Ch.36 Boss's True Goal

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~~~~Third Person P.O.V.~~~~

Through the large office window is Yokohama, covered in the evening twilight. The rain from earlier seemed to have settled down a few hours ago. Sitting before the view is Mori Ougai, the boss of the Port Mafia.

The door to his office opens. Mori shifts his gaze towards the young man and little girl walking in his direction.

~~~~Shiori's P.O.V.~~~~

"Ah, Dazai-kun. Shiori-chan. To think you two would be the ones seeking me out. A rare sight indeed."


Ignoring Mori's comment, Dazai speaks.

"I'd like your permission to put together a team of supernatural ability users so we can back up Odasaku."

"Fine by me. You have my approval. But first, would you mind telling me the reason why?"

Dazai keeps his emotionless expression while answering the question.

"Currently, he's performing a reconnaissance-in-force operation solo. At this rate, we could end up losing one of our most valuable supernatural ability users."

"I understand. However, I don't believe Oda wants any support. That's worth thinking about, isn't it?"

Mori looks at us from the corner of his eye.

"Dazai-kun... As head of an organization, you are both the leader, as well as a servant. Sometimes, to assure the continued existence of that organization, you must happily accept that you will commit atrocious, cold-blooded acts."

As he speaks, Mori pulls out an envelope and gazes upon it. Dazai nonchalantly takes a glance. Not a second later, a gasp accompanies his shocked expression.


Dazai face turns back into an emotionless one.

"I see... So that's what this is about..." he forces his words out.

He turns his back towards Mori.

"Mind telling me where you think you're going?"

"To Odasaku."

Attempting to leave, Dazai finds mafia members, holding automatic rifles, standing in front of the door. They take aim at him as I pull my gun out and aim at them. Still, Dazai's unfazed. He simply stands there, eyes void of emotion, staring down the barrel of their guns. Mori smiles.

"We're not done yet, Dazai-kun."


"Yes, you are."

Mori directs his smile to me as I look up at him with no emotion in my face as well.

"Shiori-chan, you've never talked like that before."

"The problem is?"

"...I don't like it."

The one guy moves his aim from Dazai to me. I move my aim from them to Mori. Alarmed, both men aim at me, ready to shoot in an instant if they have to. This doesn't faze me however. I'm prepared to die if I have to.

"You're pointing that at me?"

"...You started it by threating Dazai-san."

"Right. You're his loyal guard dog. You're just defending your master, like a good pet would."

"She's not a pet." Dazai suddenly speaks up. "Anyway, I'd been wondering for a while."

He refaces Mori.

"The Port Mafia, Mimic, the soldiers in black... No. I suppose I should call them the Supernatural Ability Special Investigation Division. I wondered who could be pulling the strings and pushing these three organizations into conflict with each other..."

"A bold yet delicately painted portrait. And it was painted by you." I add.

"That's how valuable that black envelope is..." Dazai continues. "For no matter how much power the Port Mafia holds, if we were to get on the bad side of the Special Investigation Division, a government agency... We'd be perpetually in fear of a possible crackdown."

Dazai moves closer to Mori and takes the envelope. Mori doesn't bother to stop him. He just sits with his eyes closed, smiling.

"So you presented a deal that would force their hand and help you obtain this document. You offered to destroy Mimic so they'd give it to you."

Dazai opens the envelope. Laying inside was a certificate. Mori flashes an even bigger smile as Dazai shows him the document.

"The piece of paper that gives a supernatural ability organization permission to carry out business. The Supernatural Organization Permit."


"Boss... The one behind the scenes helping them sneak into the country was you. You invited an enemy organization to Yokohama to force the Special Investigation Division's hand. You held their feet to the fire."

"That is correct."

After listening to Dazai talk for a while, Mori suddenly starts talking.

"And because I did that, we were able to obtain this permit. If you really think about it, that's basically approval from the government to carry out illegal activity. What's more, Oda is risking his life to dispose of a wild and dangerous menace for us. This is a tremendous victory..."

Mori's smiles falls.

"And yet...I don't quite understand... What could you possibly be so upset about?"

"Odaskau was looking after those orphans... And you leaked their existence to Mimic..."

"Those orphans took care of me when I was sick and weak..." I quietly add.

"...You knew Odasaku was the only supernatural ability user who could stand up to their leader." Dazai continues in a quiet voice as well. "You had to find a way to make him fight..."

Having finished talking, Dazai turns his back to Mori, once again, and begins to walk. I put my gun away and follow him.

"Dazai-kun. Stay put. You will not leave this room. Besides..."

The men still had their aim on us.

"Logically speaking, is there truly a reason for you to go to him?"

"...There are two things I'd like to say to you, Boss. First... You will not shoot me or Shiori. Neither will you order your men to do so."

"What would make you think that?"

"There's nothing to be gained by doing so."

"...I don't think there's any benefit to disobeying my command so you can join up with Oda, but here we are."

"That's the second thing, Boss. For sure, we'd personally gain nothing. There is only one reason for us to go..."

Dazai looks at Mori once more.

"He's our friend."

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