Ch.21 Friends

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"Is something the matter?" Oda asks me.

I simply walk behind the bar as I speak to the bartender.

"May I?"

"Yes, young miss. Go through those doors there."

"I understand."

"Wait, where are you going? Ori-chan?!"

I walk to the back, not answering my mentor.

~~~~Third Person P.O.V.~~~~

"I wonder what that was about."

Oda takes another sip out of his glass.

"I don't know. Ori-chan never ignores me like that."

"Don't worry, the young miss will be back in half an hour or so." the bartender answers.

"What's back there?" Ango questions him.

"Nothing special. She'll return soon."

"But what is she doing?" Dazai asks.

"Ask her when she comes back. She never lies to you. That's probably why she didn't answer you. She can't lie, so not answering is the next best option when you don't want to answer." Oda explains.

"...I don't like that."

"Relax, it's not like you need to know all her business." Ango replies.


Dazai crosses his arms and pouts.

"I want her to show emotion, and be the one who causes it. But I don't want her first feeling to be rebellious. That would be a hassle."

"I think she needs to talk back to you. You put her through so much. One of these days, she'll die." Ango speaks.

Dazai drops his goofy persona and becomes dead serious.

"Her training is going very well. She won't be dying anytime soon. Plus, I would never put her in any type of danger that she couldn't handle. If she ever dies, I'll kill her killer a thousand times over."

"Well aren't you a good boyfriend." Oda simply teases.

Dazai drops his serious side and smiles at Oda.

"I'm her mentor and friend, nothing more, nothing less. She knows that."

"Yeah. You keep telling yourself that."

"What's that suppose to mean?" 

"It's obvious that you had a thing for her ever since I met you two." Ango answers.

"He had a thing for her ever since I met them." Oda replies.


"Yep. You can tell. He's very protective."

"I think you two are reading our relationship wrong. We're close, yes. But that's because we're friends. Plus, again, I'm her mentor."

"So when did you first fall for her?" Oda asks, ignoring what Dazai said.

"I didn't. But if you want to know when we first met, well, that's a secret."

Dazai smiles to himself as he recalls that night.

"Must be something if it's a secret." Ango speaks.

"Not really. I just want that to stay between us. Though...I'm glad I've found her. She keeps my head clear when I stress out. She keeps things entertaining and supports me. She's smart, makes clear decisions, and she's a fast learner..."

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