Ch.10 The G.S.S.

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Dazai got bored walking up the stairs about half way. So he was currently skipping on the railings leading up.

"Is this the place we're supposed to be?" Chuuya asks.

"Sorry, but if stupid questions are just going to keep coming out of your mouth, you should just keep it shut."

"I swear, I'll rip your head right off your shoulders, you suicidal maniac." Chuuya growls. "So then this is the place then?"

Dazai sighs as he continues to skip.

"Idiot." he mumbles under his breath.

But Chuuya still heard it.

"You jerk!"

While shouting, Chuuya jumps up and tries to kick Dazai, but he misses

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While shouting, Chuuya jumps up and tries to kick Dazai, but he misses. Dazai lands on his feet while Chuuya lands back on the ground.

"Yes. We're going to investigate here." Dazai simply spoke. "We're interviewing people who were closest to the explosion."

"What explosion?" Chuuya questioned.

"A week ago, there was an explosion similar to the one we experienced. It happened nearby. The previous boss wasn't sighted there, but the cause is likely the same as what we're investigating. We're going to talk to a survivor of the explosion."

"By saying survivor, you're implying that there were casualties."

"Yep. A handful of the Port Mafia members you so despise."

Chuuya looks towards the mansion as Dazai continued.

"The survivor is an ability user. You actually already met this person."

I look at the mansion and tilt my head. Something is wrong.


He turns his head towards me.

"What is it, Ori-chan?"

"The doesn't feel right."

Having finish my sentence, the mansion suddenly explodes and burst into flames.

"Oh my, your intuition is amazing Ori-chan. The culprit must have gotten to them already."

"Just shut up and move!" Chuuya orders.

He suddenly starts racing towards the house. Dazai hops down and quickly follows us.

 Dazai hops down and quickly follows us

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