Mimic." Odasaku continues.


"But it's the opposite. Sakaguchi Ango. A double agent for the Port Mafia and Mimic infiltrator. The reason those guys were watching over your room with a sniper riffle was so that the Walther p38 wouldn't be stolen... But why wouldn't they just go in for the kill and snipe the Port Mafia's boss? It's because you lied to them and told them you didn't know where he was. Why would you do something like that though? That's because the boss was deciding everything you told them about and everything you kept secret from them."

"...Odasaku, Shiori. Please, you two must flee from here."

Only listening to Odasaku up until that point, Ango finally breaks his silence. His words were filled with desperation

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