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Annie and Asher had not talked about the kiss. It's been two weeks, and it's all Annie can think about.

This wasn't supposed to happen. Annie was doing so well hating people and all. Then Asher showed up and proved to be so perfect she couldn't help but like him. But it was more than his personality or looks.

She felt it even more now that they were added in the mix.

The school decided on a half day to let the students watch a movie in the gym on the floor and in the bleachers. The upperclassmen weren't there.

Annie was sitting the farthest away from people, her feet out in front of her as she mindlessly watched the movie and thought about what was happening to her life. She also found herself looking around. There were a group of girls she used to be friends with that were whispering and laughing. There was Peyton and Asher's best friend sitting very close and holding hands.

And in the middle of everyone on the floor was Asher. He was with his basketball friends and Annie could tell they not only respected him but liked him. Asher was animatedly whispering with a bright smile that showed his dimples and they seemed to be hanging on his every word.

That'd never be Annie. She'd never fit in with his friends, but why should she want to? Annie reminded herself. She didn't want friends, she wanted basketball and to graduate.

Annie was so lost in this thought that she didn't realize Asher caught her staring until he was starting to get up and make his way to her.




Asher climbed around people on the bleachers and sat on the row above her and leaned down towards her. "Hi." He finally said, glancing at his basketball friends who were sniggering.

Annie felt her heart constrict. "Hi." She echoed. She could hear it now, the sound of her heart in her ears. "Your friends seem to find it very amusing that you came to speak with me." She said after a moment.

They both turned to his friends, who were staring intently and turned their heads so quick to pretend they weren't. Annie noticed someone see this, someone who followed the eyes to the pair, someone who seemed to move away from her boyfriend at the sight.

"They're idiots, they laugh at everything."

Annie smiled. "Well I sure hope not everything. If I told them that my fish died would they laugh?" She tried to sound awfully serious, but Asher only seemed to lighten up at the idea of Annie talking to his friends.

"Did your fish actually die?"

"Yep, his name was toilet flush." Annie held her face still before she began laughing and so did Asher. "I don't have a fish. I have dogs."

"Hm I don't think they'd laugh at that, it sounds very heartbreaking. Rest in peace toilet flush." Annie began laughing even harder. "I don't think I've ever heard you laugh before this."

Annie held her breath. "Not many people do. My dogs do. My family do."

Asher smiled at her. "It's going to be my goal every time I see you from on to get you to laugh. Be ready."

"Oh I'm so afraid."

"You should be." Asher's face twisted into a grin. "Cause if I can't get it from you through jokes, I'll just have to try other ways. Like tickling."

Annie's humor dropped. "You wouldn't."

Asher's dimples deepened. "You have no idea what I would do to make you the least bit happier." He finally said and stood up, leaving.

Just a Game | ASHANNIE | ✓Where stories live. Discover now