Ch.8 Lost In A Book

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"Oi, tell me where the hell we're going." Chuuya demands to know as he walked besides me.

The three of us were currently walking through Yokohama.

"Dazai-san said we should start here. So that's what we're doing." I simply explain.

"Where is "here"?! Wait. I thought you were in charge?"

"You clearly don't think do you?" Dazai asks as he led us.

"Shut up!"

"Dazai-san is the only person I listen to. Boss said I was in charge. But I'm only listening to Boss because Dazai-san ordered it. In other words, Dazai-san is the one really in charge."

"And don't you forget it." Dazai adds.

"You must be proud of your loopholes." Chuuya sarcastically says.

"Very much."

"...You can at least pretend to disagree."

I was currently reading the book Mori let me borrow as we walked. I stop in my tracks as I try to figure out a word.

"Aren't you coming?" Chuuya questioned me.

"I can't read this word."

"So you really are learning, huh?"

"Yes. Dazai-san, do you know it?"

"We don't have time for that right now. Let's keep moving. I'll help you later."

"...Yes, Dazai-san."

"Dammit. You don't have to listen to that jerk! You're your own person, not his pet."

I face Chuuya.

"But, Dazai-san said I'm his pet. So I'm his pet."

"...I can't believe you'll do anything he says. He'll get you killed one day."

Dazai suddenly stops in his tracks, making Chuuya walking into his back.

"Hey! What's the big deal?!"

Dazai slowly turn to face Chuuya with a serious cold look in his eye. His voice was low and clear as he spoke.

"I would never put her in harms way."


Chuuya wasn't phased by Dazai's mood. He simply walks back to me.

"Let me see that book. What word is it?"

I give him the book and point to the word.


"I understand."

"Do you really? What does it mean?"

"...I don't know."

"It means not having any burden or impediment."

"Oh?...What does impediment mean?"

Chuuya looks at Dazai.

"You suck at being her teacher. You'll teach her how to read, but not how to understand the words she's reading."

Dazai eyes me. He walks up to me and takes the book.

"Tell me something..." he speaks as he read a few pages. "Why are you reading such an advance book like this?"

"I just randomly picked it."

"If you want to read, read something at your level. You may be a fast learner, but sometimes you need to take it slow."

"Yes, Dazai-san."

Dazai hands me back the book. I go back to reading as we continue walking. To two were silent as we did.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

This book is very...wordy. As I read, I came across another word I couldn't read.


I look up to find both boys gone.

"Dazai-san? Mr. Brat?"

I couldn't see them in the crowded streets. I think I was paying too much attention on the book and lost them.

I blink a few times before sitting right on the ground. I open the book and start reading it again. The people around me walked by me with confused faces. They didn't understand way a little girl was sitting in the middle of the sidewalk, reading.


I look up to find three boys. They looked like dirty delinquents. They had to be around my mentor's age or so. The middle boy was the one speaking to me.


"What are you doing on our street?"

I tilt my head to the side.

"You own this street?"

"Yeah! So get up and move."

"I can not. Dazai-san said if I ever get lost, I should stand in place. I'll move once he gets here."

The leader of that little group kicks the book out of my hands.

"That belongs to Boss. I promised to return it just the way I found it."

"Move! Stupid little girl! Who sits in the middle of the sidewalk anyways?!"

I look forward, towards the street, while ignoring them. I must wait for Dazai.


I suddenly feel an impact on the right side of my ribs. The leader kicked me. I ignore the pain and try to sit up, too only have the boy kick me again.

"I see now... The way your acting... You're members of the Sheep. But, why are you attacking me? I'm a kid too."

"I saw you yesterday in Suribachi City! You're with the Port Mafia! Your people took some of our friends as hostages! And then you and that boy took our leader!"

I earn another kick to the gut. I lay on the ground as the pain builds up. But I still don't feel anything. Not mad, not scared...nothing.

"Since the Port Mafia is taking hostages, we're taking you in."

"Why? No one in the Port Mafia truly cares about me. I'm nothing more then a pet."

"When the explosion happened, there was a boy who was protecting you. I wonder how he'll feel about you being kidnapped." the boy smirks.

I look up at him.

"I'm Dazai-san's pet. If he so wished it, he could throw me away and get a new one."

"Little brat!"

He stomped my head into the ground.

"You're coming with us."

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