The End

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OMG! My first book has 17.7k views by the time I'm typing this. WTF?! I honestly didn't think it would make it pass a thousand views. Even then, I didn't think I would be lucky enough to get that. But 17.7k views and counting? Wow. Thank you.

Thank you so much for finishing my second book. I know, I know. This book took forever to finish. I'm sorry about that. I've been very busy with work and college planning. And I had little time to write in between. So thank you for your patients. If there's any mistakes, I plan on going back and fixing them.

And to those who read both my works, thank you. I don't know what to say. Actually, I do. I hope you continue to my third book, "The Three Sided War". The cover is at the top.

Author: Anywho, I should let you go.

Dazai: Wait! I want to say something.

Author: What?

Dazai: Thank you for reading Author-chan's second book. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Come on, Chuuya~. Thank them too~.

Chuuya: Um...thanks for reading.

Dazai: ...Try to be more happy.

Chuuya: Happy?! You dragged me here without any warning!

Dazai: Now, now, let's just be truthful. You want to be here as much as I do.

Chuuya: No, I don't.

Author: Oh...

Chuuya: I-I-I didn't mean it like that! I just don't want to be here with that idiot.

Author: I see. Well, you two have to put up with each other real soon. Once my third book is finished, you two are going to be the stars of my fourth book.

Dazai: I read some of the script already. I like the idea of finally getting to learn about Ori-chan's past before the Port Mafia. To think, all this time, she was-

Author: Don't, you'll spoil it! It's still a work in progress. I've only done the first two chapters, and it's been three months since I started it. It's going to take a very long time to finish that book. Hell, I might finish the fifth book before the fourth one.

Chuuya: ...Seems like a lot of work.

Dazai: Yeah... If you need any help, let me know.

Chuuya: If you want any real help, I'll help you.

Dazai: That's mean~.

Chuuya: Don't care.

Author: Okay, we need to let the people go now.

Dazai: Bye~. See you again real soon.

Chuuya: I'm not going to be in the next book as much. But, if what Author said is true, I'll see you all in the fourth book. Bye.

Author: Bye~.

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