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The Angels were at the LeBlancs for dinner. It was planned a week in advance, and Annie couldn't lie by saying she wasn't a tad nervous.

But the moment the doorbell rang and she opened the door, all the nerves slipped away. Asher leaned in and wrapped his arms around her, earning a yuck sound from his brother. Annie grinned into his shoulder, before pushing him away lightly and inviting the family inside.

London and Avi immediately met Hayley, and got on. Annie was thankful, but she was even more thankful that even though she pushed him away, Asher wrapped his arm around her back. She returned the gesture as they followed his parents into the kitchen.

Madre introduced herself, warming up quickly. Annie and Asher took that as their cue to slip away. They were just in the hall, where they could hear their parents laughing about the kids and the kids making a fool of themselves with the dogs.

"Hi." Annie smiled at Asher, leaning against the wall and he leaned against the one in front of her. "I didn't think we had a proper greeting back there."

Asher smiled at her like he was lucky to have her. "I don't know, a hug seems like a decent hello to me." Asher stood up straight and took a few steps closer to her. "Hi." The way he said it, like she had knocked the breath of him made her heart jump.

Annie lifted her chin to look at him better. "You were right. I shouldn't have worried that our families wouldn't get along." Asher nodded thoughtfully. He took another step closer, putting his hands on her hips.

"I missed you." Annie closed her eyes, trying to engrain the words in her head as he said them.

"We saw each other yesterday." Annie joked but she knew what he meant. "I missed you too." She eventually whispered.

Asher brought one of his hands up to her cheek and smiled when she leaned into it. "Can I kiss you?" He asked and Annie nodded.

The kiss was different from the other times. They had been light, but meaningful. As Asher leaned down, Annie knew this one was going to be different. It was harder, and longer, and it took the breath of out Annie. It made her feel wanted, needed. She loved it.

Even as she was breathless when he pulled away. "I have to tell you something—" Asher broke out. Annie could barely stop the pounding of her heart before he said the rest. "My family is going to Arizona for christmas. We're leaving the half day before school fully gets out and we aren't coming back til new years."

Annie stared at him for a few more moments. His eyebrows were up in the middle, and his eyes were sad, as if he was missing her with him right in front of her. "Then every moment now matters, right?" Annie brought a small smile to her face as she said. "Let's enjoy this one."

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