Ch.3 The Boss

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"Right this way."


I follow Dazai onto a well-guared elevator. Once on, we ride it to the top. I'm currently in the Port Mafia's headquarters. Dazai said I have to meet the boss to really decidey fate. So that's who we're currently going to see.

"Are you nervous?"

I look towards Dazai.


"Of course you're not."

He looks forward again, ignoring me. I face forward and wait. After another two of three minutes, we finally arrive.

The doors open to reveal a large, spacious, room. It was dark in here. The only light was from the moon, that was shining through the left wall, that is made-up of large windows. At the end of the room was a large desk. Someone sat there, watching us through the dark.

"Boss, I brought you someone to meet."

Dazai walks up to the desk. I follow right behind him. I can see the man much clearer now. This man had to be in his forties. He's fairly tall and has a slender physique. His gaze seems tired, yet composed, and his eyes were red. He has medium black hair that is swept back, leaving only two bangs to the front on each side.

His attire consists of white gloves on his hands, a long, black trench coat, with a long red scarf. They were over a dark open suit with a white buttoned shirt, with a striped tie, and black pants. He also had black boots.

The man looks up at me and smiles.

"Hello, dear. And who might you be?"

"I'm Shiori. I'm 10 years old and abandoned. I can't read and I feel nothing."

"Oh my..."

"I want her to join us." Dazai speaks up.

"Oh really? How can she be useful to us?"

"She has no emotion and feels nothing. Her judgement won't be cloudy if she were to become as assassin or interrogate our prisoners. She can also be used as a pawn, ready to be thrown away anytime you want."

"You're really building her case here. Do you have a crush on her?" his boss teases.

"No. She's interesting. I want her to stay."

"Do you have an ability, my dear?"

"Yes, it's called 'Darkness Within'. "

"Can you tell me about it?"

"I can turn people's worse fear into a living nightmare. They stay trapped until I stop it or they do."

"They do?"

"The only way for them to stop it, is if they commit suicide. Or sometimes, they'll go crazy and kill others. Then I would have to kill them. But even then, my ability could keep going after death if I so wished it."

"So you've killed before?"


"Who was your first victim?"

"My parents."


The man just coldly stares at me. Then he breaks out in laughter.

"Hahaha. You killed your parents and you feel nothing. Did you use your ability?"



"I killed see if I would feel anything. But I didn't."

"Were they good parents?"

"No... They abandoned me when I was five. I had to track them down to kill them."

"When did you kill them?"

"When I was seven. So...three years ago."

"A seven year old tracking her parents down and killing them, impressive. Can I ask you how you did it?"

"I...just knew where to look. I can't really explain."

"I see. What did you use to kill them?"


I took a small hunting knife out of my pocket and show him. The man looks it over.

"Impressive, for should a young girl."

The man smiles as he stands and walks around his desk. He crouches down to my level and takes my hands in his.

"Tell me, Shiori-chan, are you afraid of dying at any moment?"


"Excellent. You'll be working under Dazai."


"My name is Ougai Mori, by the way. It's a pleasure to have you."

I nod my head. Mori looks at Dazai.

"You take very good care of this one. Teach her everything you know. I can see why you took an interest in her."

"Yes, Boss."

So that night was how my life on the streets turned into something more. Time went by, I would get better and better at the skills my mentor taught me. My mentor also happened to become two-faced. He's goofy with his friends and serious and tough around others. I never understood it.

But with me...he's something in between. Plus, there's something else. It's like...the two of us are closer then anyone else. In a way...more then friends, and teacher and student. I don't know really. I don't understand or feel emotions.

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