Ch.37 Goodbye Friends

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"Hurry, Shiori!"

"Yes, Dazai-san."

Dazai and I rush to the location where Mimic's base was. We were at some fancy old building. Dazai and I rush inside and to the third floor. There were dead bodies everywhere we looked. But we didn't focus on that. We had to find our friend.

Dazai and I reach the top floor and enter a huge emtpy room. Lying in the middle were two bodies, the Mimic's leader...and Odasaku.

"Odasaku!" Dazai shouts.

Dazai and I sprint through the room. Dazai ignores his coat as it flies off his shoulders. Our mind were focus on our friend.

We fell to Odasaku's side. Dazai sits him up a bit to have him face us. As Dazai takes his hand away, he was startled by how soaked it was from blood. He clenches his fist tightly.

"Odasaku, you're so stupid... So incredibly stupid!"

"Yeah..." Odasaku weakly respondes.

"How could you let that man rope you into his game?"

"...Dazai... There's something...I want to tell you..."

"Stop! We can still save you... No! We will save you! So, please! Don't talk like that-"


Odasaku grabs Dazai by the hair. He struggles as he speaks in a low tone. Dazai is shocked by his intensity. He obeys and stays silent.

"You told me... You might find a reason to live by exisitng in a world of violence and bloodshed..."

"Yes, I did... I did, but that's not what's important right-"

"It'll never happen..."


"You should already know this by now, but... It doesn't matter whether you're killing people or saving them... You'll never encounter something that'll exceed your expectations. That loneliness. That hole inside of you... There's nothing in this world that can fill it. You'll be lost, wandering in the darkness for eternity..."

Odasaku looks at me.

"Well...I can't say there's completely nothing..."

He takes my hand as tears run down my cheeks. He puts my hand in Dazai's and weakly smiles.

"You have your futrue wife, after all."

Dazai and I look at each other before facing Odasaku again.

"This is hardly the time for jokes..." Dazai quietly speaks.

"Who said I was joking...? I meant what I said... Shiori is the only woman for you..."

After a long silence, Dazai was finally able to force some words out.

"Odasaku... What am I supposed to do? ...What are we supposed to do?"

"...Join the other side and save people... Both you and Shiori. If the two truly are the same...become a decent man. Fight for the weak. Protect the children who have lost their parents... You may think justice and evil are two sides of the same coin... But that way, you two will be on the side that's slightly more admirable."

"...How can you be so sure?"

"I just know. I know better than anyone else. I am... A friend to both of you, after all..."

"...Understood. We will..."

"...I promise we will, Odasaku-san..."

"...Humans help themselves...huh? Yeah... That's exactly...right..."

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