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wowza so I just saw all the comments and thank you all so much! I've been busy with school lately but hopefully this is a good chapter.

Annie wasn't sure what she was more excited for: hanging out with Asher, or hanging out with her new friends. She decided on the latter because they were so funny and she didn't have to worry about feelings with them.

At least she knew if she and Asher didn't work, she'd have friends of her own to support her.

Annie road with her family back but Asher drove behind to wait for Annie to get ready. Hayley welcomed Asher inside and introduced him to all of the dogs, which was really cute.

Annie could hear their laughter as she went to her room. About two seconds before she got into the shower, she realized something. Asher was here... with her family. Lord knows they'd show him her fighting that chair if she leaves him alone long enough.

So she took the quickest shower known to man, didn't even wash her hair. She pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans and a white cropped sweatshirt. She rushed her makeup, she doesn't even wear much.

By the time she ran out of her room holding her shoes in her hands, she could hear the sounds of said video. Annie ran faster than before and slammed the computer screen down as they were all laughing. "Awh no Annie why'd you do that?" Hayley asked teasingly and Annie stuck her tongue out at her.

"We don't discuss that video." She told Asher and watched as he (while still laughing) nodded. Annie grabbed the computer and put it away before going to sit on the couch to put on her shoes.

These shoes had a slight heel to them so when Annie stood up, she was a little taller on Asher than before. To emphasize this, she walked up to him and grinned while moving up and down on her tip toes. Annie started to lose balance and let her foot fall behind her but not before she felt Asher steady her with two hands on her hips.

She could kind of feel the tips of his fingers on her waist. Annie looked up for a half second to see Asher wink at her. Annie shoved him with a laugh and began walking to the door.

Asher handed her his phone for music and Annie grinned. She was looking through his spotify for an artist recognized and was about to click on it when a notification popped up.

Peyton : Why aren't you answering me? Asher please. Jack isn't responding to me either.

Annie hesitated but eventually clicked Let Me Down Slowly by Alec Benjamin and set his phone in the middle console. Peyton must be really trying to get Asher back. How was Annie supposed to compete? Peyton was quirky and nice and strong-willed, Annie wasn't even nice half the time.

Annie lightly sang the lyrics as the song continued and was so wrapped up in her head, she didn't realize Asher was singing too. His voice was beautiful. The sight squeezed Annie's heart.

... she really wanted to hang out with Lilia right now.

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