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hey! If you see this and you enjoy the story please follow my edit account on instagram! I post some annie related edits and I just wanted to let y'all know that I do that lol. But it's @ ohlcvelyx

Annie knew two things about high school:
1. It was supposed to be the best years of one's life
2. It was supposed to be the worst years of one's life

She didn't care much about the actual school part. She did well, got through her classes enough to stay in basketball and that was all that mattered. Not making friends, not finding a boyfriend, not even becoming one of the smartest people in school.

She breathed basketball, woke up and went to sleep thinking about it. She had a pair of lucky basketball shorts that she wore to every game. She really loved it, cause basketball was the one time where she felt the most connected to her brother. (A/N: pretend Caleb mainly played basketball rather than baseball)

So this was her mindset starting high school. She kept her head low, paid attention in class, and worked with people when she had to. Every one knew that she kept to herself, when her eyes weren't looking at the ground, they were glaring at anyone who wanted to come close.

She didn't do it to be mean, she did it to keep everyone at arms length. She couldn't bear to lose anyone like she lost Caleb. Not again.

The school year went fine, until basketball tryouts. Annie had gone on jogs for three weeks before, shot from every angle and length possible. She worked hard.

In every aspect of tryouts, Annie pulled out on top. Coach Ramos was impressed by the girl, there was something about her. It was more than just a wish to be on the team, it was as if she was immersing herself into everything she did. She didn't do it to get by, she did it because she enjoyed it and wanted to get better.

It was this thought that spurred him on to offer her a chance to be on a summer travel team. He saw her potential, she was almost there but she needed more than just their practices to go bigger. "I will get you on a travel team if you get to a certain level. I can't work with you outside of our practices to help you more, but I know someone who can."

The girl was bouncing on her toes even as he said it, she nodded quickly when he finished. "You're gonna work with Asher Angel after practice everyday." The girl's brows rose in recognition of the name, the sophomore captain of the varsity basketball team. Even he was an abnormality, but Coach Ramos suspected Annie was too.

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