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A/N: so I was asked to make a sequel for this. I thought of a better idea. A parallel universe to this one, where Asher and Caleb had grown up as best friends. Asher moved away before Caleb had died, and Annie found solace in one friendship rather than basketball and became another person entirely. Would she and Asher still get together? Hopefully it gets good feedback because I really liked making the cover of it and it'd be a waste of a cover if it wasn't taken well.

also as for the last few chapters, I'm gonna wrap up christmas on a good ending, and in the last chapter there will be future married Annie and Asher so get excited for that.


By the time Annie was out of surgery, Asher had found the biggest flowers he could and had them ready on her side table for when she woke up. He'd considered getting her multiple bouquets, but then thought it might overwhelm her.

Paige was there before Annie woke up as well. From what he could tell, Paige liked him. Anthem loved him though. He held her for half an hour, and they just stared at each other for half of that. Other times he was trying to make the young child smile successfully.

Once Annie woke up, Asher had walked over with her still in his arms. Annie's heartbeat had sped up at the sight, almost as if that were her baby and he the father. Asher calling her name was the only thing that carried her out of her stupor.

"Can I hold her?" Annie turned to Paige who nodded enthusiastically. Asher leaned down to slide her into Annie's arms.

Annie in her hospital a hospital bed holding a baby looked an awful like a mother fresh out of labor. Asher had gone into shock for a few seconds too. But it only reaffirmed his beliefs. She was the one.

Annie stared lovingly down at child, cooing at her. "You're my new favorite person." Annie said to her in her baby voice. Asher jokingly looked offended.

"You should've told me more about your boyfriend Annie." Paige teased. "He's such a sweet boy."

"You needed to meet him," Annie defended herself. "Or else you wouldn't have believed me." She teased right back.

"For a good reason." Paige threw back. "But God blessed you." Asher didn't know if Paige was talking about him or Annie. Maybe both, if they were so lucky to have met each other.

"He did." Annie was still looking down at Anthem, but her eyes were softer with love now, her smile content.

"This is going to be a good Christmas." Annie affirmed after a few moments.

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